Circles under the eyes - the causes of the disease in women, how to get rid of them when they appear

The eyes are often called the “mirror of the soul”, and each of us wants to see them shiny, healthy and beautiful. Dark circles under the eyes often spoil their appearance and give us a tired and haggard image. Many women try to fight this problem with the help of powder and a whole arsenal of other special cosmetics, without thinking that it is important to find the cause and eliminate it.

In our article we will tell you about the causes and ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Such knowledge will help you not only get rid of a tired expression on your face, but will also indicate possible health problems.

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin, sensitive and delicate. The collagen fibers in it are arranged in a mesh pattern, and this contributes to its increased extensibility. Due to facial activity, this area of ​​the face is constantly in motion and is prone to swelling. Immediately under the skin there are blood vessels that are translucent due to the small thickness of the skin and the accumulation of blood in them with an insufficient amount of oxygen.

As a result, dark circles appear under the eyes. This effect is further enhanced by the fact that the eyes are located in the area of ​​the orbital sockets and the manifestation of such shadows is enhanced.

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance, since the methods for eliminating them depend on this.

Circles and bags under the eyes?

Another condition that makes dark circles even worse and more noticeable is puffiness under the eyes, commonly called bags. If you are young, this swelling may be caused by allergic reactions, illness, or excess fluid accumulation in the body.

With age, other causes of puffiness and swelling under the eyes appear. The effect of gravity on tissue, which gradually loses collagen and elasticity, can cause it to sag. This also affects the fat under the eye tissue. Fatty deposits around the eyes help protect them. As we age, fat moves out of the membrane where it is normally stored, causing fat to fall out under the eye, causing bags to appear.

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However, in a recent study published in Clinical Neurophysiology, scientists have discovered the possibility of another cause of fatty deposits under the eyes. Plastic surgeons in California found that the study participants did not lose fat from the membrane as they aged, but rather the body produced more fat in the eye area, creating bags.

The exact mechanism behind fat deposits under the eyes is not yet fully understood, but doctors recognize that the risk of bags under the eyes increases with age.

While it's tempting to link lack of sleep and rest to an increase in the size of bags under the eyes, there is no scientific evidence that links this cause and effect. However, lack of sleep does increase puffiness under the eyes, especially in the morning .

Insufficient time to sleep

Every person needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day. Due to lack of sleep, the complexion becomes pale and the blood vessels against the background of such contrast are more noticeable.

To eliminate such dark circles, it is necessary to restore normal sleep patterns and use simple folk recipes:

  • raw potatoes: grate the peeled tuber on a fine grater and mix 2 teaspoons of potato pulp with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, apply the resulting mixture to the lower eyelid area, rinse with brewed green tea after 20-25 minutes;
  • cosmetic ice: 1 teaspoon of green tea or 1 tablespoon of one of the medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, cornflower, dill or parsley), pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour, pour the infusion into ice molds and freeze, wipe with a piece of ice skin in the eye area after regular washing in the morning and evening.


Prevention of yellow circles is simple:

  • get enough sleep;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • protect your eyes from the sun (creams with UV filters, good glasses);
  • eat right;
  • play sports;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • Get diagnosed regularly and treat existing diseases in a timely manner.

These preventive measures are universal (suitable for everyone) and effective. Live “healthily” - in this case, many problems will be avoided!

Demodicosis of the eyelids in humans: treatment

Dexa-Gentamicin eye ointment: look for a description of the drug in this article.

Reasons why you see double

Constant eye strain, stress and chronic fatigue

A busy rhythm of life, stressful situations and constant eye fatigue (for example, while working at a computer) leads to the formation of dark circles under the eyes due to stagnation of blood in the capillaries.
To eliminate them, you need to normalize your work schedule, walk in the fresh air more often and, if necessary, take sedatives or herbal infusions. To quickly eliminate dark circles under the eyes, the following folk recipes are suitable:

  • mask of fresh cucumber and parsley: grate the cucumber on a fine grater, finely chop a few sprigs of parsley, mix everything with 1 tablespoon of sour cream, apply the resulting mixture to the area under the eyes for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  • compresses with boiled milk: soak cotton pads in warm milk and apply to eyes for 15 minutes, wash with warm water.

Bruises under the eyes due to illness, pigmentation.

Any pathological processes in the body have a bad effect on appearance. It is interesting that such aesthetic defects are the easiest to correct, but the problem is not solved at a global level. And a good cosmetologist (and a cosmetologist is a doctor) is obliged to warn the patient about this.

Increased skin pigmentation often occurs due to impaired functioning of melanocytes.

A simple example: due to liver disease, a patient develops so-called “liver spots”. “Suppressing” the activity of abnormally active melanocytes (cells that produce the pigment melanin) is an easy task for a cosmetologist. This can be done by the IPL method, vitamin meso-cocktails, additionally leveling the relief of the lower eyelid area with fillers. But will this make the liver healthier? No! This means that the problem will soon return, which will cause distrust in the cosmetologist and kill his authority in the eyes of a person. The same applies to heart, endocrine and other diseases.

Before dealing with external signs of illness, check and get your health in order. This will guarantee a successful and “long-lasting” facial transformation.

The list includes some of the diseases that cause dark circles under the eyes:

  • Heart and kidney failure;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Adrenal dysfunction;
  • Parasitic infestations;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Anemia;
  • Vascular pathologies (circulatory disorders);
  • Hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • Chronic intoxication;
  • Hypovitaminosis.

Bruises under the eyes, caused by pathological processes in the body, usually do not appear spontaneously and are “chronic”.

Correction of the regime, rationalization of nutrition and other tricks are powerless against them. If you notice a similar problem along with specific symptoms, you should contact not only a cosmetologist, but also a therapist, and if you discover a disease, undergo appropriate treatment.

Poor nutrition

Frequent consumption of fried, smoked, spicy and salty foods, late tea drinking, insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals - all this negatively affects the overall health and appearance of the skin. Toxins that accumulate in the blood and tissues of the body can cause dark circles under the eyes.

It is possible to get rid of such external manifestations of poor nutrition by revising the daily menu and replenishing the microelements and minerals missing in the body. To do this, you may need to consult a doctor or nutritionist.


Jaundice is caused by elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood. Only a doctor can diagnose the content of this element based on the results of laboratory tests. If the problem is precisely the increased concentration of bilirubin, not only the circles under the eyes will be yellow, but also the sclera, tongue, skin of the palms, etc. The patient undergoes a standard examination - ultrasound, urine and blood tests, the doctor may direct him to test for markers of viral hepatitis.
There is also such a thing as “false jaundice”. In this case, yellowness under the eyes appears as a result of excess carotene in the body. Carotene enters the bloodstream when eating fruits and vegetables of yellow and orange colors (oranges, carrots, apricots, etc.).

“False jaundice” occurs due to excess carotene. Don't overuse carrots and oranges!

Other causes of yellow circles:

  1. Lack of sleep (you need to get enough sleep not only on weekends).
  2. Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  3. Chronic fatigue, stress.
  4. Oxygen starvation.
  5. Injury.

Read about how to treat eye scotoma.

Thin eyelid skin does not like too much sun - if you sunbathe a lot or work outside in the summer without protection (glasses, cream), yellow circles with a brownish tint may appear under your eyes.

Improper care or low-quality cosmetics

The skin under the eyes is very sensitive and quickly reacts to aggressive external influences, which can be caused by hot water, stretching the skin while washing or applying cream, etc. Poor-quality cosmetic products for care or makeup can also have a negative impact on it.
The components included in such products can cause allergic reactions and accumulate in the skin around the eyes. To prevent the appearance of dark circles under the eyes caused by such reasons, the following rules must be followed;

  • do not forget about the mandatory cleansing of the skin after makeup;
  • apply to the skin under the eyes only those creams and gels that are intended for this area of ​​the face;
  • choose creams, decorative eye cosmetics or concealers only from well-known manufacturers;
  • When washing and applying, do not stretch the skin; apply creams and gels around the eyes with gentle patting movements with ring fingers in the direction of the massage lines;
  • Don't forget about daily facial massage.

To eliminate such circles under the eyes, it is necessary to reconsider the correct care of the skin of this area of ​​the face and use the services of a cosmetologist. If it is impossible to visit a beauty salon, you can perform lymphatic drainage facial massage at home. Be sure to learn how to do it correctly! Remember that when massaging in the lower eyelid area, light patting movements of the fingertips should be directed in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose. After the massage, you can use a high-quality cream for the area around the eyes, which must be chosen taking into account age, or traditional medicine recipes that were described above.


Depending on the causes of dark circles under the eyes, treatment may be:

  • medicinal;
  • restorative;
  • local.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy is required if there are diseases in a woman’s body. Treatment is prescribed by a therapist or other highly specialized specialist, for example, a cardiologist, endocrinologist, allergist, neurologist. Each specific disease requires a separate treatment regimen. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. To get a good result, you must carefully follow all doctor's prescriptions.

General strengthening measures

If there are no abnormalities in a woman’s body, to get rid of dark circles under the eyes it is necessary:

  1. Make your sleep healthy. This lies not only in its duration of at least 7 hours, but also in its quality. The place to sleep should be comfortable and convenient. It is advisable to use orthopedic mattresses.
  2. Get rid of bad habits. Smoking, coffee and alcohol abuse lead not only to darkening of the skin under the eyes, but also to a yellow complexion.
  3. Drink enough fluid. In the absence of moisture, the skin loses moisture, becomes sensitive, less elastic and loses turgor. As a result, translucent capillaries give the skin an unpleasant tint.
  4. Make your diet balanced and complete. A woman’s menu should include a sufficient amount of raw fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to exclude or limit spicy, smoked, fatty and salty foods.
  5. Spend a lot of time outdoors.
  6. In summer, use sunglasses. This accessory will decorate your look and protect you from harmful sun rays.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Use high-quality cosmetics and care products appropriate for your specific skin type.

By following these recommendations, you can not only improve your appearance, but also improve your overall well-being.

Local impact

Many women are concerned about how to quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes. The beauty salon offers services to correct this deficiency. In cosmetology, the following measures are used for quick results:

  1. Mesotherapy. The tone of blood vessels improves and the skin is moisturized. Several procedures are required, but the results last a long time.
  2. Biorevitalization. This procedure is similar to mesotherapy, but due to the use of a different active substance, fewer procedures are required.
  3. Lipofilling. In this procedure, Restylane or the woman's fat tissue is injected under the skin.
  4. ELOS rejuvenation is a hardware method of rejuvenation.
  5. Microcurrent therapy is a hardware method that stimulates the outflow of venous blood.
  6. professional makeup. To get rid of dark circles, at least 5 regular treatments are required.

The main disadvantage of salon procedures is the high price.

For the best effect in the fight against dark circles under the eyes, a complex effect is required. A massage will be an excellent addition to cosmetic procedures. It helps stimulate blood circulation in the area of ​​darkening of the skin, provoke the outflow of fluid and lead to a reduction in bruises under the eyes.

Sequence of manual massage:

  • thorough cleansing of the skin around the eyes;
  • applying cosmetic oil or nourishing cream to the work area;
  • performing light circular movements in a clockwise direction with the pads of the index and middle fingers on both sides at once on the outside of the eye;
  • using the same fingers, apply pressure in the areas under the eyes, without stretching the skin and moving from the temple to the nose;
  • pressing the area under the eyes simultaneously with the pads of four fingers for a few seconds;
  • Finally, make tapping movements in a circle, moving from the outer corner of the eye across the bridge of the nose;
  • washing with cool water.

In addition to cosmetic procedures, special industrial products successfully combat dark circles. The main types are:

  • cream containing hyaluronic acid, natural extracts, sandalwood essential oil, retinol, vitamins K and C;
  • gels that have a cooling effect and relieve swelling;
  • serums that refresh and restore the skin;
  • toning and rejuvenating masks.

Chronic diseases

Dark circles under the eyes may be a symptom of any internal organ disease:

  • kidneys: such shadows under the eyes are often accompanied by swelling; in some cases, kidney diseases can be hidden and detected only after a detailed examination;
  • liver and gall bladder: such circles under the eyes have a yellowish tint, the patient feels bitterness in the mouth, discomfort and pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • pancreas: accompanying symptoms may be pain in the left hypochondrium, diarrhea and constipation, nausea or vomiting;
  • helminth infections: in the presence of helminths, the patient feels irritability, increased fatigue, abdominal pain, flatulence and problems with stool;
  • endocrine disorders: thyroid diseases and diabetes insipidus lead to hormonal imbalances, which can be accompanied by dark circles under the eyes and various other symptoms (thirst, frequent mood swings, etc.);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: such shadows under the eyes have a bluish tint and are caused by poor circulation;
  • anemia - such dark circles under the eyes are caused by an insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood due to a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and iron in the body, accompanied by increased fatigue, frequent dizziness, headaches, etc.

Dark circles under the eyes can appear due to certain infectious inflammatory processes (for example, sinusitis), headaches, diseases of the upper teeth and other diseases. It is possible to identify the true cause of their appearance only after consulting a doctor and carrying out the examination recommended by him. After diagnosis, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary, getting rid of which will also help eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Vegetovascular dystonia

The cause of dark circles under the eyes may be poor circulation. Since the skin in this area is too thin and the amount of subcutaneous fat is insignificant, venous congestion immediately manifests itself in the form of bruises. This pathology is more often observed in women than in men.

An important sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia is changes in blood pressure

Vegetovascular dystonia can develop at any age as a result of diseases of the nervous system, frequent stressful situations or disturbances in the functioning of the heart. Additional signs of cardiovascular disease include:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • sleep disorders.

Heredity and age

Some people have dark circles under their eyes from birth and their appearance is due to hereditary reasons (close relatives also have them). Such shadows are formed due to the excessively close location of blood vessels under the skin of the eyelids and it is impossible to eliminate them with ordinary home remedies.

In such cases, various salon procedures can be used to get rid of dark circles under the eyes:

  • acupressure;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • mesotherapy;
  • laser treatment, etc.

Natural aging also causes more pronounced dark circles under the eyes. Over the years, the subcutaneous fat layer and thin skin under the eyes thin out and the blood vessels become even more visible. Salon treatments and proper skin care can help in such situations.

Not all circles are formed the same way

Not all circles are caused by visible blood vessels under thin skin. While this is a common cause and there is a high likelihood of a genetic tendency for thin skin under the eyes, it is not the only cause.

The second type of circles is associated with hyperpigmentation of the skin under the eyes - usually brown in color. This hyperpigmentation, or increase in skin pigment, is the result of more melanin being produced in the skin under the eyes.

This particular condition is more noticeable in people whose skin tends to be darker or more pigmented. In a study conducted at Pandit Deendayal Upaduay Medical College in India, researchers found that dark circles under the eyes are the most common condition commonly referred to dermatologists .

This type of dark circles caused by hyperpigmentation may have a primary or secondary cause.

  • The primary cause is increased pigmentation under both eyes, which occurs spontaneously.
  • The secondary cause is due to increased pigmentation caused by a systemic or localized process.

Some of the reasons that are believed to contribute to hyperpigmentation around the periorbital area are temporary and disappear after the irritant is removed.

Possible factors for periorbital hyperpigmentation include:

Sun exposureGenetic pigmentationCutaneous melanocytosis
Allergic dermatitisContact dermatitisEdema (swelling)

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by oxidation of blood that leaks from the blood vessels around the eyes. Blood secretion and oxidation not only lead to dark circles, but also puffiness and bags under the eyes. This happens when the body tries to remove blood leakage from an area with thin skin that is easily damaged by gravity.

This condition is relatively harmless to overall health, but can become a problem. Stopping blood leakage can be done through surgical and medical procedures, but it is best to start with lifestyle and dietary changes to manage the condition and avoid other, more invasive options.

Dark circles under the eyes in children

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes of a child. If they are not caused by a hereditary predisposition, then their appearance always indicates some kind of disease.

Most often, dark circles in children appear due to infectious diseases and helminthiases, but this symptom may also indicate more serious systemic diseases (cardiovascular system, digestive organs, kidneys or endocrine glands). A visit to the doctor and a detailed examination will help to identify the true cause of dark circles and begin timely treatment of the underlying ailment.

Causes of dark circles around the eyes

Dark circles around the eyes in adult women and men appear for a variety of reasons, ranging from the most harmless (genetic predisposition, incorrect choice of cosmetics) to serious ailments of the body.

It has been established that most often they are associated with disruption of the functioning of internal organs, and changes in the skin become an external symptom of internal problems.

Pay attention to the relationship between the color of the circles in the periorbital zone and the internal disease (condition) of the woman’s body:

Color of circles in the eye areaA symptom of an internal disease/condition where dark circles appear around the eyes
blue-violetoverwork, lack of sleep, hypertension, blood diseases (anemia)
blackoncological diseases
reddishallergic reaction, urological diseases (kidneys), genetic predisposition
yellowdiseases of the gallbladder, liver
brownchronic intoxication, helminthic infestation, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases, thyroid dysfunction
pale pinkbladder problems
whiteVitiligo disease (skin pigmentation disorder)

Age-related skin pigmentation

Women aged 40+ face problems with dark circles around the eyes much more often.

This is due to the age-related characteristics of the body: over the years, the already thin skin of the eyelids becomes even thinner, the smallest blood vessels become visible through it, a woman’s hormonal background changes, and the skin lacks vitamins.

An increase in pigmentation occurs on the body (and primarily around the eyes), which is why the infamous “bruises” appear.

Chronic fatigue

Dark circles that appear on the face from time to time indicate that the body is in a state of stress, exhaustion, lacks sleep and needs proper rest.

Prolonged lack of sleep can disrupt the balance of hormonal levels, and then this problem will only get worse. A pattern emerges: chronic fatigue = chronic dark spots.

Poor nutrition

Unbalanced and irregular food intake, excessive enthusiasm for diets and fasting will sooner or later inevitably have a detrimental effect on a woman’s health as a whole, including her appearance.

The body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins that accumulate in the blood and tissues, and dark circles signal to its owner that it is time to switch to a healthy diet.

Bad habits

Abuse of strong alcoholic drinks and smoking have never made anyone look good.

Constant poisoning of the body with nicotine (and this potent toxin is the worst enemy of the skin) and alcohol leads to oxygen starvation of tissues, their blood supply significantly deteriorates, and pigmentation intensifies.

A common reason why women have dark circles under their eyes is an unhealthy lifestyle.

As a result, getting rid of “bruises” becomes almost impossible.

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Lack of vitamins and microelements

A change in skin color (pigmentation) indicates that the body clearly lacks vitamins and microelements (especially iron, zinc, vitamins K, A, C, E).

Interesting fact! The famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra regularly took baths with goat's milk, rich in zinc, thanks to which she remained a symbol of unsurpassed beauty for many centuries.

Hormonal disbalance

In a woman, at a certain period of life, associated with the physiological characteristics of the body (a few days before the onset of the menstrual cycle or during it, the first trimester of pregnancy), the hormonal levels change, which entails, among other things, increased pigmentation of the skin of the eyelids.

Digestive tract disease

Doctors have established a direct relationship between the appearance of dark brown, almost black “spectacles” around the eyes and diseases of the digestive system.

If the gastrointestinal tract disease is chronic, then during its relapse, “darkening” appears on the face in the eye area.

Note! If there are problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and dark circles around the eyes of a woman do not go away, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.


With diabetes, in addition to “bruises,” symptoms such as a constant feeling of thirst, weakness, frequent urination, sudden loss of body weight appear, while the skin becomes dry, loses elasticity, and changes color.

Blood disease

With anemia - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells - black circles appear.

With this pathology, the integrity of the capillaries is disrupted and blood is released, hemoglobin disintegrates and oxidizes, and the oxygen content in the blood decreases.

Externally, this process manifests itself in the form of darkening of the skin, fatigue, dizziness and headaches.

Thyroid problems

Diseases of the endocrine system are accompanied by swelling and pigmentation of the skin, sudden mood swings (from apathy to hyperactivity), and significant fluctuations in weight.

Read the popular article on the site: Menopause in women: symptoms, age-related characteristics, treatment with effective methods.

Presence of parasites in the body

Infection with parasites (helminths) causes the appearance of brown spots, attacks of nausea, fatigue, bloating, abnormal bowel movements, weight loss, and anal itching.

Allergy to cosmetics

Reddish spots can become a peculiar manifestation of an allergic reaction to incorrectly selected cosmetics.

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Presence of hepatitis

Brown circles indicate liver dysfunction. With hepatitis, the face takes on a gray tint, swelling appears, and brown or dark yellow “spectacles” appear around the eyes.

Important to remember! If darkening around the eyes is associated with the presence of a serious functional disease, you should not act on your own and mask the “bruises” with cosmetics.

It is better to hurry to a good diagnostician. Until the disease is eliminated, they cannot be defeated.

Genetic predisposition

Not so often, but it still happens that dark (usually brown) circles in the periorbital area are caused by heredity (for example, deep-set eyes).

If there have been cases of increased skin pigmentation in the family or among close relatives, then there is a risk that this phenomenon, fixed at the genetic level, may appear in new generations.

But in this case it is completely harmless and can be corrected with the help of cosmetics.

Improper skin care around the eyes

Sensitive eyelid skin needs careful care. If you thoughtlessly use decorative and medicinal cosmetics, not respecting age or skin type, and carelessly remove makeup, then dark spots will not take long to appear.

Other possible diseases that may have dark circles under the eyes as a symptom:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands (chronic adrenal insufficiency or Addison's disease);
  • acute diseases occurring with high fever, dehydration, general intoxication of the body (ARVI, pneumonia, intestinal infection, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis);
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • prolonged work at the computer;
  • sinusitis;
  • skin diseases.

Read the popular article on the site: Dry cough in an adult - treatment with drugs and folk remedies.

Innovative cosmetics

The cosmetic industry has created many products to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Typically, such products contain substances that can improve blood microcirculation and lymph outflow. These include: extracts of brown algae, nettle, horse chestnut, gotu kola, ruscus, butcher's broom, calendula, medicinal leech, vitamins K and A.

In recent years, the following innovations have appeared on the market of cosmetic products to combat dark circles around the eyes:

  • MDI Complex: it contains shark cartilage, which contains marine glycosaminoglycan and helps suppress the activity of metalloproteinase (a substance that destroys collagen and elastin);
  • TÊTе Cosmeceutical preparations: they contain an oligopeptide complex and yeast protein Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Extract, which are able to penetrate deep into the skin, accelerate metabolic processes, enrich tissues with oxygen, reduce capillary permeability and help normalize microcirculation and lymph outflow;
  • Ridulisse C: This solution contains active molecules from soybean fractions that help tighten, restore, brighten and protect the skin in the periorbital area by enhancing the metabolism of phytoblasts.

Remember that dark circles under the eyes do not always indicate an unhealthy lifestyle and can be symptoms of serious diseases! If normalizing sleep, nutrition and work habits, giving up bad habits and using cosmetics and folk remedies do not eliminate these unpleasant manifestations, you need to consult a doctor and determine the cause of their occurrence. In such cases, only treatment of the underlying disease will help you get rid of dark circles under your eyes and restore your health and beauty.

Habits and routine as the cause of “bruises”

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by:

1. Fatigue and lack of sleep: this state of the body leads to a decrease in the intensity of blood flow in the arteries and increased blood filling in the veins. This gives the skin a pale tint, and the congestion of the venous bed enhances the dark color of the vessels. Therefore, against the background of a pale face, the enhanced venous bed colors the skin under the eyes even brighter in a dark color. This is also facilitated by decreased tone and stretching of the skin under the eyes due to overwork and lack of oxygen.

2. Alcohol and smoking: toxic effects on the body significantly affect appearance. The functioning of the liver and kidneys deteriorates, which manifests itself in swelling on the face and increased stretching of collagen under the eyes. Edema also affects the venous vessels, causing the skin color to become darker. Insufficient detoxification when exposed to alcohol disrupts the liver’s ability to regulate all metabolic processes, so the very structure of the skin on the face suffers. Smoking is a powerful stimulus for vasoconstriction: arterial vessels contract faster, so hypoxia and pallor develop, and venous vessels contract more slowly, which means blueness will predominate on a pale background of the face.

3. Spending a long time in front of the computer: constant visual tension causes increased stress on the facial muscles, as a result of which the tone of blood vessels and muscle fibers deteriorates, and a tendency to edema develops. Also, working at a computer contributes to dry eyes and irritation of the conjunctiva, which negatively affects the skin of the surrounding area. More than 2-3 hours of such work per day will lead to a significant deterioration in appearance, especially if you do not take breaks.

4. Features of the diet: a lack of some elements and an excess of others contributes to the increase in blueness under the eyes. Dark circles are caused by a deficiency of vitamins A, E, C, nicotinic acid, animal proteins, and fiber. And excess caffeine, hot, spicy and smoked, on the contrary, contributes to an unsightly appearance by increasing the load on the kidneys and dehydrating the body.

5. Poor quality care and cosmetic procedures: it is no secret that constant exposure to cosmetic decorative products worsens the condition of delicate skin. Even the physical impact of applying makeup removers causes slight but permanent stretching of the fabric. And the cosmetics themselves clog the pores and reduce the tone of the epidermis. The lack of properly selected care procedures for this delicate area deprives the skin of the opportunity to restore its appearance and worsens the problem of dark circles under the eyes.

6. Exposure to sunlight: Solar radiation acts aggressively on the skin, causing rapid photoaging and dryness of the area around the eyes. If you do not use sunscreen and glasses, or work directly in sunlight, the risk of developing “bruises” increases. This is also facilitated by poor ecology and dustiness of the premises in which workers spend most of their time; the atmospheric condition directly affects the skin, changing its blood supply and ability to cleanse and restore.

7. Heredity and Aging: Genetic predisposition to certain skin types and changes can contribute to bruising with minimal impact. Age-related changes intensify this process.

General recommendations for improving appearance

If you take into account all these factors and fight them, you can cope with dark circles under the eyes without much effort. Women should:

  • sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • work during the day, avoid night shifts;
  • lead an active lifestyle: walk at least 20-30 minutes a day in the fresh air, play sports 140-150 minutes of active aerobic exercise per week at a heart rate rhythm according to the formula for people under 65 years old: 220 minus age;
  • work and sleep in a well-ventilated area (every hour of work requires 10 minutes of ventilation for optimal oxygenation and removal of harmful gases);
  • eat well, avoid strict diets and restrictions;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • work at the computer moderately and intermittently (no more than 4-5 hours a day, every hour - 15 minutes of visual rest);
  • alternate physical and visual stress, perform eye exercises;
  • do not get carried away with decorative cosmetics and try to use aggressive products less often in the delicate area around the eyes (1-2 times a week is considered optimal);
  • take care of the skin around the eyes according to your age, make refreshing masks;
  • normalize the drinking regime: at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day;
  • avoid abuse of caffeine-containing drinks: coffee contributes to dehydration and deterioration of facial skin; no more than 2-3 cups of coffee per day to maintain a healthy appearance.

Effective treatment and causes of problems in children and adults

How to remove dark circles under the eyes? If circles under the eyes appear, first of all it is necessary to give the body time to rest (change of activities, active rest), give up bad habits for a while, and get enough sleep. If dark circles do not go away for a long time, it makes sense to go to a therapist or neurologist.

First, the doctor will send you for tests, based on which he will assess the health of the body. Before starting effective treatment, the doctor, based on tests, will prescribe lifestyle adjustments in order to neutralize negative factors and eliminate possible causes of dark circles.

To fix the problem, it is important to eliminate its cause. So, the first steps are:

  1. Normalize healthy sleep to 8-10 hours a day.
  2. Increase the amount of fluid consumed by about one and a half liters per day.
  3. Minimize the amount of salty food in the evening.
  4. Increase the amount of carbohydrates, meat and foods that include B vitamins in your food.
  5. Walk more often, spend time actively in the fresh air.
  6. Eliminate bad habits.
  7. Minimize the time devoted to the monitor, TV, and do eye exercises.
  8. Use the best quality cosmetics.
  9. Stop applying makeup at night, and reduce the amount of makeup to a minimum during the day.

For young children, doctors prescribe deworming medications, vitamins, immune stimulants, and medications that contain iron. In case of infection, antibiotics are prescribed. To adjust hormonal levels, an endocrinologist prescribes hormone therapy.

Women use a wide range of cosmetics.

If lifestyle adjustments do not help, very decisive and possibly effective measures have been invented for adults:

  • injections of Botox, hyaluronic acid;
  • slippage of the lymphatic drainage apparatus (increases tissue tone, enhances the removal of metabolic products, prevents sagging);
  • mesotherapy increases tissue tone around the eyes;
  • fat grafting and eyelid correction. Before performing the operation, it is necessary to definitely establish the cause of the appearance of these circles under the eyes, because for some diagnoses, surgery will be a wasted intervention.

Homeopathic treatment

  • Staphysagria,
  • Senecio aureus.
To get rid of circles under and around the eyes.
  • Mucosa Compositum,
  • Echinacea compositum.
To keep the body in good shape.
  • Fucus (Fucus vesiculosus).
To remove toxins and normalize metabolism, promotes weight loss after weight gain due to endocrine diseases.
  • Ignatia.
Eliminates neurosis, has a positive effect on the nervous system, stabilizes the emotional state.
  • Graphites.
Helps intestinal function, eliminates increased gas formation and constipation, helps to lose weight gained due to thyroid dysfunction.

Folk remedies

You can restore your skin condition using time-tested recipes. The best folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes that are easy to use at home:

  1. Gymnastics. This is a combination of eye exercises and light massage of the skin underneath.
  2. Rubbing with ice. It tones the skin, strengthens blood vessels and helps restore water balance. To do this, you need to wipe your face with ice cubes twice a day.
  3. Infusion of herbs for rubbing. For this purpose, it is recommended to use an infusion of chamomile, sage or green tea. To wipe the face, prepare an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs per glass of boiling water.
  4. Oatmeal mask. The ground flakes are steamed with hot water. The resulting mass is cooled and applied to the area under the eyes. After 15–20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
  5. Mask of sour cream and eggs. Beat fresh sour cream, add the white of one egg, mix and apply to the face. Apply especially thickly to the area around the eyes. After 20–30 minutes, wash off.
  6. Cottage cheese mask. Fresh cottage cheese is whipped, squeezed and used for applications. Wash off after 15–30 minutes.

To get the maximum effect from masks, it is recommended to do them in the evening before bed and in the morning, after steaming your face. You need to lie down, relax your facial muscles, and not move during the procedure.

Reviews about the treatment

Anna L, 25 years old

Black circles under the eyes of women are the number one problem. I have suffered from circles under my eyes since childhood; without makeup I look sick and tired. I was checked for illness, completely healthy, apparently it’s just a feature of my skin. Mesotherapy helps me for a while, but I have to renew it periodically. Well, foundation creams, of course, where without them.

Oksana V, 20 years old

I am a student and during sessions it is not always possible to sleep properly, as a result bags and circles appear under the eyes. A friend suggested a method with ice, I tried it with both herbal infusions and plain water. In principle, the effect is the same, but it does not last very long, you need to apply the cubes every day.

Video “Dark circles under the eyes causes and treatment”

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Lisetsky Viktor Leonidovich

Author of the portal at
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Medical Specialist, certified consultant in the field of healthy lifestyle

How to remove spots under eyes

Modern pharmacology and cosmetology have invented many ways to remove intense pigmentation under the eyes and combat excessive melanin production.

Pharmacy and cosmetics

The area around the eyes is especially sensitive. To treat this area, it is necessary to select the most gentle means.

Zinc ointment is an effective drug to remove increased pigmentation in the eye area. Zinc oxide, which is the main component of the drug, lightens dark spots and prevents the formation of new ones.

Badyaga is a good remedy that helps remove pigmentation, swelling, bruises and contusions. Thanks to components of animal origin, blood circulation improves.

Achromin is a hydroquinone-based cream that will remove pigment formations and prevent further melanin synthesis.

Evinal is a placenta-based whitening cosmetic. Has a rejuvenating effect. Fights pigment spots and dark circles around the eyes.

Hardware procedures

Hyperchromia can be eliminated using special cosmetic procedures. Common stain removal methods are:

  • laser excision – allows you to remove dark areas using laser irradiation;
  • microdermabrasion - grinding and removal of the top layer of the skin with microscopic aluminum oxide crystals;
  • phototherapy – the procedure allows you to get rid of age spots using infrared rays;
  • mesotherapy - the introduction of special preparations under the skin helps treat hyperpigmentation and improve the condition of the dermis.

Such procedures allow you to get rid of tumors under the eyes quite quickly. Tangible results are observed after the first treatment session.


Traditional treatment is an effective and gentle method of getting rid of unwanted pigmentation. The following home recipes are considered to be the most effective.

We recommend reading

  • How to get rid of dark spots between legs
  • Methods for disguising age spots on the face
  • Analogs of Melanativ cream against age spots

Finely chop the lemon zest. Add a tablespoon of honey. Mix thoroughly and apply to the area with pigments for 20 minutes.

Grind strawberries and black currants to a homogeneous paste. Apply to clean skin under the eyes for half an hour.

Chop fresh parsley leaves and squeeze out the juice. Using a cotton swab soaked in juice, treat problem areas.

Getting rid of black circles with cosmetics

How to remove black circles under the eyes is a pressing question. To even out the skin tone in the eyelid area, it is necessary to restore normal blood flow. However, before contacting a cosmetologist in a beauty salon, it is best to be examined by other doctors to rule out diseases of the internal organs or hormonal disorders. Effective methods for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes include:

  1. Lipofilling. During the procedure, the specialist fills the voids in the lower eyelids with the patient’s own fat (most often it is taken from the hip area). This method is well suited if the cause of bruising is too thin eyelid skin.
  2. Dermotonia. Vacuum massage helps improve blood supply and lymphatic drainage and accelerate collagen synthesis.
  3. Mesotherapy. The method is based on injections of hyaluronic acid and beneficial amino acids under the skin. This cocktail helps the skin restore youth and even out its color.

At home, you can use medicinal cosmetics in the form of creams. Such products are applied to the skin of the eyelids twice a day with gentle patting movements. The drugs can be combined with decorative cosmetics. And of course, don’t forget about good rest, lack of stress and a balanced diet. Every representative of the fairer sex should understand how to get rid of black circles under the eyes.


In most cases, everything becomes clear after examination. Pigment spots are usually small in size and multiple in nature. These are “freckles” that many people have. However, to clarify the nature of the process, consultation with related specialists and additional examination may be necessary:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Biochemical tests.
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

The reason for an expanded diagnosis may be concomitant symptoms that suggest the presence of other diseases or disorders underlying pigmentation on the face.

Preventive measures

  • Lead the right lifestyle. Try to eat only high-quality food rich in vitamins. Stop smoking once and for all. It has long been proven that nicotine has a detrimental effect on the skin and causes its early aging. The same goes for alcohol.
  • Plan your day in advance. Don't forget that an adult should sleep 8 hours a day.
  • Wear sunglasses. Ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on the skin and often leads to pigmentation.
  • Don't experiment with strict diets. Deficiency of vitamins and nutrients very quickly affects skin health.
  • Do exercises to relieve tension in your eyes and eyelids while working

What measures to take

First, you should visit a specialist to rule out diseases of internal organs and hormonal problems . If this issue is resolved positively, that is, everything is normal, then you need to change your lifestyle or make significant adjustments .

  1. Monitor the quality of food.
  2. Physical activity, gymnastics, swimming pool are required.
  3. Avoid stress;
  4. Boost immunity;
  5. Always protect your face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  6. Do not exhaust yourself with diets;
  7. Give up all bad habits;
  8. Make whitening masks from herbal remedies.

If brown bruises appeared due to smoking , then after quitting this habit the result will not be long in coming. The face will become fresher, the complexion will change to a healthy one, dark circles will disappear under the eyes and the look will become brighter.


Photo 1: Brown circles that look like bruises under the eyes and brown spots around the eyes can be caused by various internal diseases and problems. Source: flickr (martin chinni).

Diseases that cause brown circles

  1. stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  2. pigmentation due to lack of sun protection;
  3. stress;
  4. chronic fatigue;
  5. bad habits;
  6. too sudden weight loss;
  7. individual reasons (age, heredity, hormonal imbalance);
  8. poor nutrition;
  9. diseases of some organs.

Factors influencing the occurrence of the problem

Many factors can influence pigmentation disorders of the skin around the eyes , mainly these include:

  1. lack of fresh air;
  2. urban gas pollution;
  3. weak immunity;
  4. low-quality cosmetics or improper use;
  5. the stress, lack of sleep and fatigue listed above.
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