Signs of peritonitis: main symptoms for acute and chronic inflammation
What it is? Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum. The victim has a stomach ache and stool is retained
How to spot the first signs of thyroid cancer
Thyroid oncology refers to a malignant formation in the form of nodes that develops from cells
The healing properties of the red brush and contraindications
People say that this plant restores lost youth and pushes back old age, is capable of raising
Is Cyclodinone dangerous when planning pregnancy? Reviews of women who got pregnant with it
We are glad to welcome everyone who is with us! Cyclodinone is a new pharmaceutical development that is positively
Skin diseases in humans: photos and descriptions of the main types of skin diseases
Common dermatological problems and causes The skin protects the entire body and affects the process of thermoregulation
Myeloma: causes, signs, stages, life expectancy, therapy
Myeloma belongs to the group of paraproteinemic hemoblastoses, in which malignant transformation of plasma cells is accompanied by hyperproduction
Tablets for toothache are very fast and effective: list
From this article you will learn: the best tablets for toothache: fast and effective, folk
vertebral angioma of the vertebra
Spinal hemangioma - what it is, symptoms and treatment
Based on the name of the pathology, it can be understood that hemangioma is a benign tumor, the substrate for
Viagra for potency
Viagra: a detailed guide to a drug that improves potency
In the fight against poor potency, doctors often use various medications, the most famous of which is
What causes painful mouth ulcers: how to identify and get rid of aphthous stomatitis
According to statistics, from 20 to 70% of people encounter aphthous disease in their lives.
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