What is oophoritis and how dangerous is it?
Oophoritis: causes, signs, diagnosis, how to treat
Oophoritis is an inflammatory process of paired female reproductive glands. It can be either one-sided or
Main symptoms and treatment of rectal polyps with surgery
Sometimes growths form on the mucous membrane of the lower intestine - polyps in the rectum. Difficult
Review of inexpensive but effective headache pills
1 No-shpa View 2 Spasmalgon View 3 Trigan View Headache... Who hasn’t experienced it
diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon
Diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon. Symptoms and treatment, diet, folk remedies, clinical recommendations
Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon is a disorder when seals appear on the walls of the intestinal tract -
back pain between the shoulder blades
Back pain between the shoulder blades - causes, what to do with pain and burning
Back pain between the shoulder blades is not a separate disease - it is only a symptom
Signs of dropsy and methods of treating the disease
How to treat dropsy of the abdominal cavity? Causes and symptoms of the disease in women and men
Home Soft tissues Dropsy is a collective term that includes various forms of accumulation
Spleen in the human body
Splenomegaly - causes in adults - detailed information!
An increase in the weight of the spleen up to 200 g indicates the presence of splenomegaly. The disease is characterized by the appearance
liquid in glasses
Chlorine poisoning: first aid and treatment, symptoms and signs
Category: Chemical poisoning Chlorine poisoning occurs when the concentration of the substance in the air exceeds 0.1
Osteoma of the frontal bone: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation
18 Feb 2019 at 13:32 MRI of the head in Tushino 27857 Formation of cells of physiological tissues
Polyps of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (nasal polyposis)
Polyps are benign growths arising from the mucous membrane. Author: Alexey Vladimirovich Galkin, otorhinolaryngologist, rhinosurgeon
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