healthy hip joint and one affected by dysplasia
Hip dysplasia in children: how the disease is diagnosed and treated
From this article you will learn about the disease hip dysplasia in children (CHD), which
inhalation for cough in children
Inhalation with a nebulizer with saline solution for dry and wet cough
Inhalations for coughs in children complement the main treatment of colds and allergic respiratory diseases.
What is reactive arthritis and what is its danger?
Reactive arthritis is a non-infectious inflammation affecting the joints after an extra-articular infection: urogenital, nasopharyngeal, intestinal,
Dandelion roots
Medicinal properties of dandelion root. What is useful for women, recipes, use in folk medicine, contraindications
For the treatment and prevention of diseases, not only medications are used, but also various drugs.
Bronchiectasis - dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles
Timely treatment of bronchiectasis will protect you from complications
Bronchiectasis is a pathological condition that is irreversible and is characterized by dilation of the bronchi and
Skin biopsy: when indicated, methods and procedure, after the procedure
Why do you need a biopsy test? Diagnostics helps determine the scope of upcoming operations, the nature and nature of
Intestinal flu - symptoms and treatment, drugs, prevention
A very dangerous disease, intestinal flu in adults: symptoms and treatment can affect every person
Types of gallstones
Gallstone disease: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
Gallstone disease (abbreviated as cholelithiasis) develops as a result of the formation of stones in the gallbladder. The disease is capable
Marsh cinquefoil - useful properties and applications
Tincture for joints is one of the most popular ways to use this plant, although treatment
How and with what to treat bronchitis in a child? Effective treatment of bronchitis
Advertisement The child is coughing, his nose is not breathing, and he has a high fever. He could catch a cold
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