Signs of bronchial asthma in children
The first signs of bronchial asthma in children: causes and treatment
Bronchial asthma in children is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract associated with bronchial hyperreactivity,
Pulmonary atelectasis: causes, forms, signs, diagnosis, how to treat
Pulmonary atelectasis is a rather dangerous disease in which there is airlessness in the lung tissue.
Symptoms and treatment methods for polyps in the stomach
How to treat polyps in the stomach with folk remedies at home
Polyps in the stomach are single or multiple benign neoplasms that consist of epithelial
causes of uterine bleeding
Uterine bleeding. Causes, symptoms, signs and treatment of uterine bleeding
Bleeding from the uterus is a serious symptom that can indicate many disorders in the
Fibromyalgia – myth or reality? How to cope with pain?
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that occurs due to a genetically determined phenomenon, neurobiological factors
Nasal rinsing at home for children and adults
Nasal rinsing or lavage is one of the methods of treating a cold that makes it easier. He
Placental abruption in early pregnancy: causes
Placental abruption in early pregnancy: causes
The placenta is an amazing organ that exists only while a woman is carrying a child. She
Woman stroking her leg with her hand
Alcoholic polyneuropathy - symptoms and treatment, drugs and prognosis
What is alcoholic polyneuropathy? Long-term toxic effects of alcohol do not pass without leaving a trace for those susceptible to addiction.
Polyneuropathy of the upper and lower extremities
What kind of disease is polyneuropathy? Symptoms and treatment, prognosis for life with polyneuropathy
Polyneuropathy is considered multiple lesions of peripheral nerves, which manifests itself as paralysis, sensory disturbances, trophic and vegetative-vascular
Coxarthrosis develops gradually and leads to decreased mobility of the lower limb
Coxarthrosis of the hip joint: causes and mechanism of development, symptoms, treatment
Symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint Pain syndrome Restricted hip mobility and crunching during movements Deformation
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