Medicines for pain in the stomach, pancreas, gastritis. List of the best
At least once in a lifetime, every person has encountered such a rather unpleasant symptom as
Should you worry if your urine test shows a lot of mucus?
The composition of urine reflects almost all processes occurring in the body. Therefore, its analyzes are carried out
What does candyloma look like?
Genital warts in women. Photos, causes, stages, tests, treatment
What is condyloma? Condylomas are flesh-colored warts that appear on the genitals and anus.
History of the discovery of parsley syndrome
Modern view of Angelman syndrome: pathogenesis, causes, symptoms, treatment
Angelman syndrome is a rare genetic disorder. It consists of a defect in the structure of chromosome 15, which
consequences of leprosy photo
Leprosy (leprosy): disease, symptoms, treatment, causes, prognosis
The peak prevalence of leprosy occurs in the Middle Ages (12–16), when the majority of the European population
Hematogen - benefits and harms, latest research, does it increase hemoglobin or not?
How and what is hematogen made from? The main composition of the delicacy can be very surprising at first. Produce
What is dental periodontal disease and how to treat it
Periodontal disease - causes and effective treatment methods
11/27/2019 Dental periodontal disease is a serious disease in which the last stage of gum inflammation occurs. Often
All about foot fungus: symptoms and effective treatment with modern drugs
Fungus, or another name for mycosis, is a viral infection with the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, which
Pituitary adenoma – what is the reason for late diagnosis? What methods can be used to cure or remove the formation?
Pituitary adenoma is a tumor (most often benign) of the glandular tissue of the pituitary gland, developing in the anterior and
White coal
White coal: instructions for use, differences from black coal, indications and contraindications
White coal is used for poisoning when toxins enter the body. It adsorbs them to
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