The photo shows gas gangrene of the left lower limb.
What does gangrene of the lower extremities look like? Photos, symptoms, treatment methods
Gangrene of the lower extremities is one of the diseases that is one of the most severe surgical pathologies.
Systemic scleroderma: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Evgeny Zhilyaev, professor, doctor of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category, tells. Systemic scleroderma is the medical term
Animal carriers of brucellosis
Brucellosis in humans - symptoms, prevention and treatment
Brucellosis (lat. Brucellosis, son. - Bang's disease, Malta fever, Mediterranean fever, Gibraltar fever, fever
skin dermatitis
Skin dermatitis: photo, etiology of the disease and main causes
Skin problems are quite common in modern society and bring trouble and trouble to people.
Girl with psychosis
What is psychosis, signs of its manifestation and how to treat
Psychosis is a pathological process accompanied by a disturbance of the state of mind and a characteristic disorder of mental activity.
cyst on the cervix causes treatment
Causes of cysts on the cervix, treatment, photos
A cyst is a benign formation that often forms in the tissues of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular,
schematic complete dislocation of the elbow joint
Review of dislocation and subluxation of the elbow joint: causes, reduction, prognosis
From this article you will learn: what kinds of dislocations of the elbow joint there are, what are the causes of their occurrence.
Pelvic organs
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Preparation of ultrasound of the pelvic organs
What is pelvic ultrasound? One of the most accurate and safe diagnostic methods,
Mercury poisoning
About symptoms and first aid for mercury poisoning
There is ongoing debate about whether one can be poisoned by mercury if a thermometer breaks. metal balls,
medicine for heart pain
How to recognize heart pain? Where and how does the heart hurt?
How to understand that it is the heart that hurts? Symptoms of heart pain depending on the disease Pain,
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