X-ray of the lung
Pulmonary fibrosis: types, symptoms, ICD-10 code – Tabletix
Medical Consultant Pulmonology Pulmonary pneumosclerosis: causes, symptoms and treatment methods Protracted pulmonary and bronchial diseases
INR blood test. What is this, how much should the norm be, explanation for women, men, during pregnancy
INR: blood test - coagulogram and its norm, interpretation
What the INR of blood shows, the meaning of the abbreviation INR stands for International Normalized Ratio. This research
somatropin in bodybuilding
Growth hormone: how to increase hormone levels
Where is growth hormone produced? The gland that secretes growth hormone is called the pituitary gland. But responsible for
Oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries in women): causes, symptoms and treatment, prevention
Today in our article we continue the women's theme and talk about inflammation of the ovaries or
routes of infection
Giardiasis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, tests and treatment
What causes the symptoms? Entering the human body through the mouth, Giardia parasitizes the mucous membrane
Swallowing reflex disorder: causes and treatment. Swallowing disorder, or dysphagia
Dysphagia refers to pathologies of the esophagus and larynx. With this condition, swallowing liquids and food
Maximum period for safe termination of pregnancy
Questions: Termination of pregnancy: until what period can a medical abortion be performed? How dangerous is medical abortion?
obesity 2nd degree in children
Obesity 1st degree - causes, types, treatment and photos
What is grade 1 obesity? Obesity (ICD code 10 - E66) is a condition characterized by
What to do in case of mushroom poisoning and how to provide first aid at home
Mushroom Poisoning Approximately 4% of all food poisonings occur due to mushroom consumption, so everyone should
Bag under the eye
6 causes of swelling around the eyes and your mistakes in home care
What is edema? Edema is considered to be a local accumulation of fluid in a certain area of ​​the body. Causes
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