Lemon against diarrhea and poisoning The most dangerous consequence of diarrhea is dehydration, the loss of minerals by the body
Broad tapeworm is a type of tape parasite that forms into a sexually mature individual in human, canine,
Sour cream is a dairy product obtained by fermenting the fattest part of milk - cream.
Dibothriocephalosis (another name is diphyllobothriasis) is a helminthic infestation from the group of cestodoses caused by Diphyllobothrium larvae
Nausea and dizziness with heartburn Leave a comment 2,894 Main diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Irritable bowel syndrome.
Characteristics of the disease The causative agent of opisthorchiasis is the cat fluke, which lives in the liver, bile ducts and
Callous gastric ulcer often provokes the onset of the oncological process in gastroenterological practice. The disease is characterized by persistent
Among all parasitic liver diseases, one of the most dangerous is opisthorchiasis. Opisthorchiasis is a disease
Extirpation of the rectum is the removal of it completely from the human body. Used in the treatment of colorectal
Chronic gastritis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane. Patients are prescribed a diet that excludes foods that irritate the stomach. Consider, includes