Pinched nerve in the back - what to do if a nerve is pinched
A pinched nerve in the spine is a phenomenon in which the roots extending from the spinal cord are connected
Articles on the Women Planet website
Food allergies: causes, signs and treatment
What is it? Food allergy refers to the body’s response to any food ingredient that turns out to be
Malavit solution
Malavit cream-gel - instructions, reviews, composition, for the face, for joints, in gynecology
Pharmacological effects Minerals and natural medicinal plants that are the ingredients of Malavit have the following effects
Why does herpetic stomatitis appear?
Herpetic Stomatitis-Etiology Pathogenesis Clinic
Are you familiar with the feeling of burning and itching on your lips? Or the appearance is unexpected - out of the blue
External and internal hemorrhoids
Effective methods for treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Hemorrhoids in pregnant women are a very common problem for women during pregnancy.
how much fish oil to take per day
Fish oil capsules: benefits and harm to the body, how to take them and popular medications
Many people take fish oil supplements daily. In addition to supporting brain, eye and heart health,
diet 4 products
Diet number 4 for intestinal diseases with diarrhea
The therapeutic diet table 4, developed by the Soviet scientist M.I. Pevzner, helps to cope with acute intestinal diseases,
How long does it take for symptoms of a tick bite to appear in humans: consequences of the bite and prevention of infection
Not many people know what a tick bite looks like; the symptoms in humans are quite specific.
Treatment methods for house dust allergies in adults and children
The nose often gets stuffy, and you constantly want to sneeze if the apartment has not been wet cleaned
Where is the 12 duodenum located and what happens in it?
After we have safely swallowed a portion of food treated with lysozyme, having made a small
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