Causes, symptoms and treatment of heaviness in the chest area
Belching air is a physiological process that occurs occasionally in all people. It is caused by accumulating
Symptoms of bowel cancer. Why do a colonoscopy every 5 years? How often should you do a colonoscopy?
Symptoms of bowel cancer. Why do a colonoscopy every 5 years? How often should you do a colonoscopy?
Colonoscopy. How often can I do it? If there is a need for a medical examination of the colon, doctors use
FGDS or MRI of the stomach: comparison of procedures and which is better
Today, to diagnose serious diseases such as gastritis, ulcers or tumors, they have become
Diet for intestinal obstruction
Intestinal obstruction: views, symptoms, how to determine, how to treat, diet, recipes
General recommendations Diet for intestinal obstruction is designed to facilitate its work. You have to follow this diet
Boiled carrots for gastritis with high acidity
When treating gastritis, patients resort to various methods of combating this disease. In addition to using
Magic pill. When should you take activated charcoal?
Activated carbon has a reputation as a “magic pill” that helps in any unclear health situation.
Rectal biopsy
Rectal biopsy: preparation and interpretation of results
A rectal biopsy is a method of examining the condition of the mucous membrane, which helps to identify a number of
What juice can you drink for gastritis: a review of recommended natural nectars
To restore the mucous membrane, relieve pain and inflammation, gastroenterologists recommend including juices in the diet when
water diarrhea in a child
Possible causes and treatments for watery diarrhea in children
Article prepared by: Vasily Babkinsky Doctor of the highest category Parents are always worried about changes in the child’s condition.
Vomiting after taking antibiotics in a child
Vomiting as a consequence of antibacterial therapy
Why do you feel sick after taking antibiotics? Antibiotics travel throughout the entire digestive tract, causing negative effects.
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