What is important to know about herpes on the lips during pregnancy
Today, herpes during pregnancy is a very relevant topic, due to the more frequent
Abdominal pain
Rules for treating gastritis with drugs in adults and children
When a person suffers from gastritis, he usually feels pain in the epigastric region, cramping in
Treatment of diarrhea at home: how to quickly stop diarrhea in an adult?
Diarrhea is one of the syndromes of various diseases. These are frequent and loose stools that may
Gum diseases in adults: photos, symptoms and treatment
Gingivitis, periodontitis - behind these incomprehensible names lies a dangerous disease for teeth associated with
Electrophoresis for spinal hernia: indications and effectiveness
Medicinal electrophoresis has several synonymous designations: galvanoion therapy, ionogalvanization, ionotherapy, iontophoresis, therapeutic iontophoresis. Electrophoresis
How does vomiting occur?
What to do after vomiting: nutritional recommendations and recovery
The 100 people who will vomit in the next few minutes will have the following reasons. Human
Stretch marks on the skin, treatment of stretch marks, causes of occurrence
Striae or stretch marks (scars) on the skin of the abdomen are a very common phenomenon among women and
Hepatitis B vaccine - what is it?
Vaccination against hepatitis B: composition of the vaccine, how long it lasts
Hepatitis B is a dangerous infectious disease that is widely distributed among people of all ages.
Laparoscopy as a method for removing ovarian cysts: basic information about the operation
Enlarge In modern gynecology, laparoscopic operations are very common. This is due to the fact that such
Hydrocephalus of the brain in newborns. What is moderate, replacement, mixed, external. Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies, drugs
Hydrocephalus is broadly defined as any increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid or cerebrospinal fluid) in
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