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Gallbladder cancer: signs, manifestation, diagnosis and treatment
The gallbladder is a small, hollow, pear-shaped organ located under the liver. It concentrates and
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Tablets for urinary incontinence - a review of effective drugs with descriptions
Incontinence is a pathology that is characteristic not only of children and adolescents, but also
Reasons why colitis in the heart area, what to do at home, and when you need a doctor’s help
Author: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, practicing physician, teacher at a medical university A feeling that the heart is stabbing,
What is cardiomyopathy, classification and symptoms, treatment and life prognosis
Cardiomyopathy is an understudied pathology of the heart muscle. You could have heard this name before
Ovaries hurt, causes of nagging and aching pain in the ovarian area
“Why the ovaries can hurt - causes and treatment methods”
The ovary is a paired organ of the female reproductive system, which is responsible for the production of hormones -
Vomiting with biliary dyskinesia in children
What is biliary dyskinesia in a child - treatment of biliary dyskinesia
Biliary dyskinesia (BD) in children is a dysfunction of the biliary system. The process itself suffers
Infectious agents
Rhinosinusitis - what is it in children and adults, signs and treatment of the disease
Types of rhinosinusitis Factors predisposing to the development of rhinosinusitis Reasons for the development of rhinosinusitis Mechanism of development Symptoms of rhinosinusitis
Adrenal insufficiency
Adrenal insufficiency: symptoms and causes
Adrenal insufficiency is a condition that occurs when the adrenal glands become damaged. Due to this,
Treatment of runny nose in children: the most effective methods
Treatment of runny nose in children: the most effective methods
Does your child have a runny nose? It would seem nothing serious, but the disease cannot be neglected. His medical
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How to help a child with constipation at home: advice from a pediatrician
Constipation is often called a disease of civilization. Symptoms of this deviation occur in people of any age category:
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