Adhesions on the ovaries: symptoms and treatment
Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. However, it happens that an obstacle to her happiness becomes
Klebsiella pneumonia of the vagina, be sure to treat!
About 400 species of different bacteria live in the human intestine. Klebsiella pneumoniae is included
Composition and release forms of the drug "Zalain"
Zalain suppositories: instructions for use, composition and analogues of the drug
The composition of 1 gram of cream includes 20 mg of sertaconazole nitrate. Additionally: 20,000 mg ethylene glycol palmitostearate
polyp removal
Hysteroscopy of the uterus: indications, preparation for surgery, rehabilitation || Is it possible to drink before hysteroscopy?
One of the modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in gynecology is hysteroscopy. This operation allows
Yoga for menstruation
The advisability of doing yoga during menstruation
Features of the classes The specificity of yoga classes during menstruation lies only in the correct selection of poses.
Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst and how to do it?
What is a cyst Cystic formation is often diagnosed in girls of reproductive age. Sometimes
Hormone-producing ovarian tumors
Hormone-producing ovarian tumor. Endocrine function of the ovaries Hormone-producing cells of granulosa follicles are regulated by lutropin. The main hormone. - presentation
An increase in the number of neoplasms has been observed for quite a long time. The ovary is the female reproductive organ
Structure of the uterus
A detailed explanation of hysterosalpingography (HSG, x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes): what it is, how to prepare for it, how it is performed, possible consequences, what its results may mean
Every year the number of women who cannot have children increases. This is often due to
Let's figure out whether a diet can help in the treatment of endometriosis, and what basic nutritional rules should be followed for this pathology...
Diet for endometriosis: what to eat to turn the tide
Endometriosis is a chronic pathology in which the cells of the mucous layer of the uterus grow over
how to protect yourself during menopause
Sex during menopause: is it possible, features, problems || Sex during menopause
Many women believe that menopause and sex are incompatible things. When menopause occurs, the woman
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