How to use flaxseed meal to cleanse the intestines?
How to use flaxseed meal to cleanse the intestines?
Flaxseed flour is an amazing product with high nutritional value, the beneficial properties of which are well known
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What does Dr. Komarovsky say about regurgitation in infants?
Children who are breastfed or formula-fed occasionally experience burping. This symptom may
Traditional methods for removing mucus from the throat
Why does mucus collect in the throat and how to get rid of it?
Many people experience heartburn from time to time, but most simply try to ignore it.
metastases in colorectal cancer
Prognosis and survival of metastatic rectal cancer
Colon carcinoma is a slow-growing tumor. Metastases in colorectal cancer occur late
Stool color in newborns: where is the norm and where is the pathology?
Stool during breastfeeding is normal Children who are breastfed defecate differently - quantity
heterogeneity of the liver parenchyma
Granularity of the pancreas - what do such changes indicate?
The liver of a healthy person is soft and homogeneous in structure. It happens that during research we hear the conclusion:
Paraproctitis after surgery, acute and chronic form
A common proctological disease, paraproctitis, after surgery requires special attention and long-term rehabilitation.
Is it possible to eat dumplings with pancreatitis?
Is it possible to eat dumplings and dumplings with inflammation of the pancreas?
Dumplings are a simple and quick to prepare dish, which is one of the most
remedy for constipation and bloating
There is no bowel movement in a newborn - how to determine the cause of constipation
Difficulties with defecation and increased gas formation can occur unexpectedly in a healthy person. Often the reason is
How to live with pancreatitis: the prognosis of a dangerous disease without embellishment
The presence of any disease in the body is a cause for concern. Pancreatitis is no exception. About him
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