How to distinguish and cure pylorospasm in a newborn and a child after one year?
Pylorospasm in infants: symptoms, diagnosis, causes and treatment
Pylorospasm is a spasmodic phenomenon in the stomach at the point of its exit into the duodenum. Disease
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pancreas
Home Diseases and treatment Gastroenterology March 2, 2020, 20:05 Anna 1,792 No Pancreas
Diagnosis of the pancreas on MRI - what tomography shows
MRI of the pancreas can detect inflammation, oncology, and fibrous tissue changes. Significant benefit of the study
At an appointment with a gastroenterologist
How to check the stomach and what tests are needed for this
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are among the five most common diseases worldwide. Big psychic
sedation for colonoscopy contraindications
Colonoscopy with sedation: description of the procedure, contraindications, patient reviews
Anesthesia is widely used not only when performing medical procedures, but can also provide
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Methods for diagnosing diseases of the esophagus and larynx
Features and capabilities of the procedure Swallowing a probe to check the stomach or FGDS - endoscopic method
Stomach biopsy - how it is done
Carrying out FGDS with biopsy: indications and contraindications, preparation for the procedure
A gastric biopsy is a method of examining lesions in the stomach. The human body consists of microscopic structural
Computed tomography of the intestines - comfortable diagnostics
Intestinal diseases are quite common and require a thorough examination of the organ over its entire length.
Location of the intestines in the human body
MRI of the intestine and using colonoscopy, we will understand the approaches
Instrumental studies carried out to diagnose diseases of the abdominal organs cause a lot of discomfort. This leads
FGS decoding
FGDS of the stomach: what it shows and how the procedure is done
A research method used for accurate diagnosis of diseases, examinations of the mucous membrane and detection of inflammatory changes
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