Furazolidone tablets
The drug "Furazolidone": what is it prescribed for, what contraindications does it have?
Composition and release form The drug contains 50 mg of furazolidone. The drug is available in
Diseases of the rectal sphincter and methods of their treatment
How many sphincters of the colon are known? Many people don’t know anything other than the sphincter of the rectum. A
rectosigmoid region
Sigmoid colon surgery: indications, types, performance, rehabilitation and prognosis
Many people are interested in where the rectosigmoid colon is located. What diseases are associated with this area?
pain in the lower abdomen in the middle in women
Pain in the lower abdomen in women: causes, possible diseases and consequences
Women quite often have to deal with various ailments. The most popular reason for patients to visit
Nausea in a child without fever and diarrhea treatment
Doctor Komarovsky: what to do if a child is vomiting All mothers and fathers know very well
the girl is not feeling well
First aid kit for an expectant mother: what helps against heartburn during pregnancy
Throughout pregnancy, a woman may experience heartburn. In the early stages this happens due to
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Bifidumbacterin for newborns: features and instructions for use
After birth, the child experiences adaptation of the digestive tract to the new conditions of postnatal development. This
Plaque on the tongue: how to get rid of it at home? Causes, treatment and prevention of plaque on the tongue in adults, children, infants, during pregnancy, in the morning
Good afternoon, dear readers. Many of you are parents of small children, and therefore this
Severe pain in the abdomen: causes and treatment methods
Tablets for abdominal pain: a choice of painkillers and auxiliaries A miracle pill that saves from
Should we sound the alarm if blood appears in the stool of a man or woman?
Character of discharge Blood in the stool can appear for various reasons. This is a symptom of quite dangerous
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