Fibrogastroscopy – early diagnosis of stomach cancer
Fibrogastroscopy (hereinafter referred to as FGS) is one of the most successful and widespread methods today.
All about magnetic resonance imaging of the gallbladder and possible diagnoses
What diseases does MRI detect? The MRI method is based on the effect of radio waves on the body and
Why is gastrointestinal endoscopy performed?
Colonoscopy. Colonoscopy only or is there an alternative?
The essence of endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract During colonoscopy, special endoscopic equipment is used. Receipt collateral
Constipation after colonoscopy: what to do and how to restore intestinal microflora
To reduce pain, colonoscopy is often performed under general anesthesia or sedation. As
fiber scanning
Liver elastometry: indications, preparation, interpretation of results
Liver elastography is a new diagnostic method that evaluates tissue elasticity, this study
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How long does a colonoscopy last: duration of the study, what it depends on
Duration of a colonoscopy Diagnostic colonoscopy is a minimally invasive examination, that is, after its completion the patient does not
Kloiber's cups: how do they appear on an x-ray and what do they indicate?
When a patient complains of pain in the abdominal cavity or disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal
Composition of Lavacol
Comparison of three drugs for intestinal colonoscopy: Fortrans, Lavacol and Moviprep
Lavacol, Moviprep, Fortrans - common features and differences Lavacol is an osmotic laxative used
Blood test for liver tests: interpretation and diagnosis of diseases
The diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies of the human body has been steadily moving forward over the years. Modern methods
Ultrasound of the gallbladder
Ultrasound of the gallbladder: preparation, features of the procedure, interpretation of the results
Impaired digestion is a common occurrence in humans. The disease occurs due to the frantic pace of life, irrational
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