Glossitis of the tongue
How to identify and treat desquamative glossitis: therapy and prevention of the disease
Reasons Translated from Greek, glossa is language. Glossitis of the tongue is an inflammation of the non-infectious
Causes of pain in the right lower abdomen
Pain in the lower abdomen in women on the right, causes of nagging, sharp, stabbing pain on the right
Women almost always associate pain in the lower right side with appendicitis. Such a comparison, though
Direct bilirubin in the blood is increased
Increased levels of bilirubin in the blood: is the cause always due to liver function?
When receiving the results of a biochemical analysis, some patients may learn that the direct fraction
Testosterone levels in men
Testosterone in men: norm, acceptable limits and table by age
Testosterone is perhaps the main sex hormone, the level of which every member of the stronger sex should monitor.
Insomnia during pregnancy
Insomnia during pregnancy: ways to normalize your regimen without pills
Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by taking too long to fall asleep, waking up early, or waking up frequently.
The main symptoms and methods of treating skin fungus (mycosis) on the body
Introduction Dermatomycoses are diseases of the skin and nails caused by parasitic fungi. Some types of this fungus
Obesity in children - why does it develop and what are the stages of pathology?
Obesity in children is a condition in which the child’s actual body weight exceeds the age standard
causes of nipple discharge
Yellow discharge from the mammary glands when pressed: types, causes, treatment
There are no women who are not at least somewhat concerned about the condition of their breasts. There may be physiological reasons for this
Side effects
Clexane during pregnancy - instructions for use
Prescription drug Release form Solution for injection, 2000 anti-Xa IU / 0.2 ml; 4000 anti-Ha
Why are sweat glands needed and how do they function?
Human sweat glands - structure, diseases and treatment
0 1793 Many people think of skin as a layer of cells covering the human body. But on
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