lumbar lordosis
Lumbar lordosis: symptoms of the disease and methods of correction
This article is addressed to those who are concerned about lower back pain, fatigue, and sleep disorders. Often
How to strengthen the heart muscle and improve its function: medications and tips for lifestyle changes
Pain in the heart area occurs in the vast majority (90%) of cases as a result of coronary artery disease
Inflammation of the salivary gland photo in adults
Inflammation of the salivary glands or sialadenitis - symptoms, causes and treatment
Inflammatory pathology of the salivary gland or sialadenitis is often a viral disease that is accompanied by swelling,
Signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of oral candidiasis
The manifestation of candidiasis in the oral cavity is a fairly common fungal infection known to many firsthand.
9 specific signs of bulbitis, as well as 2 main methods of treating the disease
Every day a person puts his delicate mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract at risk. Excessively sharp or hard, not
Decoding the analysis: what are antibodies, their functions and indications
Indications for use IgG antibodies are important for the diagnosis of many diseases. Analysis is prescribed for the following
What to do for acute and other types of gastroenteritis
Almost every person has ever experienced acute gastric discomfort, manifested by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some call
If prothrombin according to Quick is increased, what does this mean for an adult?
Prothrombin is a proenzyme synthesized in the liver under the influence of vitamin K. This glycoprotein is
hypoglycemia attack
Hypoglycemia without diabetes, for what reasons does it occur? Symptoms of hypoglycemic attacks
What is hypoglycemia? Glucose is considered one of the main sources of energy in the body. With her
What are the causes of neurogenic bladder and how to treat it?
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction is a group of symptomatic conditions of the urinary system that have a single cause. At
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