Syphilitic acne
Syphilis in women and men: common routes of transmission and infection
Syphilis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the spirochete pallidum (treponema); Syphilis infection occurs more often
Colpitis in women - what is it, what are the symptoms, how to treat?
Colpitis in women - what is it? Symptoms and treatment The most common age when
Hormonal contraceptive "Silhouette": reviews, instructions for use
In this medical article you can familiarize yourself with the drug Silhouette. Instructions for use will explain
What is a birth control ring Manufacturer, release form NuvaRing was
Gardnerella in women: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
The essence of the disease and the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis In a woman’s vagina there is a certain microflora, including a mass
Cervical dysplasia - symptoms and treatment
What is cervical dyskaryosis? This is a pathology during which changes occur in the cellular
Non-surgical methods for treating Bartholin gland cysts
Definition of disease. Causes of the disease Bartholin gland cyst is a benign round cavity (saccular formation with
Polyps in the uterus: diagnosis and treatment
Endometrial polyp in the uterus: causes and treatment
Causes of the appearance of a neoplasm Polyp in the uterus and pregnancy Diagnosis What a polyp in the uterus looks like
Women who have had their uterus removed - life after surgery
If a gynecologist advises a patient to have the uterus removed, the consequences for the woman’s body can be different,
Who are nymphomaniacs, how to recognize them and why they are dangerous in simple words
When the uterus “goes wild” Plato himself participated in the creation of the memorable name for this phenomenon. The term "histera"
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