Rhodiola rosea for potency - description of the plant, instructions for use of tincture, tea or decoction
Applications of Rhodiola rosea The plant is used to treat various diseases, it contains a large amount
A stone in the ureter is one of the causes of renal colic
What are the manifestations of renal colic in men, how to treat it?
Renal colic is an acute pain attack that is caused by a sudden disruption of the passage of urine through the
This lesion most often occurs in children under 5 years of age. Breasts are additionally protected by antibodies from mother's milk, but are also at risk, especially after a cold, vaccination, or any process that was accompanied by an increase in temperature, especially a prolonged one.
Stomatitis in children - photos, symptoms, types of childhood stomatitis
Stomatitis is inflammation, damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue, and palate of the gums. Characterized by an inflammatory process in the mouth
M. Raynaud's syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Raynaud's syndrome is a pathological condition known to medicine since 1862. In its
corkscrew on toilet paper
Glycerin suppositories: instructions for use for adults, newborns and children
Published 03/02/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 6 min · Views: Post Views: 571
"Aspirin Cardio": instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews
A recent study suggests that aspirin may reduce the risk of heart attack, but may also cause
How to cure heel spurs quickly at home
How to cure heel spurs quickly at home
A huge number of people face the problem of heel spurs. She's not healthy
attention! be careful anthrax
Features of the clinical picture, differential diagnosis and the whole truth about the danger of anthrax to humans
The causative agent of anthrax, a disease that kills within 48 hours, is transmitted from animals to humans. Infection
Is treatment necessary for molluscum contagiosum in children?
One of the benign diseases is molluscum contagiosum. All people of all ages are susceptible to this disease.
Purulent tonsillitis - how dangerous is the disease and how to treat it?
Purulent tonsillitis is a name that combines two purulent forms of tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis) - follicular
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