How to distinguish gastritis by symptoms from pancreatitis

Gastritis is a common stomach disease, affecting 95% of people. The main reason is poor nutrition, spicy, fatty, hot foods, snacks. Pathology, as a rule. begins in adolescence. Gastritis is a disorder of the gastric mucosa; obvious symptoms are heartburn, nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and dull pain. There are two types of disease: acute and chronic. Doctors say that it is easier to protect yourself from the disease in time; it will take years of treatment to cope with the disease.

Pancreatitis is a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas. The first sign of the disease is vomiting and the formation of an aversion to fatty, spicy foods. Then such products stop being absorbed and come out. Nausea is common, but it is vomiting that indicates the severity of the disease. The second sign is an intestinal disorder that is unable to digest foods, resulting in diarrhea. The third sign is pain in the abdomen, localized in the left hypochondrium.

Chronic gastritis and pancreatitis

Unfavorable environmental conditions, constant stress, improperly organized nutrition - all this provokes the appearance of various gastrointestinal diseases.
Every year the incidence of this disease only increases, and very often the disease becomes chronic. This can be avoided if you do not ignore emerging symptoms and do not self-medicate, but promptly seek help from specialists. The most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, intestinal dysbiosis

The most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, and intestinal dysbiosis.

The main causes of the occurrence and development of gastrointestinal diseases are:

  • unbalanced and irregular nutrition;
  • frequent overeating or low-calorie diets;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • frequent stress and depression;
  • bad ecology.

What should be in the diet

The menu should include as many vegetable products as possible . Potato, carrot, pumpkin, squash, and cucumber dishes should form the basis of your diet. From fruits you can eat apples, pears, from berries - currants, raspberries, and bananas. It is advisable to choose sweet fruits; they should not be sour or unripe. Apples and pears are best consumed baked. If fruits are consumed in their pure form, they are best eaten an hour or an hour and a half before the main meal or used as snacks.

Cereals should be included in the diet in large quantities, as they contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and macro- and microelements necessary for the body.

Soups should be consumed every day. They should be made from vegetables with the addition of rice or durum pasta. Vegetable pieces should not be large. It is best to grate them, and then grind the entire soup in a blender. Recipes for soups can be found on the Internet or in special information for patients with gastritis.

Fish products and meat can be included in the menu if they are low-fat types. The fish can belong to the varieties of cod, hake, pike perch, etc. Fish is best eaten boiled. Meat should not be fatty varieties. It is better to eat turkey, chicken, or maximum veal.

Drinks should not be strong, sweet or carbonated. It is best to use medicinal plants that have a healing and disinfectant effect. You can take a pancreatic herbal mixture.

It is necessary to treat gastritis with Pancreatin correctly with good nutrition. This will allow you to achieve results in a short time.

Etiology of parallel development of diseases

Pancreatitis and gastritis develop due to an unbalanced diet, frequent stress, infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, and alcohol abuse. Pathologies do not occur simultaneously; symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach appear first. If treated incorrectly or if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, the disease becomes chronic, manifests itself as periodic exacerbations or proceeds latently.

In the affected stomach with gastritis, acidity increases; the organ cannot fully process incoming food, which then enters the duodenum.

The pancreas works in enhanced mode to break down rotting foods and actively produces digestive enzymes. As a result, pancreatitis develops in acute or chronic form.

The etiology of gastritis in the antrum of the stomach is characterized by damage to the lower part of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which produces the hormone gastrin. The disease is characterized by a recurrent course with a gradual increase in degenerative-dystrophic changes in tissues, which leads to difficulty digesting foods and provokes the development of acute or chronic pancreatitis.

Gastritis and pancreatitis are classified as gastrointestinal diseases. The symptoms are similar, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease. It’s really bad if both diseases start at the same time. This creates difficulties in both diagnosis and treatment. The pathological process of gastritis and developing pancreatitis differs in clinical picture.

Factors of inflammation of the gastric mucosa:

  • infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • duodenogastric reflex;
  • alcohol, long-term medication use;
  • autoimmune lesion.

Factors provoking the development of pancreatitis:

  • mechanical, arising from the passage of enzymes through the channels of the gland ducts;
  • neurohumoral disturbances: difficulties in the production of enzymes and hormones;
  • pancreas intoxication.

Despite the similarity of symptoms, the diseases have differences. Difference in pain location:

  • Gastritis pain occurs in the upper abdomen, in the solar plexus area. It has a dull, aching character, causes spasms, provokes colic;
  • pain with pancreatitis is more prolonged, intense, often girdling, radiating under the left shoulder blade;
  • painful localization upon palpation just above the navel;
  • gastritis pain starts immediately after eating, as a result of a diet violation; manifestations of diet violations in pancreatitis are not so hasty. Painful sensations may occur after some time; even a day may pass after drinking alcohol;
  • vomiting immediately brings relief from gastritis;
  • vomiting with pancreatitis shakes the body without relief.

The ailments differ little in terms of other symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • belching;
  • bloating, rumbling intestines;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea in stool.

Only a doctor can identify illnesses that often accompany each other based on such general symptoms. To complete the diagnosis, he prescribes clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

To clarify the patient’s diagnosis, various blood, stool, and urine tests are prescribed. They allow you to analyze signs of inflammation, the amount of lipase, amylase. The most popular hardware inspections:

  • endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract, if necessary, then with a biopsy;
  • differentiation of acute pancreatitis from other ailments requires laparoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneal organs.

Acute pancreatitis is dangerous due to its complications, which tend to develop reactively. Therefore, its diagnosis and treatment is the path to saving the patient.

How are they connected?

The mechanism of development of gastritis, which subsequently turns into pancreatitis, is quite simple. First, for various reasons, a person develops an acute form of gastritis, which affects the gastric mucosa. If timely detection and proper treatment of this disease is not carried out, then gastritis becomes chronic, which is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and quiescence.

Due to the latent nature of the disease, the patient ignores the manifestation of some symptoms and is not treated. Meanwhile, the disease progresses. The stomach partially loses its functionality, its acidity increases and the digestion process is disrupted. Poorly processed food from the stomach enters the duodenum. Here it is processed by pancreatic enzymes, which the gland begins to produce in enhanced mode.

Partially rotting food can be thrown into this organ, causing inflammation. This is how pancreatitis forms.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are usually accompanied by pain in the abdomen, so-called abdominal pain. Its cause is usually spasms due to excessive activity of the biliary tract and intestines. Although it should not be ruled out that treatment of pancreatitis in adults or therapy for Helicobacter pylori, an infection that causes the formation of duodenal and stomach ulcers, may be required.

It must be said that most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not only characterized by similar symptoms, but are also capable of provoking the development of each other. For example:

  • pancreatitis and cholecystitis are frequent companions;
  • if an exacerbation of gastritis is not treated in a timely manner, this can provoke the development of a stomach ulcer;
  • helicobacter pylori treatment must be carried out, otherwise the process of ulcer formation in the duodenum or stomach will begin;
  • Failure to promptly treat dysbacteriosis in adults provokes the development of intestinal infections that are dangerous not only to health, but also to human life.

If symptoms of gastrointestinal tract diseases appear, you must immediately seek advice from a gastroenterologist, undergo the necessary examinations, and after a diagnosis has been established, follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

The State Research Center for Preventive Medicine, equipped with the most modern equipment, employs leading experts in this field - they will provide any type of medical services and qualified assistance.

Inflammation of the pancreas as a separate isolated process practically does not occur; the gland is always involved in pathological processes in any disease, especially the digestive system

The functioning of the pancreas is directly influenced by a person’s lifestyle and the food they eat. To digest proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, the gland produces the appropriate enzymes - trypsin for proteins, lipase for fats.

Therefore, excessive consumption of harmful foods, alcohol, and medications leads to the fact that the outflow of pancreatic juice slows down, stops and remains in the tissues of the gland itself or in the ducts, without reaching the duodenum. The digestion process is disrupted and an inflammatory process develops - acute pancreatitis, the causes of which can be overeating, poisoning, or injury.

Inflammation of the pancreas as a separate isolated process practically does not occur; the gland is always involved in pathological processes in any disease, especially the digestive system. Moreover, the condition of the pancreas itself is very difficult to determine, since this small organ is located quite deep for diagnosis.

So, the following factors, recognized by all experts, are considered to be the causes of inflammation:

  • diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract, since bile promotes an increased release of pancreatic enzymes, which themselves damage it. At the same time, blood vessels are also affected, creating severe tissue swelling and further hemorrhages;
  • diseases of the stomach, duodenum: gastritis, stomach ulcer, weakened motor function or inflammation of the duodenum. The outflow of bile and pancreatic secretions is disrupted. That is, again the gland is damaged by its own enzymes stagnant in the ducts;
  • vascular atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pregnancy. With these diseases, blood circulation in the pancreas is impaired, its nutrition is limited, which contributes to the development of pancreatitis. During pregnancy, the pressure of the uterus on the vessels also affects the development of pancreatic ischemia, so women expecting a child are at risk of developing acute pancreatitis;
  • alcohol, food, chemical poisoning with acids, alkalis, as well as intoxication resulting from helminthic infestation, even frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables loaded with pesticides and an abundance of other chemical additives in food products contribute to the activation of pancreatic enzymes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • when fat metabolism is disturbed, enzymes are also activated, and if a person has a tendency to chronic overeating, the risk of pancreatitis increases significantly, especially with the abuse of fatty, fried foods;
  • gland injuries, abdominal wounds;
  • infectious diseases;
  • There is a version about the allergic origin of some types of pancreatitis. Antibodies are often found in the blood of such patients, which indicate auto-aggression;
  • genetic disposition;
  • alcohol intake - even a single dose of alcohol in a teetotaler and an ulcer sufferer can lead to acute pancreatitis or a destructive process in the gland.

The pancreas is not a very large organ, however, it performs the most important functions in the human body.

During the period of acute pancreatitis, symptoms develop as in severe poisoning. Enzymes produced by the pancreas are retained in it or its ducts and begin to destroy the gland itself, and when they enter the blood, they cause symptoms of general intoxication.

Pain. This is the most pronounced symptom; pain with pancreatitis is usually very intense, constant, the nature of the pain is described by patients as cutting, dull. If medical care and pain relief are not provided in a timely manner, the patient may experience pain shock. The pain is localized in the pit of the stomach, hypochondrium, either on the right or on the left, depending on the location of the gland lesion; in the case when the entire organ is inflamed, the pain is girdling in nature.

High temperature, low or vice versa high pressure. With the rapid development of the inflammatory process, the patient’s well-being quickly deteriorates, the temperature may rise to high levels, and blood pressure may decrease or increase.

Complexion. With pancreatitis, the patient's facial features sharpen, at first the skin becomes pale, and gradually the complexion acquires a gray-earthy hue.

Hiccups, nausea. Pancreatitis is also characterized by symptoms such as dry mouth, hiccups, belching and nausea.

Vomit. Attacks of vomiting with bile do not bring relief to the patient. Therefore, at the beginning of the acute period, there is no talk of any food intake; fasting in the case of acute pancreatitis is the main condition for successful further treatment.

Dyspnea. Shortness of breath is also caused by loss of electrolytes through vomiting. The patient is bothered by constant shortness of breath, sticky sweat, and a thick yellow coating appears on the tongue.

Bloating. The stomach and intestines do not contract during an attack, therefore, upon examination, the doctor detects severe bloating; palpation does not detect tension in the abdominal muscles.

Blueness of the skin. Blue spots may appear around the navel or on the lower back, giving the skin a marbled tint; in the groin area, the skin color may acquire a blue-green tint. This is explained by the fact that blood from the inflamed gland can penetrate under the skin of the abdomen.

Yellowness of the sclera and skin. With the sclerosing form of pancreatitis, obstructive jaundice may occur, which appears due to compression of part of the common bile duct by compacted gland tissue.

With such symptoms of pancreatitis, a person’s condition is worsening every minute; in such cases one cannot hesitate and should call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Before the ambulance arrives, you should:

  • refuse water and food, as they can irritate the pancreas even more;
  • lie down in a horizontal position, try to relax: this way you can reduce pain;
  • apply an ice pack or a heating pad with cold water to the sore spot;
  • refuse any medications, as they only complicate the diagnosis.

Emergency assistance provided by ambulance:

  • puncture the vein, drip with saline solution,
  • antiemetic – metoclopramide (cerucal) 10 mg,
  • painkiller - ketorolac,
  • antisecretory – octreotide (sandostatin) 250 mg or quamatel (omeprazole) 40 mg.

An incorrect diet in modern society is the main reason for the development of pathological processes in the digestive system. The accelerated rhythm of life of many people does not leave the possibility of maintaining a healthy diet. Constant snacking on the run, frequent consumption of fast foods and foods with fast carbohydrates are the optimal solution for most.

Moreover, experiencing frequent stressful situations, overwork of the body and nervous tension can also contribute to the development of both gastritis and pancreatitis, the difference between which is not so great. Both pathologies can develop both in old age and in childhood. Therefore, it is very important from an early age to learn to take care of proper nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Gastritis is a pathological disorder of the inflammatory nature of the course, localized in the area of ​​the mucous membrane covering the stomach. It has two forms of flow - acute and chronic gastritis. During complications of this disease, atrophic processes in this membrane may begin to develop.

Pancreatin for stool disorders

Enzyme deficiency can change the nature of stool - causing chronic constipation or diarrhea. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude other reasons that could cause these changes.

Possible causes of constipation:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • use of fixative foods and preparations.

Diarrhea may occur due to:

  • intestinal infection;
  • food or drug poisoning;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • insufficient secretory function of the intestines and pancreas;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • taking medications that have diarrhea as a side effect.

The positive effect of using Pancreatin can be observed in case of diarrhea or constipation caused by a deficiency of its own enzymes.

Pancreatin acts on the intestines due to:

  • increasing the enzyme activity of internal organs;
  • enhancing the absorption of nutritional compounds;
  • strengthening of weak secretory function.

In any of these cases, the use of enzymes alone is not enough. They are an aid.

Enzymes are used to enhance the effect of use:

  • laxative tablets, syrups, suppositories, enemas and microenemas;
  • antidiarrheal drugs (sorbents, probiotics, antibiotics).

To eliminate diarrhea or constipation, take 2 tablets 3 times a day for 10 days.

Signs of gastritis and pancreatitis

The main symptoms of the simultaneous course of pathologies include:

  • flatulence;
  • aching pain, burning sensation in the upper abdomen;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sour belching, heartburn;
  • increase in body temperature to 37.5°;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • bowel dysfunction: constipation or frequent diarrhea;
  • general weakness, fatigue;
  • increased salivation;
  • irritability;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach after eating.

With gastritis, pancreatitis, pain is localized in the epigastric side, discomfort increases on an empty stomach or 20-30 minutes after eating. A person constantly feels tired, daytime sleepiness, and gets tired quickly. Against this background, nervousness and irritability develop.

Pain syndrome is provoked by the consumption of alcohol, fatty, fried foods. The attack is accompanied by bloating, nausea, distension and abnormal stool (usually constipation), and lasts several hours.

With a long course of gastritis and pancreatitis, the pain becomes less pronounced or completely absent, but dyspeptic disorders persist. There is weight loss, deterioration of hair and nails, dry skin, and chronic fatigue syndrome develops.


When using the drug strictly according to medical indications, side effects are observed in only 1% of patients. In some cases, this may be diarrhea, nausea, or stomach discomfort. With excessively high doses or prolonged use, hyperuricosuria may develop or uric acid in the blood plasma may increase. As for the contraindications of Pancreatin, the list here is small: hypersensitivity to the components and acute pancreatitis. During pregnancy and lactation, the doctor decides on the prescription of the drug.

Pancreatitis: course and features

Pancreatitis is a group of inflammatory diseases of the pancreas. With such inflammation, the enzymes that the pancreas produces are not released into the intestines, but remain in the affected organ, destroying it. This leads, on the one hand, to digestive disorders, and on the other, to damage to other organs by toxins that are released during the disease.

The causes of pancreatitis are numerous: alcohol abuse comes first, followed by poisoning, improper diet, viral and bacterial diseases. Pancreatitis is often found in those suffering from gallstone disease. The main symptoms of the disease in the acute phase include severe pain in the upper left abdomen, as well as uncontrollable vomiting, which does not bring relief. In the treatment of pancreatitis, a properly selected diet is of great importance.

A gentle diet helps restore pancreatic function and significantly improve the condition of patients. Proper nutrition for health For all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, proper nutrition plays a huge role. Limiting certain foods is beneficial for absolutely all diseases, so therapeutic diets for gastritis and pancreatitis have a lot in common.

Foods can be boiled or baked; fried foods should be completely excluded from the diet. For any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should give up coffee, strong tea, and strong broths. Food should be varied, but at the same time simple; you should not indulge yourself with multi-ingredient salads and complex dishes.

A list of permitted and prohibited foods for gastritis is compiled by a doctor after the diagnosis has been established. A parameter such as the acidity of gastric juice is of decisive importance. If acidity is high, then all products that can increase it even more are prohibited. If, on the contrary, the acidity of gastric juice is reduced, then products that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid are indicated.

An incorrectly selected diet will not only not improve the patient’s condition, but may also contribute to the development of the disease. This is why it is so important to consult a doctor in time, and not to self-medicate or try to prescribe a diet for yourself.

Difference between diseases

Gastritis and pancreatitis are completely different diseases. Gastritis is caused by inflammation of the stomach lining. This leads to incomplete breakdown of the products entering the stomach, and disorders of the chemical or mechanical process are recorded.

Thanks to the protective gel produced by the mucous membrane in the required volume, it helps protect the stomach walls from gastric acid enzymes. But when dangerous nutrients and toxins penetrate the organ, the helium barrier is broken, which leads to damage and pathologies.

Pancreatitis is the result of changes in the functioning of the organ. Pathology appears in the acute phase. A painful disorder of the pancreas can develop as a result of poor nutrition, namely the intake of fatty, fried foods, the penetration of toxic elements during smoking, and drinking alcohol. The progression of pancreatitis is also accompanied by:

  • gallstone pathology;
  • renal failure;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition to the fact that diseases affect different organs, the differences between gastritis and pancreatitis lie in the symptoms and consequences of the disease.

In symptoms

How does pancreatitis differ from gastritis, if you look at the symptoms of the diseases? The difference is not only in the place of pain formation and consequences, but also in the features of treatment of gastritis and pancreatitis. The correctness of a certain conclusion is important in choosing a treatment strategy.

It is important to understand that the difference between pancreatitis and gastritis is determined not by the manifestations, but by the genesis of the course. It is quite difficult to distinguish between diseases; even a doctor is not always able to determine the exact disease just by signs. Therefore, an examination is carried out.

Gastritis is a change in the lining of the stomach mucosa, obvious symptoms:

An external sign of gastritis is determined by a pale face. With exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis, the patient feels obvious manifestations of painful discomfort in the stomach area.

Pancreatitis is the result of changes in the activity of the pancreas. Manifestations of the disease are more distinct. An exacerbation is observed after drinking alcohol-containing drinks in a significant amount. Often such signs appear in the peritoneum, the syndrome is sharp and strong. After some time, the syndrome spreads throughout the peritoneum and sometimes spreads to the back.

The first signs of pancreatitis are vomiting, the formation of an aversion to fatty, fried foods. Afterwards, these products are not absorbed, leaving the outside. Unlike vomiting attacks in the presence of gastritis, pancreatic vomiting does not bring relief to the patient and has a continuous or recurring manifestation. The vomiting reflex does not go away, even with an empty stomach. Vomit contents have an admixture of bile, a green or transparent tint.

Diagnostic methods

If drug therapy and diet do not produce results, a purulent-necrotic form of pancreatitis, chronic gastritis is diagnosed, and surgery is performed. Depending on the indications, distal or subtotal resection of the affected organ, opening, and drainage of fluid formations are performed.

Folk remedies

Thyme decoction to reduce acidity

  1. two tablespoons of dry herb are poured into 0.4 ml of boiling water;
  2. cover with a lid and leave for 8 hours;
  3. then the medicine is filtered, the liquid is divided into 3 doses.

You need to drink it warm before meals, the course of treatment should be continued for at least 2 weeks.

For chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, the following remedy helps improve well-being and reduce irritation of the mucous membranes:

  1. mash 3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn berries and pour in 0.5 liters of water;
  2. put on low heat, boil for 10 minutes;
  3. then filter the liquid and add ½ teaspoon of natural honey.

You need to take the decoction 1/3 cup three times a day on an empty stomach.

The simultaneous course of gastritis and pancreatitis causes dyspeptic disorders, accompanied by acute pain in the epigastric side, and a deterioration in general well-being. Treatment is carried out by fasting, using medications and folk remedies. Patients must follow a diet for life, avoid eating heavy foods, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

In order to determine which pathological process is developing in the patient’s body, qualified specialists can prescribe the following additional diagnostic methods:

  • taking blood tests for clinical and biochemical studies,
  • Ultrasound, MRI, or CT,
  • carrying out endoscopy in combination with a biopsy, which will help to obtain information about the condition of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • in some cases, laparoscopic diagnosis may be necessary to determine the acute form of pancreatic disease.

It is important to remember that the course of acute pancreatitis is often a surgical emergency that can dramatically worsen the patient’s condition, and surgical intervention will be simply necessary. Therefore, if during the development of this pathology it suddenly becomes worse, it is highly not recommended to delay a visit to the doctor.


  1. Vinogradov A.V. Differential diagnosis of internal diseases, manual, 2001.
  2. Grigoriev P.Ya., Yakovenko A.V., Clinical gastroenterology, 1998
  3. Gubergrits N.B., Ostroukhova I.N. The severity of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Coloproctology. 2002 No. 5 p. 70.
  4. Zhukova EH Comparative assessment of various diagnostic criteria for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Russian gastroenterological journal 1998 No. 1.

Therapy of gastrointestinal diseases using an enzyme preparation

Taking Pancreatin tablets must be combined with the main diet. They should be swallowed whole, without chewing or crushing into powder. Treatment of children is possible only when the child has learned to swallow pills.

Advice on using it in crushed form or dividing the tablet into parts is not suitable, since it is unknown what dose of “Pancreatin” will reach the intestines; the drug will be deactivated by increased acidity in the stomach. In addition, the baby’s oral cavity will not be protected from the effects of enzymes, inflammation and stomatitis are possible.

It is best to take the drug with plain water. It is recommended to remain in an upright position for 5-10 minutes after swallowing to ensure faster movement of the tablet through the esophagus and stomach.

The doctor calculates the daily dose based on the lipase activity of the drug, depending on laboratory indicators of inhibition of the secretory activity of the gland. Usually the daily dose is divided into two or three doses. Each patient receives an individual recommendation.

The daily dose for lipase activity may be increased, if necessary, to 150 thousand units.

Courses of treatment are determined by the reason for the prescription. For replacement therapy for diseases, the drug is taken for years, and if it is necessary to restore digestion after overeating or to prepare for an examination, it is enough to take the drug for 3-5 days. How effective the chosen dosage is will be determined by the patient’s condition in the coming days.

“Pancreatin” helps when it is difficult for a patient to find out the cause of diarrhea and other dyspeptic disorders. The etiology of irritable bowel syndrome is still unknown.

During pregnancy, you should take the medicine only after permission from your obstetrician-gynecologist. Nausea can be caused by intoxication, a sharp increase in progesterone levels. Although the components of Pancreatin do not enter the bloodstream and do not affect the fetus, experts prefer to do without the intervention of enzymes and temporarily change the diet.

Another reason for using Pancreatin is partial atrophy of the gland in old age, caused by impaired blood supply to the organ parenchyma due to atherosclerosis of the abdominal arteries. Older people often experience the process of “indigestion” even when eating a diet. They complain of a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen, belching of air after eating, flatulence, and unstable stool. All problems are explained by insufficient enzyme synthesis.

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