Is it possible to eat bananas with gastritis and a sore stomach?

A strict diet, necessary for gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, gastritis and others, requires removing many healthy foods from the table. However, aimed at normalizing the digestive process, it must provide the body with important biological compounds. One source of such substances is banana. You can eat bananas with gastritis or not, how to use them so as not to harm - more on this later in the article.

What do gastroenterologists say about bananas?

This is because there are many types of gastritis, with different etiologies, pathogenesis and prognosis, and most importantly, with different nutritional recommendations.
If we talk about a general description, then banana is one of the healthiest fruits that can be consumed raw for gastritis of any origin, when other fruits can disrupt the pH level and lead to a hyperacid state.

Benefits for the stomach:

  • It is a good antibacterial agent (as is known, one of the types of gastritis is bacterial, caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori);
  • Has a protective effect on the walls of the organ, enveloping it with a protective film, preventing damage;
  • It is a neutral product, does not affect acidity in any way at its normal level and reduces it in hyperacid gastritis, does not mechanically damage the mucous membrane;
  • It contains elements that improve the regenerative properties of the body.

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What symptoms are accompanied by this disease?

Bananas restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to their vitamin content. The high level of vitamins E contained in this exotic product activates the restoration process of gastric tissue.

Bananas promote the formation of mucus in the stomach. They protect the inner lining of the stomach from the aggressive effects caused by other food consumed. Therefore, nutritionists recommend consuming fruit for gastritis with high acidity.

Since bananas are rich in elements that neutralize pathogens, they are often included in the diet menu for gastritis. They also restore damaged mucous membranes and balance the microflora.

Stomach ulcer


Reasons for excluding bananas from the diet:

  1. The occurrence of an allergic reaction. If red spots appear on the skin, diarrhea, nausea, or itching in the mouth, you should stop using the product. The most severe symptom of an allergy is anaphylactic shock. Children are often allergic to fruit.
  2. Feeling of sharp pain in the abdominal area.
  3. Severe diarrhea and bloating.
  4. Constipation.

The use of this product is allowed if a person does not suffer from flatulence, diarrhea, or bloating.

The stomach has the lowest possible pH, which means that the environment is so acidic that it can be compared to sulfuric acid. This is necessary to break down foods into simpler compounds for future digestion.

In some cases, the production of hydrochloric acid by the cells of the stomach becomes more than the permissible norm, or too few substances are produced that protect the mucous membrane from acidity, then the walls are damaged, inflammation, indigestion, increased peristalsis, and erosion develop. With a prolonged pathological process, there is the possibility of developing ulcers that can bleed and affect the submucosal, muscular and serous layers, forming a perforation.

The acidity of bananas is neutral, so they cannot in any way affect the environment in the stomach cavity.

An important detail is the caloric content and amount of protein in food intake during exacerbation and remission. It is important that the patient divides his day into 5-6 meals, in small portions.

Bananas are one of the most high-calorie fruits; one banana can replace a full-fledged snack; it is located between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. Therefore, this should be the only thing the patient eats at one time. During breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to roughly calculate the number of calories and protein.

Fruits allowed for gastritis

Gastritis is an unpleasant, but quite common disease. It is accompanied by painful sensations and causes a person considerable discomfort. The impetus for its development can be injury, alcohol abuse, improperly balanced nutrition, infection, increased acidity, nervous strain and stress.

People who want to know whether they can eat bananas during an exacerbation of gastritis are probably very familiar with the symptoms of this disease. As a rule, it is accompanied by pain in the stomach, nausea after each meal, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea.

If you notice that you regularly experience pain or discomfort after eating, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. He will be able to determine the causes of the symptoms and prescribe adequate treatment. Failure to take action in a timely manner can result in a stomach ulcer that threatens the patient’s life.

Treatment of complications of gastroduodenitis

The pathology is accompanied by weak gastric motility, reduced or increased levels of acid synthesis. The diet for gastroduodenitis with high acidity requires special attention. All dishes must be heat treated in the oven or steamed or boiled. The temperature of the food is warm. It is important to remember that acid provokes the formation of erosions on the walls of the stomach, which causes ulcers.

It is recommended to include dairy products and kefir, biscuits, baked fruits, meat, fish, jellies, mousses, flax, mild cheese and potatoes in the diet. Fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods, alcohol, fresh baked goods and confectionery are prohibited. You can add dill and peas to the soup.

Bananas play an important role in diet therapy. This product envelops the mucous membrane, thereby protecting it from harmful effects. Bananas also saturate the body with potassium and other beneficial substances. Bananas contain a large amount of fiber and provide a laxative effect. Thanks to their composition, they quickly stabilize the intestinal microflora. If you have increased gas formation, bananas should be consumed with caution.

It is necessary to remove apples from the diet or limit their quantity. It is advisable to choose sweet varieties. Before eating, it is recommended to chop and puree them so that the stomach does not waste energy on digesting them. In case of exacerbation of the disease, apples can be baked in the oven.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with superficial gastroduodenitis? Can. However, you should choose ripe and natural watermelons, without pesticides. This product removes fluid by absorbing toxins and waste. It also saturates the body with easily digestible sugars. Watermelon contains fiber necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The goal of diet therapy for gastroduodenitis is to saturate the body with important elements without irritating the mucous membrane. It is recommended to eat 5 or 6 times a day in small portions, excluding spices and salt from the diet. The following products are recommended: cream, cottage cheese, non-sour kefir, cereals, slimy soups, omelettes, meat and fish. As for vegetables, cauliflower, beets, carrots and pumpkin are allowed.

Sample daily menu for gastroduodenitis:

  • boiled eggs;
  • chopped lean fish;
  • drinking plenty of water – rose hips, compote, jelly and weak tea;
  • lean pureed meat;
  • first courses are viscous;
  • slimy and liquid porridges without lumps - semolina, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.

By following nutritional recommendations, you can quickly recover and return to your normal rhythm of life.

Is it allowed to use if you have gastritis?

When making a diagnosis, determining the severity of inflammation and the state of digestion, the doctor prescribes individual therapy, which includes:

  • A course of drug therapy;
  • Recommendations for diet;
  • Preventive measures against complications.

During an exacerbation, medical table No. 1 is assigned, during remission, table No. 2. Diet is an important part of therapy; without following the rules of the diet, medications will not have the desired effect, treatment will be lengthy and will not produce results, and the risk of relapse is high.

The beauty of bananas is that it is permissible to consume them with high acidity and with low acidity, in almost any form of gastritis, you should first consult a doctor about the individual characteristics of the patient.

Menu for exacerbation

Dietary features for problems with the digestive system

Anyone who wants to understand whether bananas are indicated for gastritis and ulcers should know how important it is to follow a diet. Proper nutrition can smooth out the symptoms of the disease and prevent its further development.

Patients suffering from gastritis need a nutritious and at the same time gentle diet. Under no circumstances should you overload an already weakened stomach. Fatty, salty, fried and spicy foods are completely excluded from their menu. In addition, the list of prohibited foods includes caffeine, soda and alcohol.

The weight of one serving should not exceed three hundred grams, and the break between two meals should be about three hours. In this case, the diet should include foods that weakly stimulate the process of secretion of gastric juice, which irritates the already inflamed mucous membrane. It can be:

  • thin soups cooked in vegetable broth;
  • all kinds of cereals;
  • cottage cheese;
  • boiled fish and meat;
  • White bread;
  • weak teas.

Authorized Products

If you have gastroduodenitis, you can eat the following foods:

  • yesterday's bread or dried white bread;
  • oat cookies;
  • a decoction of rosehip, lemon balm, chamomile, also a glass of jelly or compote for an afternoon snack;
  • vegetable stews or salads are made using pumpkin, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, cucumbers;
  • vegetable oils in limited quantities;
  • milk and cottage cheese;
  • steam omelet and soft-boiled eggs are allowed, but scrambled eggs will have to be abandoned;
  • porridge – semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • lean fish meat, rabbit, chicken, lamb, veal, boiled and then ground.

Among sweets, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, and jam are allowed in minimal quantities.

Benefits of bananas

This delicious tropical fruit has long ceased to be exotic. It is present in the diet of most of our compatriots. He is equally loved by both adults and children. Those who want to figure out whether it is allowed to eat bananas for gastritis will be interested in learning about the beneficial properties of this fruit.

This fruit contains a huge amount of potassium. Therefore, one of its main advantages can be considered that it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

These fruits are also an excellent source of magnesium. The presence of this element promotes the breakdown of glucose and complete absorption of food. In addition, they stimulate intestinal activity and alkalize tissues. Therefore, experts often recommend eating bananas for gastritis.

These fruits help restore electrolyte and acid-base balances that were disturbed as a result of nausea and vomiting. Therefore, they are often included in the diet of patients who have certain problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose the most delicious and healthy fruits

Which bananas are the healthiest? As mentioned above, you should not take green fruits, and if you do buy them, you should wait until they ripen. If it is not just yellow, but covered with small spots of dark color (“freckles”), this indicates that it is not only ripe, but has become as sweet and ripe as possible. You can eat such fruits, but you shouldn’t buy them for future use, because if you don’t eat them soon, they will spoil. What else should you pay attention to when choosing this fruit? For size. Try not to take large specimens, choose smaller ones, since small fruits are the sweetest. In their homeland, these fruits grow in large clusters. If the bunch is at the top, they grow large, but are insipid. Small bananas grow at the bottom and are tastier.

Bananas are inexpensive, tasty, and, no less important, healthy fruits. People with stomach diseases should not refuse them, since they do not injure the damaged mucous membrane, but promote its rapid healing. However, you need to eat them correctly, for example, you should not eat bananas after meals. If you follow all the recommendations, and also do not forget about contraindications, bananas will not only not harm the human body, but will help the patient normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and recover faster.

For gastric erosion

The benefits and harms of bananas for erosive gastritis of the stomach are determined based on several factors.

Typically the patient complains of the following:

  • Severe pain in the epigastric region;
  • Nausea, sometimes with vomiting;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • General weakness.

The diet for erosion is stricter than during remission of the disease; the first treatment table is prescribed. The diet consists of light food that is quickly digested.

Approximate diet for one day:

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with water, weak tea without sugar;
  • First snack - banana;
  • Dinner. Slimy soup with croutons, for the main course - stewed vegetables and a steamed cutlet;
  • Second snack - a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner – Baked apple, unsweetened yogurt.

Bananas may be included in the list of permitted foods, but only in small quantities; they can be used as a snack between meals. The key feature of the diet is to reduce the load on the stomach, reduce portions, and eliminate fats and carbohydrates from the diet.

If you have severe pain in the stomach, you need to select your diet as carefully as possible, avoid all foods that could damage the mucous membrane, and it is important to facilitate digestion.

Clinical picture of gastritis

Indeed, as a dietary method, eating a banana for breakfast is quite effective. In the case of gastritis, things are a little more complicated.

Positive properties of bananas, due to which eating on an empty stomach can be useful and effective:

  • Nutritional value, content of many useful elements, sufficient amount of starch and protein;
  • The ability to reduce acidity, protecting the mucous membrane from the effects of hydrochloric acid;
  • They form a film on the walls of the stomach to protect against gastric acid.

Negative aspects or contraindications:

  • The likelihood of increased gas formation and bloating due to the starch content. In the case of eating on an empty stomach, this probability increases.
  • Frequent cases of allergic reactions;
  • They increase peristalsis, which is why the stomach will empty within an hour, and after a couple of hours the need for a snack will arise again.
  • Slight laxative effect.

If you add up all the pros and cons, it turns out that technically there is nothing terrible or prohibited in eating a banana as a light breakfast, gastritis will not progress, and the stomach will be protected. In this case, there is a possibility of increased gas formation, abdominal discomfort and a rapid onset of hunger.

With gastritis, it is not advisable for the patient to feel hungry; this can lead to an increase in the secretion of HCl, which naturally leads to damage to the mucous membrane. Therefore, fractional meals are prescribed 5-6 times a day. It is thanks to this that the patient does not feel hungry, and the gastrointestinal tract is not overloaded with food.

If breakfast is incomplete, then after 1-2 hours the patient will need to eat again. This may be inconvenient. Therefore, bananas on an empty stomach for gastritis are allowed only if you have a full breakfast in the future.

The myth that eating bananas for breakfast can lead to pathology of the cardiovascular system is unjustified and has no evidence.

Gastritis is, to a large extent, a disease that can be prevented. For people at risk for developing gastritis and other gastrointestinal lesions, it is necessary to maintain the diet described above as a preventive measure for the disease. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle help prevent many pathologies and maintain a healthy body.

Mention should also be made of such an unpleasant disease as pancreatitis. This disease is associated with problems of the pancreas. Lovers of ripe and sweet bananas are unlikely to want to give up their favorite treat after diagnosis.

Doctors are happy to tell you that you can eat your favorite fruits with pancreatitis, but only with some restrictions. It is recommended to eat 1 piece per day after breakfast. It is necessary to limit consumption only during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

We have already found out that you can use the product for stomach diseases. But at what time of day will bananas provide the greatest benefits to the body?

Gastroenterologists are unanimous in their opinion that it is better to eat the fruit in the morning. In this case, the pulp envelops the epigastrium from within and prevents the occurrence of ulcerative processes.

It happens that after eating a banana on an empty stomach, bloating and discomfort occur. Then it is better to eat fruits a few hours after meals and not drink them with water for an hour.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, you can make such a unique medicine. Mix ripe banana puree with a few tablespoons of olive oil. The soft mousse has an enveloping property and does not irritate the damaged organ. It is imperative to eat only ripe fruits to prevent gas formation.

The high content of vitamins and microelements in bananas makes them an approved product even for such serious diseases as gastritis and gastric or duodenal ulcers. The yellow fruit can always be eaten, except during periods of severe exacerbation. If you feel discomfort or other unpleasant sensations after eating bananas, consult your doctor. He will prescribe antacid drugs to eliminate heartburn and bloating.

Eating bananas for various gastrointestinal diseases

Like any disease, gastritis can be acute or chronic. Chronic gastritis is characterized by a sluggish course of the disease, while acute gastritis causes sharp (sudden) pain, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, etc. At this stage of the disease, bananas should not be used without consulting a gastroenterologist.

To recover, the patient needs to adhere to a low-calorie diet for several days, which includes only pureed soups and cereals. After eliminating the symptoms of acute gastritis, bananas can be introduced into the patient’s diet, as they will contribute to better regeneration of the walls of the stomach and the entire esophagus.

The same time restrictions apply during acute erosive gastritis. At the remission stage, eating bananas is not only possible, but also necessary.

Banana for gastritis with high acidity is included in the list of acceptable foods. It can be consumed in quantities of 1-2 pcs. for a day. The best time for absorption is between main meals.

Gastritis with low acidity does not require a special diet or restrictions. You can safely eat bananas, as they gently relieve constipation and generally improve digestion.

If the patient experiences increased gas formation, it is better to refuse the fruit.

There is also no restriction on the use of banana for stomach ulcers and pancreatitis, due to its mild effect on the walls of the stomach and the entire digestive system.

For gastric ulcers

Ulcerations of the mucous membrane and muscular gastric layer are united by a common concept - ulcer. Is it possible to eat bananas if you have a stomach ulcer, because this disease does not tolerate neglect of treatment and diet and reacts sharply to their violation? Banana fruits can be called an indispensable product for patients suffering from stomach ulcers. These fruits have the ability to:

  • has a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria;
  • envelop the walls of the stomach with protective mucus produced in response to eating these fruits;
  • do not irritate the gastric mucosa at all;
  • promote the regeneration of damaged tissues.

These properties dispel all doubts regarding whether bananas can be eaten if you have a stomach ulcer. Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary.

For duodenal ulcer

The duodenum undergoes the same destructive processes as the stomach if it is exposed to the products of the bacterium helicobacter pylory and gastric secretion. For those who suffer from this disease, the relevant question is whether bananas are ok for duodenal ulcers. With this diagnosis, eating fruit affects the body in the same way as bananas for a stomach ulcer - they promote the release of protective mucus that envelops the walls of the stomach, improve intestinal motility, and normalize blood flow.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Even such capricious organs as the pancreas and gall bladder do not resist when eating banana fruits. For these diseases, treatment table (diet) No. 5 is indicated, containing fairly strict food restrictions. However, these delicious fruits are not on the list of prohibited foods. On the contrary, they talk about the benefits of sweet, soft fruits, which simply should be chewed thoroughly. Perhaps this is the only warning for consuming this sweet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis - they should be eaten in small pieces and chewed thoroughly.

Recommendations for consuming these fruits

Banana is a valuable product for such a disease, but not all forms in which this product exists can be eaten. For example, banana chips, fried and dried bananas are prohibited. You can eat it fresh or as an ingredient in a milkshake.

The best combination is banana and kefir; they can be mixed or taken separately. But in any case, constant consumption of such foods entails an improvement in the patient’s condition.

Basic rules for eating bananas:

  • It is strictly forbidden to eat such a product on an empty stomach or immediately after consuming food. In such cases, a banana causes increased gas formation and will also interfere with the outflow of bile from the liver;
  • bananas with high-fat milk can lead to an eating disorder, so when combining such products you need to monitor your well-being. It is best to use low-fat dairy products;
  • Green bananas are strictly prohibited, as they are very difficult for the body to digest due to their high starch content. In such cases, you need to let the fruit ripen; to do this, you need to put it in a dark place for several days. Thanks to this, starch is transformed into sugar;
  • You should wash this product thoroughly before eating it. Because a large number of bananas are chemically treated with a substance such as phenol, which is very toxic to the body and can cause the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • It is undesirable to consume this product immediately after eating. This will increase the symptoms of gastritis and lead to increased gas production and intoxication. Bananas can be eaten several hours after consumption;
  • Before eating, you need to peel the banana not only from the peel, but also from the white threads.

In addition, you should refuse to eat forage varieties of bananas. They can be distinguished by their oblong shape and thicker skin.

Having figured out whether it is possible to eat bananas with gastritis, you need to understand how to do this so as not to harm your body. This tasty and very nutritious product can be eaten fresh or as part of cocktails. During the diet, it is better to forget about fried fruits and chips made from them.

Many experts recommend eating bananas for gastritis, mixing them with kefir. If you do not like this combination, then you can use these products separately. Their benefits will not be diminished by this.

It is advisable to eat bananas before the main meal. In this case, the fruit will form a kind of protective shell on the mucous membrane, neutralizing the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.

Regular consumption of bananas is considered one of the most effective preventive measures against the appearance of gastritis. However, it is better to exclude it from the diet of people suffering from bloating and flatulence.

Beneficial features

In short, bananas definitely have benefits for gastritis. They are allowed to be eaten during the period of remission, because the fruit is very soft. It is easily digested and has the most beneficial effect on inflamed walls. In order not to damage the mucous membrane, doctors advise eating fruits between meals, and not on an empty stomach.

Let's get back to the benefits of fruits. They are quite high in calories - one medium banana contains more than 100 calories. A large amount of carbohydrates makes you feel full for several hours. Therefore, they can always be used as a complete snack between breakfast and lunch.

From a botanical point of view, a banana is a berry. The inflorescences are very massive - they contain up to 300 berries and reach 60 kg. Bananas contain enough manganese, potassium, and ascorbic acid. In addition, they contain special substances that provoke the production of mucus in the stomach. The result is that bananas, which are ordinary at first glance, create a special barrier between food and damaged walls for erosive gastritis of the stomach. This minimizes harm - even if the patient ate something forbidden.

Video on the topic: Bananas. What's useful about them?

Despite the fact that bananas are not cultivated in our climate zone, it is now difficult to imagine a grocery section in a store without a bunch of bananas. This fruit is in demand all year round due to its excellent taste, and it can also saturate the body.

But in addition to good nutritional value, the banana takes its laurels as a source of vitamins and minerals. It contains:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, D and group B;
  • Microelements potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus;
  • Large amount of fiber.

Due to this, and also due to its availability, bananas are the main source of nutrition in many countries. In our country, it has taken root as an excellent snack or one of the components of dessert, as well as an aid in the fight against diseases.

In the atrophic form

There are several rules for eating bananas, depending on the acidity of the underlying illness.

It is recommended to eat such a product with a high concentration of hydrochloric acid before eating, about forty minutes. This is explained by the fact that banana promotes the secretion of mucus, which is aimed at protecting the surface of the affected organ from the aggressive influence of chemical and thermal irritants.

However, it is worth knowing that consuming bananas in large quantities can cause discomfort and discomfort. That is why, with an increased concentration of gastric juice, it is recommended to consume one banana every few days.

Eating such a low acidity product is not only possible, but also necessary. There are no serious restrictions regarding daily volume. The only thing that doctors strongly recommend is to chew it thoroughly.

With such acidity, bananas have a beneficial effect on the restoration of the mucous membrane, normalize the functioning of the intestines and provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. In such situations, it is recommended to eat overripe bananas, as they are easier to digest.

The beneficial properties of this fruit have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract not only during the usual form of this disease, but also become useful for other disorders. For example, with erosive gastritis. This product is considered simply indispensable for such a disorder, since it performs such functions as:

  • healing of damaged membrane;
  • acceleration of mucosal recovery;
  • normalization of microflora;
  • improving blood clotting ability.

This product is approved not only for any type of gastritis, but also for ulcers. The banana contains substances that can neutralize the pathological microorganism that causes the formation of ulcerative lesions of this organ.

Atrophic gastritis is the most dangerous form of the disease. It is characterized by atrophy of the mucosa and its replacement with fibrous tissue, which leads to a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice and digestive enzymes. The digestion process is disrupted, the patient does not receive the required amount of nutrients, and various metabolic pathologies develop.

In most cases, this form of gastritis affects people with chronic alcoholism, as well as with an autoimmune process.

The diet for atrophic gastritis is very strict; many things are completely excluded from the menu:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Dairy products;
  • Fatty meat and fish;
  • Flour and confectionery products;
  • Alcohol;
  • Salt and spices, sugar;
  • Fast food;
  • Sauces;
  • Coffee.

This diet may include bananas only if the patient is in remission and receiving maintenance therapy. Otherwise, the mucous membrane does not secrete the proper amount of enzymes and gastric juice to break down food, which leads to indigestion.

Bananas, like other fruits, can be added to dietary baked goods based on oatmeal or semolina, and used in the form of smoothies. In the case of smoothies, not all fruits are allowed; most are contraindicated.

The following fruits are acceptable in a certain form and quantity:

  • Bananas, chopped 1-2 pieces per day. Fruits should be ripe, but not overripe.
  • Raspberries. In crushed form, you can make smoothies, fruit drinks, compotes.
  • Apples. Only baked.
  • Watermelons and melons. Only in season, in small portions.

You cannot combine fruits, especially fresh ones, with main dishes, preferably within an interval of at least 1 hour.


Features of the fifth dietary table

For the treatment of gastroduodenitis, table No. 1 is prescribed. Table No. 5 can be prescribed as a secondary diet - it restores the functioning of the pancreas and bile ducts. The fifth table helps restore the gallbladder and liver.

Diet 5 excludes all recipes containing beef, lamb and pork meat, lard, lard and duck. You should also exclude offal, goose, sausages, salted fish, and smoked meats from the diet.

Lean meat and fish are recommended, namely veal, rabbit and chicken, turkey. You can add vanillin, cinnamon, butter, and refined butter to your food. It is recommended to exclude fresh baked goods, bread, puff pastry, pies, baked goods, cakes and pastries, and chocolate from the diet. Pastille, marmalade, jelly, meringue, mousse, compote, dried fruit, low-fat cheese and kefir are allowed.

It is forbidden to drink milk and fermented baked milk, cream, eat fatty and salty cheese, as well as homemade sour cream. The menu should include broths, porridges and light soups.

Are there any allergies to these tropical fruits?

Of course, doctors recommend bananas for exacerbation of gastritis, but only if the patient does not have an individual intolerance to this product. Like any other food, they can cause an allergic reaction, accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • swelling of the oral or nasal mucosa;
  • diarrhea;
  • itching in the larynx, mouth, skin or lips;
  • stomach ache.

It is possible that this reaction was not caused by the bananas themselves, but by the chemicals used to treat the fruit before transport. But in any case, if one of the above symptoms appears, you should immediately consult with a qualified allergist. Only an experienced doctor can confirm or refute the diagnosis. If it turns out that the patient is truly allergic to these fruits, then they will need to be completely excluded from his diet.


Can everyone eat bananas? There are no serious contraindications, but you should avoid them if you have an allergic reaction to this fruit. Obese people should not eat them, as they contain a lot of calories. There are a number of diseases for which it is better to avoid bananas:

  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • heart disease, including ischemia;
  • heart attack or stroke;
  • increased blood clotting.

If after such a snack the patient’s stomach is bloated, increased gas formation and other unpleasant symptoms are observed, it is also better not to eat these fruits.

During exacerbation

An acute condition can occur for several reasons:

  • Eating disorder;
  • Bacterial or viral infection;
  • Severe emotional stress;
  • Alcohol and tobacco abuse;
  • Diseases of the pancreas or liver;
  • Gastrin-secreting tumor (Solinger-Ellison syndrome) or other hormone-secreting tumors;
  • Gastrointestinal reflux;
  • Various systemic pathologies.

Exacerbation is manifested by increased clinical manifestations, pain and imbalance of digestive function.

The patient complains of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abnormal stool, and dehydration. With rapid evolution of symptoms, metabolic acidosis may develop if measures are not taken.

At a doctor's appointment, it is decided whether hospitalization of the patient is required, and symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment is prescribed.

During the period of acute manifestations, the patient must strictly follow the dietary recommendations, otherwise the exacerbation will last a long time and can lead to complications.

In addition to drug treatment, gastric lavage and infusion therapy are sometimes prescribed to relieve symptoms. In case of serious pathology, the patient is prescribed intravenous treatment for some time until the stomach is restored from damage.

Medical nutrition is characterized by strict restrictions. In an inpatient setting, the patient is prohibited from consuming foods that were not prepared in the hospital kitchen.

Restrictions are gradually lifted when the patient’s general condition stabilizes.

Bananas are a relatively neutral food; they are acceptable in small quantities even during an exacerbation, but only with the permission of a doctor.

Exogenous and endogenous risk factors

Choose and store correctly

The fruit is not scarce, but with gastritis it is very important to eat only a high-quality product. Brown and black spots on the peel are characteristic of fruit that is overripe and has begun to deteriorate, so do not put them in the supermarket basket. Only single brown dots on the elastic and intact peel are acceptable - such a fruit is ripe and ready for immediate consumption.

If you decide to buy fruits for future use, the green peel is not an obstacle. Fruits will ripen perfectly in your home if stored properly. The product will quickly turn black in the refrigerator, so choose a fairly warm and dark place for storage, such as a kitchen cabinet shelf. The optimal temperature for storing ripe fruits is from 7 to 10 degrees, but if you put the fruits to ripen, then the preferred temperature is from 16 to 18 degrees. It is best to buy fruit for one meal - this way you don’t have to worry about storage rules.

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