Anaphylactic shock - how to recognize and what to do?
Anaphylactic shock - how to recognize and what to do?
Anaphylactic shock is a generalized reaction of the body to an allergen. The pathology is accompanied by a violation
Instructions on how to use Hexicon suppositories, side effects during pregnancy
White or grayish discharge, itching in the genital area, pain during intercourse or
Diprospan - instructions for use, side effects, analogues, price and reviews
Diprospan. Instructions for the use of injections in medicine and cosmetology. Contraindications, analogues, reviews
Special instructions When studying the instructions for use of the medicine, it is useful to pay attention to the special instructions paragraph,
Ischemic stroke of the right side of the body (left hemisphere of the brain): causes, treatment, prognosis
Ischemic stroke is a disorder of cerebral circulation, during which tissue is destroyed and clogged
treatment of thrush in men
Candidiasis in men: symptoms, principles of treatment, prevention
Irritation of the genital organs, provoked by the yeast-like fungi Candida, is called the disease “thrush”. This kind of illness
Vilprafen for the treatment of children: instructions for using the antibiotic
Vilprafen Solutab is an antibacterial agent of the macrolide group. The correct treatment regimen with the drug provides a persistent bactericidal
What does Furosemide help with? Instructions for use
Category: Published 04/27/2016 · Comments: · Reading time: 5 min · Views: 5,190
“Phlebodia 600 – a drug for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency”
Category: Published 04/05/2017 · Comments: · Reading time: 5 min · Views: 3,553
Monural release form
Monural - instructions for use, analogues, reviews
Monural is an antibiotic that effectively fights most pathogenic bacteria. We will not give the entire extensive
Genferon suppositories in gynecology reviews
Genferon - instructions for use, composition, indications, analogues and reviews
Reviews about the antiviral drug "Biocad" - "Genferon" - are mostly good. Doctors note that
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