Bloody discharge due to endometriosis

Types of discharge

Endometriosis is characterized by the growth of the endometrium beyond the uterine cavity. This process occurs especially actively after the end of menstruation. At the end of the menstrual cycle, hormone levels decrease, so the endometrium is shed as menstruation. Due to the large layer of cells, the endometrium can be shed in the middle of the cycle, so the disease is characterized by spotting between menstrual periods.

There are two types of discharge due to endometriosis:

  1. Dark burgundy or red. They are characteristic of the diffuse form of endometriosis. Since the endometrium is located close to the inner surface of the uterus, it quickly ends up outside the organ and blood enzymes do not have time to break down. The result is a red tint to the content.
  2. Dark brown color. They are characteristic of focal and nodular forms of the disease. The endometrium is located in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus, so a fairly large amount of time passes from the moment of its rejection to its exit. Enzyme particles in the blood disintegrate, and the contents acquire a chocolate hue.

Red and brown discharge with endometriosis appears on the eve or after the end of menstruation. Outside the cycle, they can be seen only in severe cases of the disease.

The color and nature of the contents that are released from the vagina depend on the form and degree of endometriosis.

With adenomyosis, the nature of menstrual bleeding and secretory fluid, which is secreted by the cervix, changes.

Menstrual flow

At the initial stage of endometriosis, there are no specific symptoms. Problems with the menstrual cycle begin, so the woman does not even think about such a serious illness. It is the nature of menstrual fluid that signals health problems.

Let's find out what kind of discharge may occur during menstruation:

  • They are plentiful. The more severe the stage of the disease, the greater the blood loss.
  • Dark red, almost black. The shade changes due to damage to blood vessels and lack of time for blood oxidation.
  • Periods are long. Since the endometrium takes a long time to separate, menstruation lasts up to 7 days.
  • There are clots in menstrual blood.
  • The discharge is more viscous in structure due to the large amount of mucus.

A woman's health during her period deteriorates significantly. If the above symptoms appear, then you need to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination. This way the disease can be detected at an early stage.

In advanced cases, when a thick layer of endometrium forms in the uterine cavity, menstrual bleeding may occur, which cannot be stopped with medications. Requires curettage.

Intermenstrual discharge

With endomeriosis, spotting and spotting can appear in any phase of the menstrual cycle. Their frequency of occurrence depends on the extent of the endometrium outside the uterine cavity. They differ from menstruation not only in appearance, but also in composition.

Character of intermenstrual discharge:

  • dark brown or black;
  • thick;
  • contain lumps of mucus with blood;
  • have a strong unpleasant odor.

In addition, the physiological fluid may contain a large amount of colorless mucus.

If inflammation is added to endometriosis, the nature of the fluid secreted changes. It contains purulent inclusions. They have an unpleasant specific odor, and the color becomes yellow-green. When an infection occurs, brown spots have a strong and unpleasant odor. They can be thick or liquid.

When the endometrium grows into the muscle layer and damages the blood vessels, the discharge is abundant, watery in consistency with a pungent odor.

What other discharge could there be?

The characteristic symptoms for this disease are listed above. But sometimes they don't look quite right. With diagnosed endometriosis, what other discharge may be present?

Sometimes other symptoms may occur that differ from the characteristic ones. The amount of discharge decreases sharply compared to the norm, and the regularity of the cycle disappears. Such symptoms accompany damage to the ovaries, which leads to a decrease in progesterone production and a decrease in the pathological activity of the endometrium. In addition, scarcity can be observed with damage to the cervix and vagina, accompanied by a violation of secretory function. Scanty discharge is also often observed if a woman of menopausal age suffers from endometriosis.

During inflammatory processes, which often accompany endometriosis, the nature of the discharge may change. Particles of pus can be found in them, the smell changes, the color acquires yellowish or greenish shades.

If there is an infection in the body, the discharge has a dark brown color and an unpleasant odor, and the thickness may vary.

A watery consistency is observed when the endometrium penetrates the muscle layer, affecting the vascular network. Also, whitish discharge in the middle of the cycle is observed when the endometrium penetrates the lymph nodes, and a strong specific odor will be noticeable.

If the pathology is localized in the rectum, pain and bloody discharge will be present during defecation, and bloody inclusions can be found in the stool. When the bladder is affected, blood clots are visible in the urine, and its color becomes pink.


Damage to the cervix is ​​usually a consequence of the spread of endometriosis from the uterine cavity.

The disease develops gradually, in the first few years it may not manifest itself in any way and can be diagnosed during a routine examination by a gynecologist.

The first signs of endometriosis are limited to minor spotting after the end of menstruation for 2-3 days; these symptoms do not cause concern in women.

As the disease progresses, spotting that is not associated with menstruation occurs; it appears after sexual intercourse or heavy physical activity.

In severe forms of the disease, uterine bleeding may occur.

Symptoms will also depend on the form of endometriosis - internal, affecting the canal, or external, located on the outer, vaginal part of the cervix; a mixed form is often found, affecting the entire cervix.

When endometriotic nodules are localized internally, many nerve endings in the cervical canal are irritated, causing pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, and during sexual intercourse.

These formations can also close the lumen of the canal, preventing sperm penetration and conception.

In the photo: 1 – spread of endometriosis to the cervix; 2 – external form of the disease (on the vaginal part); 3 – internal form (on the mucous membrane of the canal).

Discharge from endometriosis

Pain and discharge are the main symptoms of endometriosis.
Typically, the discharge is bloody in nature; They become inflammatory (purulent or mucous) if the disease is complicated by infection. They are united by cyclicity (appearance before, during or immediately after menstruation), however, the density and volume of discharge largely depend on the location of the pathology.

  1. With adenomyosis (when growths are located in the body of the uterus), menstruation becomes abundant and bloody clots appear. In addition, their duration increases, and after the end of menstruation, spotting persists for another 3-5 days; They often appear before it begins.
  2. With endometriosis of the cervix and vagina, spotting before the onset of menstruation is also possible. In addition, in the second half of the cycle, brown spotting may appear, especially during sexual intercourse.
  3. If the process has affected the bladder or intestines , spotting is noticeable when urinating or defecating.

Treatment of bleeding with endometriosis

In case of sudden bleeding, as a rule, separate diagnostic curettage is performed. Emptying the uterine cavity allows it to contract, which leads to a decrease in discharge. For mild bleeding in girls with a history of endometriosis, if they have not yet given birth, hormonal therapy can be used as initial treatment.

Tablets for intermenstrual period

Conservative treatment alone is usually not enough. First, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of intermenstrual bleeding - remove polyps or hyperplastic endometrium. To do this, curettage of the uterine cavity or hysteroscopy is performed. The latter option is more preferable due to its greater information content and efficiency. After this, additional medications are prescribed:

  • hemostatics: “Etamzilat”, “Tranexam”, “Ascorutin”, “Vikasol” and others;
  • hormonal. It is better to give preference to tablets that contain dienogest, for example, Bonade, Qlaira, Janine, and Visanne, or install the Mirena IUD;
  • vitamins to strengthen the immune system and normalize the cycle.

Drugs for implantation bleeding

If a girl with a history of endometriosis and uterine bleeding is pregnant, the choice of tablets is slightly different. The following drugs are used:

  • “Etamzilat”, if necessary “Tranexam”, but not more than 3 days;
  • "Duphaston", "Utrozhestan" or other progesterone-based drugs to support the functioning of the corpus luteum;
  • vitamin E.

Physical and sexual rest and sedatives are indicated.

Watch this video about what implantation bleeding is:

Intermenstrual discharge with endometriosis

Various discharges in the middle of the cycle, including uterine bleeding, cause anxiety for a patient with endometriosis.

Depending on the location of pathological foci, the following phenomena may occur:

  1. Bloody discharge during bowel movements if lesions grow into the rectum.
  2. Bloody urine due to damage to the bladder.
  3. Brown discharge after sexual intercourse when lesions appear in the cervical area.
  4. A very rare phenomenon is bloody tears; it is observed with external extragenital endometriosis.
  5. Brown spotting may be observed during the period of ovulation - about 3 days.
  6. Uterine bleeding with adenomyosis.

Discharge in the middle of the cycle may contain whitish mucus and have an unpleasant odor. If an inflammatory process is associated with endometriosis, an admixture of pus will be observed in the discharge.

Disruptions in the menstrual cycle

Systemic delay of menstruation due to endometriosis is a common occurrence, so if a woman cannot wait for her menstruation on time month after month, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. This happens for any of these reasons:

  • germ cells need more time to mature;
  • malfunction of the ovaries;
  • against the background of hormonal imbalance, the endometrium grows into the cervical area and interferes with the outflow of menstrual fluid.

In other women with this diagnosis, on the contrary, bleeding occurs several times during the month, which is not normal, since the egg does not mature and is not released as often. In this case, estrogen is produced in much greater quantities than progesterone, which does not happen in a normally functioning body. This may affect reproductive function.


When choosing treatment methods, the form of endometriosis, its location on the cervix, its prevalence, as well as the woman’s age and her plans to give birth are taken into account.

Only after a complete examination does the doctor decide how best to treat this form of endometriosis in a particular case. The following types of treatment are used:

  • surgical;
  • hormonal;
  • additional medication.

Treatment of endometriosis with antibiotics - which ones are prescribed, indications for use

Surgical method

Even decades ago, cervical endometriosis was regarded as a tumor disease, so the choice was made in favor of surgery.

Classification and features of treatment of glandular endometrial hyperplasia. Use of the drug Duphaston in the treatment of endometriosis and fibroids. Treatment of two-chamber ovarian cyst - symptoms of pathology. Pain in the lower abdomen due to thrush.

For this reason, many young women were deprived of childbearing function. Modern gynecology uses surgical treatment only for certain indications:

  • if conservative treatment carried out for 3-4 months has no effect;
  • when there is spread of the disease beyond the uterus and appendages - to the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, with severe pain, impaired intestinal function;
  • if the patient does not intend to give birth again or has already passed childbearing age.

An interesting rare case: the parents of a 12-year-old girl came to see her about lower back pain and blood in her urine. The examination revealed endometriosis spreading to the kidney, and the child underwent surgery.

Among surgical methods, preference is given to minimally invasive organ-preserving interventions - endoscopic, laparoscopic, which do not require incisions, and the removal of nodes is performed under the control of a video camera through a probe.

Laser vaporization (evaporation) of lesions, as well as cryodestruction (removal by cold), ultrasound and radio wave coagulation are widely used and produce good results.

Complete removal of the uterus with the cervix and appendages is performed in advanced cases of the disease, as well as in women past fertile age.

Hormonal effects

The treatment strategy for newly diagnosed endometriosis is to correct hormonal levels in order to suppress the process of active growth of the endometrium under the influence of excess estrogen.

Hormonal treatment today is the leading method of combating endometriosis. The choice of drugs and their dosage is based on laboratory determination of the content of sex hormones in the blood.

Among the estrogen antagonists, Tamoxifen, Leuprolerin are prescribed, as well as progesterone antagonists (Gestrinone), antagonists of sex hormone synthesis (Danol, Nafarelin).

In mild cases of endometriosis, the course begins with the prescription of tablet contraceptives, which normalize the proportions of hormones (Zhanine, Novinet, Lindinet and other analogues).

When estrogenic activity is too pronounced, they resort to the prescription of male sex hormones - androgens (Methyltestosterone and analogs).

Patients who have already been treated in the past with hormones and who have a relapse of the disease are subject to removal of lesions on the cervix by one of the methods.

The photo shows hormonal drugs used in women to treat endometriosis.

Additional conservative methods

Regardless of whether the patient has undergone surgery or is receiving hormonal treatment, it is mandatory to prescribe medications that eliminate the symptoms of the disease, increase the protective properties of the woman’s body, and improve tissue repair processes.

These include:

  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (Naproxen, Nurofen), suppositories with indomethacin or diclofenac are also prescribed, but not vaginal, but rectal;
  • immunity stimulants - plant origin, Interferon, Cycloferon, Pentaglobin, the anti-cancer vaccine RESAN, which causes the body to produce antibodies against the proliferation of endometrial cells, has a good effect;
  • iron preparations - prescribed for bleeding to increase hemoglobin levels (Actiferrin, Ferroplex, Ferrum-lek, Maltofer, Hemoheller);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes, which necessarily include vitamins A, C, D, E, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium (Menopace, Multitabs, Multicentrum, Duovit, AlfaVIT).

Is it necessary to treat endometriosis after 45 years?

Folk remedies

On the virtual web, thousands of methods are offered that supposedly guarantee a 100% cure for endometriosis, including those located on the cervix.

Unfortunately, there are women who trust dubious doctors, fearing treatment with hormones, and even more so, surgical intervention.

As a result, time is lost, the disease progresses, which complicates and lengthens the treatment process.

Without in any way detracting from the dignity of traditional medicine, we note that in case of endometriosis, its remedies can only be used as additional, auxiliary ones, but they cannot cure the disease.

Among the folk remedies for endometriosis, decoctions and tinctures of boron uterus, celandine, serpentine root, shepherd's purse, calamus, cinquefoil and other herbs are used.

Before using such remedies, you should consult your doctor to see if they will harm the main course of treatment.

Features of cyclic discharge in uterine endometriosis

Initially, the disease manifests itself only during menstruation. Characteristic features that may indicate pathological growth of the surface layer of the uterus are:

Increased menstrual bleeding

With uterine endometriosis, increased bleeding is one of the initial signs. In a healthy woman, monthly blood loss is moderate, and there is a tendency for the discharge to gradually cease (within 5-7 days). With endometriosis, blood loss increases significantly, and spotting can be observed for more than a week. In this case, menstruation is most often accompanied by severe pain. They are localized not only in the lower abdomen and lumbar region - discomfort can also be felt in the area of ​​those organs into which pathological reflux of endometrial tissue has occurred. Pain often bothers a woman throughout her entire cycle. This is explained by inflammation that occurs in areas where lesions spread.

Bleeding with endometriosis

Quite often, with gynecological diseases, there are pathological discharges that may have a brownish tint. The woman regularly notices that she has “spotting”, however, she is in no hurry to see a doctor. Sometimes bleeding is mistaken for a threatened miscarriage or menstruation.

Not all women know that spotting, brown discharge and uterine bleeding can be a sign of hormonal disorders, in particular endometriosis. It all depends on how intensively the daub is applied and whether the daub is accompanied by pain. In any case, if bleeding occurs, for example, it cannot be stopped on your own.

Experts classify endometriosis as a hormone-dependent pathology, which is characterized by the process of growth of endometrioid tissue outside the uterine mucosa. The endometrium, which is the inner lining of the uterus, is responsible for the appearance of the disease.

The uterine body is not homogeneous and consists of several layers.

  • The perimeter refers to the outer lining of the uterus.
  • The myometrium is a muscular layer that allows the uterus to expand several times during pregnancy and also contract during menstruation.
  • The endometrium, or inner layer of the uterus, allows for implantation of the fertilized egg.

The source of the disease is the endometrial cells lining the inside of the uterus. The endometrium of the uterus is two-layer in structure.

  1. The functional layer is subject to changes during the cycle. Under the influence of female sex hormones, it grows, and in the absence of conception, it is rejected and leaves the uterine cavity in the form of menstrual flow.
  2. The basal layer is stable and ensures monthly growth of the mucosa.

Postmenopausal discharge

In some cases, endometriosis can develop after 50 years in postmenopausal women. Manifestations of the disease during this period differ significantly from classical symptoms.

In this case, the following signs of endometriosis come to the fore:

  • severe headaches;
  • general weakness;
  • nervousness;
  • the appearance of discharge from the genital tract.

The secret during this period is insignificant and most often transparent. Occasionally they may be bloody. They are always accompanied by pain, as well as fever and other signs of intoxication syndrome.

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment

Forms of endometriosis

The disease, according to its localization, is divided into several forms: 1. Genital form. In this form of the disease, the uterus, ovaries, tubes, cervix, and external genitalia are affected. 2. Extragenital form. The following organs are affected: the intestines, urinary system, lungs and other organs. 3. General form. Includes both genital and extragenital forms.

The most common form of the disease is the genital form, especially endometriosis of the uterine body (adenomyosis).

Based on the intensity of damage to the internal layers of organs, adenomyosis is divided into the following types: The first type of adenomyosis is inflammation of the mucous membrane up to the myometrium; The second type of adenomyosis is inflammation up to the middle of the myometrium; The third type of adenomyosis is inflammation of the endometrium to the serous layer; The fourth type of adenomyosis is inflammation of the parietal peritoneum.


Brown or bloody discharge are also the main symptoms of endometriosis of the cervix or uterine body. This does not necessarily cause pain. Endometriosis of the cervix is ​​nodular, small cystic formations or growths in the form of red or purplish-blue stripes. Dark bloody and brown discharge may appear from individual lesions. Endometriosis of the uterine body is the growth of endometrial cells in the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus). Pathological discharge decreases in size after menstruation, and its color becomes lighter.

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Discharge in the middle of the cycle

Scanty spotting with endometriosis can appear at any time of the cycle. Bloody discharge outside of menstruation is almost always a variant of pathology and requires immediate assistance from a specialist.

Carefully! Normally, small volume secretions outside menstruation can also occur. They are slimy or watery, may be white in color, and are never odorless. In this case, there is no need to panic, but if the color changes, it is better to check the body for infections.

With endometriosis, the nature of the discharge directly depends on the degree of the disease, as well as damage to distant organs.

So, there are several main options for emissions outside of menstruation.

  1. The initial stage of the disease is characterized to a greater extent by changes in the periods themselves. They become more abundant, and the blood becomes black. Outside of menstruation, with the first degree of endometriosis, discharge may occur, but will be almost invisible.
  2. If the endometrial tissue of the intestine or bladder is damaged, pink discharge will appear during urination or defecation.
  3. As the disease progresses, discharge outside of menstruation will increase and be detected in everyday life. This will be especially noticeable after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. Their color also becomes darker, almost chocolate. Mucus may also be detected.
  4. If the lymphatic system is involved in the pathological process, the elimination process becomes even more abundant. The color can be yellow, so they are often confused with purulent ones.
  5. In the last stage of endometriosis, the discharge becomes almost constant. They can last up to 10 days before and after menstruation.

The reasons for the formation of emissions outside the cycle lie in the pathogenesis of a disease such as endometriosis. An increase in the area of ​​the endometrium leads to more mucous exfoliation, which becomes the main reason for the lengthening and abundance of discharge during menstruation. Their appearance outside the cycle most often indicates that the process is intensifying and affecting neighboring organs.


Brown discharge may be a sign of chronic endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium, the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. Brown discharge with endometritis appears before and after menstruation and often has an unpleasant odor. Sometimes brown mucus appears in the middle of the cycle and is combined with aching pain in the lower abdomen. Chronic endometritis is dangerous during pregnancy; it can lead to miscarriages at different stages. This pathology is due to the fact that the process of attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity and its further development are disrupted.

Chronic endometritis can result from:

  • acute postpartum or post-abortion endometritis that has not been completely cured;
  • intrauterine interventions;
  • imbalance between the body's hormonal and immune systems;
  • hidden infections.


Experts in the field of gynecology say: “endometriosis of the cervix never develops in a vacuum,” this is confirmed by clinical practice and medical statistics.

Infusion of celandine for oral administration - how to use tampons for endometriosis

The disease usually develops against the background of women’s health problems, these include:

  • Abortion.
  • Previous operations on the pelvic organs.
  • C-section.
  • Complications during childbirth.
  • Multiple births.
  • Cervical erosion treated with coagulation.
  • Intrauterine contraceptives.
  • Ovarian hyperfunction, excess estrogen.

There is also a so-called risk group, which includes women with inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, weakened immunity, anemia, liver failure, hypovitaminosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Hereditary predisposition also plays a significant role, which occurs in 10-15% of patients.

Diagnosis of the disease

Necessary procedures for diagnosing the disease: The first procedure is to examine the patient by a gynecologist for internal abnormalities. Special methods for diagnosing endometriosis: 1. Vaginal examination 2. Internal examination 3. Ultrasound 4. Rectovaginal examination 5. Laporoscopy 6. Hysteroscopy 7. Biopsy

Basically, in patients with endometriosis, there is a change in the size of the uterus: in 70% of patients with adenomyosis and 30% of patients with external endometriosis. Generally, there is a slight enlargement of the uterus.

What can they lead to?

If left untreated, the disease affects distant organs, which leads to a number of complications:

  • anemic syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • cancer.

The risk of developing ovarian cancer against the background of endometriosis increases significantly. Also, if the disease develops during postmenopause, adenocarcinoma forms. Infertility occurs in 40% of women suffering from endometriosis.

Expert review Galina Martynyuk It is worth noting that with the timely initiation of treatment measures, as well as the elimination of risk factors, complications can be prevented. This is why it is so important not to skip preventive examinations with a gynecologist, and if pain occurs or the nature of your periods changes, immediately seek help from a specialist.

Endometriosis and menopause

Menopause is a physiological condition that is characterized by suppression of the synthesis of sex hormones and the extinction of the functioning of the reproductive organs. This process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Bloody discharge outside of menstruation.
  • Cycle disruption (menstruation may stop altogether or occur more often than usual).
  • Increased sweating.
  • Irregularities in blood pressure.
  • Hot flashes, etc.

With endometriosis, the clinical picture is complemented by painful sensations in the abdomen and excessive production of vaginal secretions. If a woman has previously suffered from this disease, then when menopause occurs, its symptoms become less pronounced, which is caused by a lack of sex hormones. However, such a phenomenon should not be taken as a complete recovery, since after the decline of the reproductive organs, the risks of degeneration of inflammatory cells into cancer increase significantly.

If malignant processes are activated in the uterus against the background of endometriosis, the symptoms may first be muffled, and after some time intensify. Only in this case, the woman will experience not brown discharge, but black discharge. If they appear, you must immediately visit a doctor and take all the necessary tests.

Sometimes in women after 50 years of age, changes in hormonal levels can be the main provocateur for the development of this disease. And the general clinical picture is complemented by its symptoms - abdominal pain and bloody vaginal discharge.

Signs of endometriosis

If this disease is not treated in time, it will lead to infertility, anemia, neuralgia, and oncology. Discharge from uterine endometriosis may vary in aroma, color and consistency. Therefore, it is important to understand which of them correspond to a healthy body, and which ones should be listened to internal sensations and consult a specialist.

When does discharge appear with endometriosis?

With this disease, the inner layer of the uterus (that is, the endometrium) grows beyond the normal limits of its location. This could be the cervix, ovaries, bladder or muscle layers of the genitals. The causes of the disease are considered to be hormonal imbalance and a sharp decrease in immunity.

In a normal body, under the influence of hormones, towards the end of the menstrual cycle, the old mucous membrane of the uterus peels off - and menstruation begins. But due to the growth of pathological tissue, the endometrium may separate on other days of the cycle. Therefore, spotting is a sign of the development of this disease.

In this case, the secretion characteristic of the disease appears already when the overgrown inner layer of the uterus begins to separate and bleed, being in parts of the female body that are not intended for this.

Rejection can be caused by:

  1. Mechanical injury to the walls of the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs during sex.
  2. Discharge after examination by a gynecologist.
  3. Urination or bowel movements if endometriosis has affected these organs.
  4. Excessive physical activity.
  5. Jar of Hearts.

If a large amount of mucus accumulates in the uterus, it can come out spontaneously. Therefore, in addition to spotting during any period of the cycle, endometriosis can cause spontaneous bleeding.

Intermenstrual bleeding that often begins can be extremely difficult to stop on your own. They resort to hormones, special medications and procedures. To avoid this, you need to visit a gynecologist at least 1-2 times a year and have an ultrasound of the genital organs. A disease detected in a timely manner is much easier to cure.

Discharge during the menstrual period

By the nature of the discharged menstrual blood, the presence and stage of this disease can be determined. With endometriosis, periods are:

  1. Significant in volume. As the disease progresses, blood loss increases.
  2. The discharge is black and dark red. During heavy menstruation, blood does not have time to oxidize and acquire a normal red tint. The presence of chocolate-colored discharge is one of the most striking signs of the disease.
  3. Lingering. Rejection of the secretion continues for up to 7 days.
  4. Viscous with a lot of clots and mucus.

In some cases, when the endometrium penetrates the ovaries, menstruation, on the contrary, becomes scanty and spotty, and the cycle ceases to be regular.

During such periods, a woman’s performance is greatly reduced. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor in order to catch the development of the disease at an earlier stage. In the later stages of disease progression, surgical intervention is required.

Intermenstrual discharge

Such discharge may appear in the middle of the cycle, regardless of the onset of critical days. At the same time, they differ significantly from menstruation and differ in their characteristics, such as:

  • Brown color;
  • viscous consistency;
  • a mixture of blood clots and mucus;
  • repulsive odor;
  • spotting nature of the discharge.

If endometriosis is aggravated by inflammation, the secretion will smell very bad and be interspersed with green mucus.

A large amount of colorless mucus or white discharge is added to the brown discharge if endometriosis affects the muscles, lymph nodes and blood vessels. They may intensify after sexual contact or when the abdominal muscles are tense, for example during bowel movements.

As with menstruation, such bloody secretion is accompanied by a painful condition in the pelvic region or in the lumbar region.

When does discharge appear?

Intermenstrual spotting can appear in any phase of the cycle; the following factors contribute to their appearance:

  • urination or defecation if the endometrium has grown to the bladder or intestines;
  • gynecological examination when cells were damaged;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • excessive physical effort.

If a huge amount of mucus has accumulated in the uterine cavity, then it can come out for no reason. This does not last long, it ends 1-3 days after it starts.

In addition to spotting brown discharge with endometriosis, bleeding may begin in any phase of the cycle.

When does discharge appear with endometriosis?

Discharge with endometriosis can appear regardless of the phase of the cycle. A variety of factors can provoke them. These include:

  • damage to the walls of the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse;
  • gynecological examination;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • emotional stress.

Often, during an illness, a woman may experience bleeding in the middle of her cycle. In some cases, it may be impossible to stop such bleeding on your own. The introduction of special drugs and hormones is required.

Endometriosis is a serious disease that, without qualified treatment, can ultimately lead to infertility. In order to reduce the risk of developing the disease, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound examination of the uterus.

Prognosis and prevention

Cervical endometriosis is a non-life-threatening disease; it can be successfully treated with complex therapy methods.

With timely consultation with a doctor and proper treatment, the prognosis for a woman’s life and health is favorable.

To a large extent, the “disease of the 21st century” can be prevented by paying attention to your health and following preventive measures:

  • undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist; women at risk follow the doctor’s treatment and preventive recommendations;
  • plan a pregnancy by first undergoing a gynecological examination;
  • change contraceptives, do not use intrauterine devices for a long time;
  • maintain intimate hygiene, avoid infections and inflammatory diseases;
  • maintain the body’s protective properties at the level: give up bad habits, eat right, move enough.

How to stop heavy bleeding

If you have average bleeding or regularly heavy menstruation with endometriosis, you can try to improve the situation by taking medications. However, if you experience the following symptoms, you should seek emergency medical attention:

  • every 2 hours or even more often you have to change the maxi pad, which is completely filled;
  • along with the discharge there are large clots that were not there before;
  • menstruation is unusual for a woman.

First aid will be as follows:

  • You can’t do physical work, it’s better to lie down;
  • You can apply ice to the lower abdomen (for example, take it out of the freezer);
  • take hemostatic tablets - “Tranexam” or “Etamzilat”.

Treatment of the disease

This disease can be dealt with at any stage. At the beginning of the development of the disease, treatment of endometriosis can be carried out:

  • drugs to strengthen blood vessels;
  • medications that increase blood clotting;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • influence of hormones.

It is advisable to catch the disease at an early stage of development, when symptoms are just beginning to appear, and not wait for frequent heavy blood loss. After all, the disease not only worsens a woman’s well-being, but also leads to infertility.

How to stop bleeding

If heavy brown discharge due to endometriosis does not stop for a long time, then this is a reason to seek emergency medical help. If the pad becomes soaked in less than 2 hours, you should immediately see a doctor.

To stop bleeding, the help of qualified specialists is necessary. You should not self-medicate in such a serious situation, because it threatens not only the health, but the life of the woman.

Discharge with endometriosis occurs most often in the middle of the cycle and has characteristic signs by which every woman can understand the presence of the disease.

Bloody discharge after endometriosis removal

After laparoscopic intervention to remove foci of the disease, emissions may also appear. Normally, this happens the first month after cleaning. At this time, slight transparent discharge is observed from the genital tract. There is nothing strange about this. This only indicates that a regenerative process is underway.

In this case, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician in order to prevent the development of complications.

It is worth consulting a doctor if emissions of the following nature are observed.

  1. Bloody discharge with clots. If they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. A secret of this nature indicates the onset of internal bleeding.
  2. Discharge of a yellow or brown hue, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. In this case, we can talk about endometritis or the onset of a bacterial infection. It is also necessary to consult a doctor to adjust the treatment.

In the postoperative period, doctors prescribe antibiotics to the woman, as well as hormonal agents. If all medications are taken correctly, the risk of complications is minimal. Most often, the appearance of pathological departments in the postoperative period indicates that the woman has violated the specialist’s recommendations.

How to stop discharge with endometriosis

Against the background of constant pain and anemia, a woman’s quality of life greatly deteriorates. To return to normal, it is necessary to treat the disease.

Treatment of endometriosis is a complex process that should include not only drug therapy, but also the elimination of risk factors, and in severe cases, surgery.

Expert opinion Olga Borovikova Most often, against the background of mild degrees of the disease, experts prescribe combined oral contraceptives, such as Silhouette. It is possible to prescribe gestagens. The main problem with this treatment is the abundance of side effects and the inability to completely get rid of endometriosis. Hormonal drugs can eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, but they cannot completely cure.

If the process becomes more severe, laparoscopic surgery is prescribed. Large lesions are removed, which allows the process to be stopped. In the postoperative period, hormonal therapy is also required. In this case, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations , there is a high probability of complete relief from endometriosis.

Pregnancy and endometriosis

There are 2 options for the problem: pregnancy with endometriosis and the disease detected after pregnancy.

According to statistics, the cause of 40% of cases of female infertility is this disease, and if it is detected, you should not plan a pregnancy until the end of treatment.

On the other hand, it happens that endometriosis is detected in a pregnant woman. In this case, you should not be afraid of complications and have an abortion without a doctor’s recommendation.

The initial stages of this pathology are well treated by pregnancy itself due to hormonal changes in the body.

It should be borne in mind that the location of lesions in the cervical canal can provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, the question of the possibility of bearing a fetus and childbirth must be resolved with a gynecologist after undergoing a special examination.

When might the discharge get worse?

Even in a healthy woman, the nature of menstruation is not uniform. And in the presence of a disease, such heterogeneity can increase for various reasons. This mainly occurs during physical exertion, sudden changes in ambient temperature, or when there is a large accumulation of mucus in the uterus. In the latter case, uterine bleeding may even begin, which is almost impossible to eliminate without curettage.

Intermenstrual discharge in a woman with endometriosis may periodically disappear and appear. The following factors contribute to their appearance:

  • sexual intercourse,
  • physical effort,
  • gynecological examination,
  • urination,
  • defecation.

If there is excessive accumulation of mucus in the uterus, it may begin to separate without obvious reasons. This process usually lasts no more than three days.

Formation of discharge during menstruation

What kind of discharge occurs with endometriosis? The formation of copious blood discharge from the genital organ with a characteristic brown tint is mainly noted. Discharge increases in volume not only in the middle of the cycle, but also in the first days of menstruation. As a rule, they occur in a healthy woman, but since they do not cause her much discomfort, they remain unattended. It is worth considering that such signs indicate that a malfunction or the development of a disease has occurred in the body. Against this background, not only the blood flow from the vagina during menstruation changes, but also the secretory fluid produced by the cervix.

A change in the nature of menstruation means that problems have arisen in the reproductive system, and it is quite possible that endometriosis is developing. The disease provokes an increase in mucous tissue in the uterus and against this background, blood discharge from the vagina acquires new properties. They become abundant, change color, discharge of bright red, brown, and sometimes black colors is found.

Important! The acquisition of new signs occurs due to an increased blood count, as well as the impact of the oxidative process on it. Menstruation lasts much longer than usual, since the tissue replaced during menstruation does not have time to be released in the standard time (5-7 days). In the middle of the cycle, there is a significant discharge of blood from the vagina. In terms of their intensity, in the end they become less abundant.

The consistency of blood discharge from the genital organ also changes. This is explained by the fact that when the cellular structure of the endometrium appears, an inflammatory process forms in another area of ​​the genital organs. Often, this is the true cause, and not the result of a pathological condition. All this ultimately leads to the presence of clots in the blood compartment, and the secreted mucus acquires a viscous consistency.


Depending on the depth of tissue damage, there are 4 stages of endometriosis:

  • The entire thickness of the mucous membrane (endocervix) is affected.
  • Endometrial growths penetrate the muscular layer of the cervix.
  • The entire wall of the organ is affected.
  • The lesions spread beyond the cervix - to the vagina, into the pelvis.

The stage of the disease is determined by ultrasound; if necessary, a more accurate study is performed - MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), the data is taken into account when choosing treatment methods.




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