Herpes - symptoms, causes, treatment

  • Causes of herpes in adults
  • Classification of herpes
  • Herpes symptoms
  • Diagnosis of herpes
  • Treatment of herpes in adults

Herpes is a viral infection of a chronic, recurrent nature, provoked by herpes viruses and manifested by rashes on the mucous membranes and/or skin in the form of specific grouped blisters on a hyperemic, edematous background. The disease is caused by damage to the skin, nerve cells, mucous membranes and eyes.

Herpes infection is the most common viral disease in adults. Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) of one type or another circulates in the blood of approximately 95-97% of the world's population, 10-20% of them have an acute form of herpes with characteristic symptoms.


Now medicine knows not only the viral nature of the disease, but also 8 types of this very virus. The most common are the first 3 types of herpes: type I contributes to the appearance of colds on the lips, type II causes diseases of the reproductive system, type III causes chickenpox and shingles.

The most common symptoms of herpes are blistering rashes that can appear on the lips, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, genitals and body. Before the appearance of herpetic blisters, precursors appear at the site of future rashes: itching, burning, tingling sensation. It is better to start drug therapy at the warning stage to prevent the appearance of rashes.

But herpes can manifest itself atypically, when there are no classic rashes, but discharge, itching, burning, cracks in the perineum, swelling, and redness of the mucous membranes appear. A symptom of this form of herpes can also be pain - pulling and twisting of the lower abdomen, or patients complain of attacks of “sciatica”.

Effective pharmaceutical drugs

When herpes begins to form, the symptoms are so pronounced that there is no doubt about the diagnosis. An unbearable desire to scratch the affected area, a burning sensation and unpleasant pain - this indicates that herpes is coming into play. Pharmaceuticals offer a huge number of drugs that help fight the disease. They are antiviral and have a different effect. But the main task comes down to relieving symptoms and suppressing the virus.

The following medications will help you overcome the disease very quickly:

  1. Acyclovir. This drug is sold in the form of a cream; packaging costs 50-80 rubles. It is prescribed primarily as the No. 1 remedy against herpes. As part of the therapeutic process, drugs under other names made on the basis of this substance are used.
  2. Zovirax. This remedy for herpes has proven itself well in cases of herpes infection, which affects most of the skin. But it has a higher cost - from 200 rubles per package.
  3. Valtrex. Expensive, but effective composition for those who are looking for how to get rid of this disease. The cost is from 1100 rubles. These are broad-spectrum tablets that can be taken by adults and children. The result is immediate recovery and restoration of the skin’s attractive appearance.
  4. Allomedine. This is a modern antiviral drug that costs up to 500 rubles. It is effective only in the initial stages of the rash. With late treatment, its effect slows down.
  5. Alpizarin. This medicine has pronounced antiviral activity and is used for herpes, as well as a number of other viral pathologies. The cost varies depending on the place of purchase.
  6. Panthenol. This is an effective spray used as an auxiliary drug to speed up the healing process for herpes. They also sell Depanthenol cream. It helps remove the crust as quickly as possible, but you will have to pay for this effect with rapid scarring.
  7. Herperax. This is an inexpensive ointment, the cost of which is 60-70 rubles per package. It is applied 4-6 times a day, and if treatment is started in a timely manner, it helps to remove the sore in 1-2 days.
  8. Miramistin. This is an antiseptic medication. To achieve results from its use, lubricate the wound as often as possible. The cost is 130-260 rubles.
  9. "Star". This is a time-tested and quite famous balm. It has a wide spectrum of action and has a warming, anti-inflammatory effect. With regular and timely use, herpes on the hand will disappear in one day.
  10. Doctor Mom. This is another ointment that is not intended to treat herpes, but helps relieve symptoms at the initial stage of the disease. The cost of this drug is only 80 rubles.

If you are looking for ways to quickly get rid of herpes, then these remedies will help. But the last two drugs can cause allergic reactions, so before using them it is worth conducting a mini-test on the skin of your hand. If redness and itching are not detected, it can be applied to the location of the disease.

It is strictly forbidden to treat herpes using iodine, alcohol, or brilliant green. Although these products have a drying effect and remove the wound, they do not fight the virus - the main culprit of the lesion. Therefore, it turns out that outwardly the disease has passed, but the virus remains. Moreover, there is a risk of skin burns.


Treatment of herpes must be comprehensive and individual. Those who often suffer from herpes reasonably resort to the help of potent oral medications that suppress the activity of the virus. They also reduce the number of exacerbations, but on the other hand, self-medication with them leads to the formation of resistant types of the virus, and sometimes to even greater suppression of the immune system.

So drug treatment for herpes should be prescribed by a doctor - a dermatovenerologist, gynecologist, urologist or immunologist.

Fever on the lips. How to reduce the risk of herpes?


For urgent prevention, that is, when a feeling of discomfort and tingling has already arisen, but there are no bubbles yet, ointments containing an antiviral substance such as acyclovir are used.

During treatment, lip balms containing petroleum jelly and allantoin work well to moisturize and soften herpetic sores.

How to get rid of colds on your lips


But if herpes makes its attacks more than 3 times a year, a more serious approach is required. Without individual complex immunotherapy aimed at stable normalization of immunity, it is almost impossible to radically cure recurrent herpes. In severe cases, vaccine prophylaxis is used today.

How to cure herpes in 1 day

You need to act immediately as soon as you feel something is wrong and suspect the progression of the disease based on the first signs. The essence of therapeutic measures is to increase immune function and remove foci of the inflammatory process.

To solve these problems, certain actions will be required:

  1. Stabilization of the immune status, which involves the use of multivitamins and immunomodulatory drugs.
  2. Cleansing the body of toxins that lead to increased viral activity. Sorbents are used for this. The best option is activated carbon: it is inexpensive and helps instantly.
  3. Treatment of rash sites with antiviral ointments, creams, gels, emulsions. You need to repeat these steps often – up to 5 times a day.

When considering the question of how to quickly get rid of herpes, it is worth noting that it is important to read the instructions for use of the drugs and adhere to the specified dosage regimen.

Traditional methods

If you have a fever on your lip and you don’t have a special cream at hand, try to help yourself with folk remedies.

To reduce itching, you can apply a piece of ice or a used tea bag to the blisters for a few minutes (tea contains tannic acid, known for its antiviral properties). Tea tree and sage oils, which have an antiseptic effect, are also suitable.

What folk methods will help get rid of fever on the lip?


Ways to fight herpes

It will not be possible to get rid of this disease forever, but the use of medications or folk remedies will help eliminate the symptoms and stop the replication of the virus. For treatment the following are used:

  • Medicines against the herpes virus. Usually the doctor prescribes Acyclovir, Famvir and Valacyclovir. These drugs stop viruses from multiplying and prevent them from infecting healthy tissue. These medications permanently relieve a person from relapses and have a long-term effect. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor and depends on the degree of damage to the body. The drugs are effective on the first day after the onset of the disease;
  • Means to increase immunity. These are considered Polyoxidonium and Cycloferon. Treatment helps accelerate the increase in the amount of minerals and vitamins in the diet;
  • Creams and ointments. They are useful for eliminating external signs of illness. They have healing and disinfecting effects. Pain relieving creams are also helpful.

Ointments for herpes

If you notice signs of herpes for the first time, you need to visit a dermatologist. He will prescribe the necessary medications that can defeat the virus. If herpes reoccurs, you need to take advantage of several methods that increase immunity.

Health recovery

First of all, you need to restore your immune system by taking vitamins. It is best to introduce more fresh fruits, vegetables and berries into your diet. You will have to avoid visiting bathhouses, swimming pools and saunas; this is contraindicated if you have herpes.

Relapse may occur due to respiratory disease. During cold seasons, appear in crowded places as little as possible. When traveling on public transport, you will have to lubricate your lips with a special product made from equal proportions of honey and butter. In order not to reduce your immunity, give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).

The appearance of a rash is only an external signal from the body; the cause is much deeper. With the help of external defects, the body warns a person that urgent treatment is needed. If possible, you need to take sick leave, otherwise your fragile body may be exposed to a new disease.

Not just on the lips

Many people are familiar with fever on the lips, but people less often encounter manifestations of herpes in intimate places. Both infections are caused by herpes simplex viruses, close “relatives” - their DNA is 50% similar.

Genital herpes can lead to infertility of spouses: in women, inflammatory processes develop in the genital organs, preventing pregnancy; in men, the virus penetrates the sperm, and they lose viability.

Infection during pregnancy often leads to miscarriages, severe lesions and deformities of the unborn child.

In order to “catch” genital herpes in time, a virological test is performed on blood from a vein or a sample taken from the site of the rash.

How to deal with herpes virus type 2?


Genital herpes is surrounded by myths and rumors. So, many are sure that you can catch the infection by visiting public baths and swimming pools, using toilet seats, other people’s dishes and towels, which is actually not the case. But the fact that the virus can enter the body through mother’s milk is true.

Pyotr Gorbachenko, a urologist of the highest category, spoke about common myths around genital herpes >>

Development of herpes

The first symptom of the disease is a slight tingling in the lips, which over time turns into itching and ends with the appearance of a rash. Herpes appears at those moments when the body's immunity is weakened.

Common causes of weakened immunity are hypothermia, overheating, and severe stress. This disease is familiar to 9 out of 10 people. However, those who have never suffered from this disease should not relax - it is very easy to catch the virus.

Initial stage of herpes

During pregnancy, the disease is quite severe. In the third trimester it is especially dangerous, as it can lead to premature birth. Herpes that has started should be treated urgently so as not to harm the fetus.

If a mother experiences herpes infection for the first time during pregnancy, this can lead to dire consequences. The child will be born with congenital herpes, and may also receive a defect during fetal development. To prevent this, you need to get tested for herpes before pregnancy.

The most dangerous period is the initial stage. It is during this period that it is easy to catch the disease. After infection, the virus remains in the body forever, appearing again over time. Interestingly, scientists have not yet created a medicine that gets rid of the virus forever.


One of the common variants of the herpes virus is shingles, which affects the nervous system and skin. The disease usually begins with severe, shooting pain. Back or lower back pain, rib area. The person feels weak, nauseous, and sometimes the temperature rises. After a few days, fuzzy pinkish spots appear in the painful areas, and after about a day, colonies of watery blisters appear in their place. Gradually they dry out, forming crusts.

Shingles is scary because of its complications, including neurological ones, or infection with a secondary bacterial infection. In addition, severe complications occur with the eye and ear forms of the disease - for example, persistent inflammation of the auditory and facial nerves, decreased visual acuity, and hearing impairment.

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How is the disease transmitted?


You can become infected with the common herpes virus directly through direct contact, everyday objects, airborne droplets, if you stand next to a person who is coughing, yawning and is infected with the herpes virus.

You can also become infected from a carrier who does not show external symptoms of the disease. Genital herpes can be infected through kissing, saliva, or sexual contact. Basically, the disease occurs in an acute stage, so it is enough to come into contact with a patient once to become infected.

As for the second form of the disease, it cannot be transmitted if you visit a swimming pool, bathhouse, use a shared toilet seat, towel and shared utensils.

What then?

You also need to complete your herpes treatment correctly. Replace your toothbrush and toothpaste once your fever subsides. If you often get cold sores on your lips, it is advisable to buy small tubes of paste.

Sergey Agapkin, a candidate of psychological sciences, a specialist in traditional health systems, TV presenter of the program “About the Most Important” and author of the book “Home Guide to the Most Important Tips for Your Health,” spoke about the intricacies of treating herpes.

Why is herpes dangerous during pregnancy?

The virus during pregnancy can cause the development of pathologies in the baby if the infection is primary and occurs before three months.

Since there is a high probability of damage to the nervous system, liver and other systems, the doctor may recommend terminating the pregnancy.

In later stages there is a high risk of premature birth. If signs of herpes occur again, the situation for the baby is not very dangerous, since the mother’s body has already produced antibodies.

If relapses are rare, then with maintenance therapy the unborn child is not in danger.

With frequent manifestations of the disease, there is a possibility of delayed development of the child.

Myths and truth

Over many centuries of human “communication” with herpes, many speculations have arisen around this disease. Thus, many are sure that herpes only affects the skin, that the virus can be cured by burning the rash with alcohol, iodine and brilliant green, and that you can become infected with herpes only if you have a rash. Which of this is true and which is not?

Herpes without misconceptions: why it’s dangerous, how to treat it and why you shouldn’t cauterize it


What tests are taken?

To determine the presence of a herpes virus in the body and its type, it is necessary to examine an enzyme-linked immunosorbent blood test. If a virus enters the body, IgM immunoglobulins are observed in the blood; after the relapse occurs, IgG is detected there.

The ELISA test determines whether there are IgM and IgG in the blood, as well as the type of virus and immunoglobulins, or rather their number of immunoglobulins. All this data is necessary to approximately assess the state of immunity.

The type of disease can also be determined using polymerase chain reaction; in this case, the material that is examined should be taken from the places where the rash occurs. This method helps to find the virus in the process of relapse, as well as to understand what type it is.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is necessary to comply with special requirements for sterility and maintain the required temperature indicators during the research process. If all these rules are not followed, the results of this method will be useless, and the diagnosis, of course, will be incorrect.

Herpes type 5 (cytomegalovirus)

Herpes virus type 5 causes the disease cytomegalovirus. It is noteworthy that the symptoms of this disease are vague, the pathology occurs in a latent form, and the clinical picture begins to develop only when the immune system is weakened.

We recommend reading: Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Symptoms of herpes virus type 5 and treatment

The manifestation of cytomegalovirus is identical to the course of a cold:

  • headache;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • sore throat when swallowing, talking and at rest.

Cytomegalovirus can manifest as damage to the central nervous system, eyes, spleen and pancreas.

Herpes virus type 5 is especially dangerous during pregnancy - it has an active negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus. This may cause:

  • underdevelopment of the child's brain;

  • delay in the overall development of the baby;
  • skin rashes in a newborn;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system in an infant.

Please note: treatment of herpes virus type 5 is only considered during pregnancy. The feasibility of preserving the fetus is determined by the doctor - if the infection occurred after conception, then this is an absolute medical indication for artificial termination of pregnancy. In case of infection with herpes virus type 5, long before pregnancy, doctors prescribe antiviral, symptomatic therapy and a course of treatment with immunomodulators.

Classical therapy

As soon as the primary signs of herpes form on the lips, you need to use antiviral ointment. If exacerbations occur regularly, it is advisable to buy such drugs in advance and have them with you, especially when traveling.

Most antiviral ointments are similar in principle of action, since they contain acyclovir, which kills the pathogen. They are used simply: the ointment is spread with a cotton swab on the site of the rash. After the medicine has dried, a new portion is applied.

Since the drug acts quickly, it will be possible to eliminate blisters and ulcers in a short time. But if you miss this moment, then unpleasant signs of herpes appear in the corners of the mouth. In this case, it will take more than one day to fix the problem, since the tissues need time to recover. Then you need to combine tablets with acyclovir and ointments.

Local preparations are much better than internal ones, as they act on the source of inflammation. Even pregnant and lactating women can use creams with acyclovir, as they are safe. And to quickly cure herpes, it is advisable to take pills. It is advisable to consult a doctor regarding the use of any product.

If the bubbles open, this indicates the peak of the viral disease. In this case, it will not be possible to quickly cure herpes at home. Scars often appear after the ulcers heal. Therefore, the body needs help. Immunity should be strengthened. In addition to antiviral drugs, immunoglobulins and vitamins are used. How to quickly cure herpes at home? The use of folk and pharmacy remedies is effective.


Herpes on the body is activated when the functions of the immune system decrease.

The following conditions may contribute to the occurrence of manifestations:

  1. Chronic diseases.
  2. Liver diseases.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Long-term use of corticosteroids.
  5. Presence of tumors.
  6. Completion of a course of radiation therapy, chemotherapy.
  7. Diseases of the circulatory system.
  8. Poor nutrition, regular physical and mental stress.
  9. Traumatic lesions.

How to get rid of herpes once and for all

Methods and medications that help get rid of rashes forever should be selected by a doctor. At the same time, he takes into account the patient’s health status, individual characteristics, and possible resistance to certain medications. The entire course of treatment can be divided into several areas, pursuing different goals. All of them are used either simultaneously or in the sequence specified by the doctor.

Antiviral therapy

To cure the disease forever, it is necessary to suppress the activity of the virus and achieve stable remission in the infectious process. Antiviral drugs are used for this.

First of all, these are products based on acyclovir (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Virolex, Valtrex, Penciclovir and others). They are available in the form of ointments, tablets and injections. Molecules of the active substance have the ability to integrate into viral DNA, disrupting its structure. In this case, herpes loses the ability to replicate (copy) its virions, and its development stops.

For frequent rashes, it is recommended to combine external medications and oral tablets. This allows you to quickly stop the development of symptoms at the very beginning, as well as speed up the healing of wounds. With frequent and uncontrolled use of acyclovir drugs, the development of resistance (immunity) to this active substance is possible.

“Foscarnet” is the second stage of antiherpes therapy, prescribed when the virus is resistant to acyclovir drugs. The active ingredient is sodium foscarnet. The drug also interacts with the DNA of the virus, suppressing its reproduction. In addition to herpes, it inhibits the activity of other pathogens of this group (cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr infection).

The drug is used in the form of droppers and injections, as well as externally. The tablet form is ineffective because the active substance is almost not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

With the help of these medications, you can cope with both herpes on the lips and the genital form, but they must be used under the supervision of a doctor (with the exception of the use of ointments for infrequent rashes of limited localization). It must be borne in mind that antiviral drugs are very toxic - they negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and can cause nausea and vomiting, headaches and depression.

Immunity correction

To get rid of the herpes virus forever, suppressing its reproduction is not enough. Once you have recovered from the rash, you need to improve your immune system to prevent recurrences of the infection. For this purpose, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. These medications force B- and T-lymphocytes to more intensively produce antibodies to the virus and increase the body’s overall resistance. According to the method of influence and composition, they can be divided into several groups:

  • products containing human interferon or stimulating the production of interferons in the body (“Viferon”, “Cycloferon”);
  • herbal preparations, for example based on echinacea;
  • synthetic drugs that activate the immune response to herpes infection (“Polyoxidonium”);
  • agents that stimulate cellular and humoral immunity (include fragments of bacteria, the mechanism of action resembles vaccines).

The course of immunocorrection usually lasts several months. It is started simultaneously with taking antiviral drugs, and continues after the disappearance of all external symptoms. This part of complex therapy cannot be neglected - only by normalizing the functioning of the immune system can you get rid of herpetic eruptions forever. In this case, the body will not only keep existing infections under control, preventing the occurrence of exacerbations, but will also be able to effectively fight viral agents penetrating from the outside.


Traditional medicine methods for combating herpes can be used as an addition to the main course, in consultation with your doctor. Uncontrolled self-medication with folk remedies will not help get rid of the infection forever. And some methods from this group are not only useless, but also dangerous.

All folk remedies are divided into external and internal. External ones are used to treat blisters on the skin. For this purpose, use a decoction of calendula, juice of Kalanchoe, aloe or garlic. They also suggest applying table salt to the rashes and applying toothpaste or Corvalol to them. To cure herpes on the lips at home, some “healers” suggest cauterizing the herpes rash with a hot spoon. However, such extreme treatment methods should be used with caution to avoid burns.

It is recommended to take a decoction of echinacea and chamomile, freshly squeezed vegetable juice, and tea from strawberry and currant leaves internally. They help strengthen the body's defenses and improve overall well-being.

To get rid of the disease forever, popular folk remedies are not enough. It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a serious course of treatment.

Diet for frequent relapses of herpes

A connection between viral activity and certain food products, or more precisely the amino acids they contain, has been experimentally established.

  1. The amino acid lysine has an inhibitory effect on herpes viruses, so it can prevent relapses and accelerate the healing of blisters. Contained in dairy and meat products (with the exception of sausage, smoked meats and canned food). Therefore, people suffering from frequent relapses of herpes should include eggs, cottage cheese, lean meat and various dairy products in their diet.
  2. The amino acid arginine, on the contrary, provokes an increase in viral activity; eating certain foods can even cause a relapse of the infection (for example, eating peanuts). Arginine-rich foods include chocolate, gelatin, seeds and nuts. They should be removed from the diet or strictly limited. Arginine is also found in cereals, grains and legumes and should be consumed in moderation.

These nutritional rules must be followed to permanently solve the problem of frequent relapses of herpes.

Herpes virus type 2

In the specialized literature, this type of disease in question is classified as genital herpes.
Both men and women suffer from it, the cause of infection is unprotected sexual contact, however, the herpes virus type 2 can “settle” in the human body even with full caution during sex. We recommend reading: Genital herpes: symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment and prevention

Treatment of this type of herpes should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and after a full examination by specialists. In addition to Acyclovir, for patients diagnosed with type 2 herpes, doctors prescribe a whole range of therapeutic measures - independent choice of drugs is inappropriate.

Herpes virus type 6

This type of disease in question is present in the etiopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. The disease manifests itself in people aged 20 years and older; multiple sclerosis has not been diagnosed at an earlier age.


Signs of multiple sclerosis include:

  • constant fatigue;
  • often recurrent depression;
  • disturbance of sensitivity in various manifestations - tactile, temperature and others.

These are the early symptoms of multiple sclerosis caused by herpes virus type 6, but as the disease develops, more serious signs of pathological damage to the patient’s organs and systems appear. These include:

  • rapid changes in mood, disturbances in the psycho-emotional background;
  • decreased visual acuity, double vision of any object;
  • slow-witted;
  • complete absence of pain reaction;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • muscle spasms, cramps;
  • unusual pronunciation of words;
  • violation of the swallowing instinct.

Please note: the clinical picture of herpes virus type 6 can be variable - it all depends on which parts of the central nervous system are affected by the virus. This process is unpredictable, so doctors are careful in determining the symptoms of the type of herpes in question.

Treatment of herpes type 6

In the process of carrying out therapeutic measures, doctors use a whole range of medications:

  • antioxidants;
  • angioprotectors;
  • corticosteroids;
  • drugs with immunomodulatory effects;
  • agents that stimulate the production of interferon;
  • immunoglobulins.

But this list is far from complete - medications are selected on a strictly individual basis and only by specialists.

Herpes type 4 (Epstein-Barr virus)

We recommend reading: Epstein-Barr virus: symptoms and treatment
This type of herpes is referred to in the medical literature as Epstein-Barr virus. It provokes the development of infectious mononucleosis, which is typical for people with diagnosed immunodeficiencies.

Symptoms of herpes virus type 4 and treatment

Infectious mononucleosis is a lesion of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and lymph nodes, most often characteristic of young people. The main signs of this disease are high body temperature, morphological changes in the structure of the blood, pathological changes in the spleen, liver and other internal organs.

The most common symptoms of herpes type 4:

  • body temperature rises suddenly, without any apparent reason and immediately to critical levels;
  • there are complaints of pain in muscles, joints, throat and head;
  • the oral mucosa swells and swells - doctors can differentially diagnose pharyngitis and/or laryngitis;
  • a feeling of constant fatigue, rapid fatigue, drowsiness - these symptoms may persist even after treatment for the disease for several months;
  • small papular-type rashes appear on the skin and mucous surface, which disappear without a trace after 3 days;
  • lymph nodes increase significantly in size.

Diagnostic measures consist of conducting a full examination of the patient and laboratory testing of his biomaterial - specialists identify the DNA of the Epstein-Barr virus.

Please note: it is this virus that can trigger the development of cancer - Burkitt's lymphoma. Therefore, treatment should only take place in a medical institution, under constant supervision by medical workers .

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