Hemorrhoids - how to treat internal or external with medications and folk remedies

Depending on the stage, the lump can be expressed differently.
A hemorrhoidal lump, photos of which clearly demonstrate that it is a seemingly very small compaction on the skin outside or inside the anus, may not be immediately noticeable. Over time, something foreign begins to be felt, discomfort, burning, itching appears. At the next stage, if treatment is not started, the nodes enlarge, begin to hurt and bleed. Therefore, it is important to seek help as early as possible.

What is a hemorrhoid cone

With hemorrhoids, inflammation of the hemorrhoids concentrated in the anus is observed. The pathological process provokes acute pain, swelling and severe itching in the anus. As a result of the formation of blood clots, foci of pathology can be palpated, and in the absence of therapy they gradually increase in size. Complications in the form of prolapse of the lump and heavy bleeding from the anus are possible. Therefore, treatment must be timely and include the use of gels, ointments, suppositories and folk recipes externally, rectally.

Causes of pathology

The development of hemorrhoids occurs with a gradual thinning of the venous wall in the intestine, its stretching with increased blood pressure. The most common causes of hemorrhoids include:

  • Constipation. Excessive pushing increases pressure in the intestinal wall. Regular bowel problems accelerate the development of hemorrhoids,
  • Pregnancy and childbirth. During this period, there is a chronic increase in pressure in the intestines and blood stagnation. Pushing at the time of childbirth can lead to the rapid formation of hemorrhoids and bumps,
  • Hard work. Lifting and carrying heavy objects also puts a lot of stress on the ligaments in the intestines,
  • Nutrition. Spicy, fatty, smoked, salty foods irritate the intestinal walls. Excessive pressure over time stretches the walls of blood vessels and hemorrhoids develop,
  • Bad habits. Tobacco and alcohol destroy venous walls and contribute to the intensive development of varicose veins throughout the body, including in the anal area.

How to treat hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can come out unexpectedly, but in the initial stages they do not manifest themselves in any way. To normalize the patient’s general condition, action must be taken immediately; urgently contact a proctologist. Complex treatment includes the following medical recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to exclude spicy, salty and smoked foods from the daily diet, limit the consumption of salt, fat, and spices.
  2. To reduce pain, water procedures in the form of a cool shower or sitz baths will not be superfluous.
  3. To reduce a hemorrhoid at home on your own, it is important to know the algorithm of actions or trust a proctologist.
  4. Surgical treatment is appropriate if hemorrhoids have increased in size, continue to fall out systematically, and anal bleeding occurs regularly.
  5. Inflammation can be relieved with the help of venotonics, painkillers, and minimally invasive techniques.

Conservative treatment

At the initial stage, it is effective to treat hemorrhoids using conservative methods, which can be implemented at home. For chronic hemorrhoids, this is an effective way to quickly get rid of an unpleasant exacerbation of the disease. Here are decent conservative methods:

  • oral tablets, external ointments, rectal suppositories;
  • sitting baths, lotions, compresses;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.
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Before prescribing surgical treatment, the proctologist recommends a conservative therapy regimen, which includes the presence of medications from the following pharmacological groups:

  1. Venotonics are necessary to increase the tone of the veins, reduce vascular permeability, improve blood microcirculation, and eliminate blood stagnation in the vessels. It is recommended to take the drug Detralex, Venarus, Aescusan.
  2. Painkillers in the form of rectal suppositories, gels and ointments, necessary to relieve an acute attack of pain and prolong the period of remission. These are Anestezin, Lidocaine, Ultraproct.
  3. Combined heparin-based products have a mild anti-inflammatory effect and anti-edematous effect. This is Gepatrombin G ointment, heparin ointment, Posterisan gel.

To exclude surgical treatment and its unpleasant consequences, it is important to correctly select a medicine with a quick and targeted effect on the source of pathology. Representatives of several pharmacological groups are welcome, including:

  1. Tablets, for example, Phlebodia 600, Hemoroidin, Venarus; strengthen veins, eliminate swelling and attacks of pain. Among the advantages are systemic action in the body and ease of use.
  2. Rectal suppositories. These are Proctosan, Anuzol, Natalsid, which relieve itching and burning, relieve inflammation, and accelerate the natural process of tissue regeneration. Among the advantages is a local effect on the source of pathology.
  3. Ointments. These are Levomekol, Proctosedyl, Gepatrombin G, which act on the principle of rectal suppositories, but provide a more comfortable feeling during everyday use. Among the advantages are a minimum of side effects and contraindications.


This is the most convenient form of medication to successfully treat hemorrhoids. It is necessary to treat the anus with a healing composition, placing special emphasis on selective and painful nodules. The following medications have proven themselves to be effective:

  1. Heparin ointment. This is an affordable and effective product intended for external use. It is recommended to use heparin ointment 3-5 times a day until the alarming symptoms completely disappear.
  2. Relief ointment. This is a natural remedy with active ingredients - an extract from shark liver. This ointment for hemorrhoids needs to be placed in the anus and the procedure repeated 3-5 times a day for a week.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids

You can relieve pain and inflammation, reduce the size of hemorrhoids and increased swelling with the help of rectal suppositories, which are distinguished by their local effect. It is required to insert 1 suppository into the anus, preferably before bedtime and not get up until the morning. Here is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories:

  1. Procto-Glivenol. The suppositories have a mild effect and successfully treat even large hemorrhoids. With rectal administration of suppositories, the course of intensive therapy is 7–10 days.
  2. Proctosan. You need to insert 1 suppository into the anus at night, where the medicine quickly dissolves, while removing pain and reducing inflammation. Course – 7 – 10 procedures before bedtime.

Sitz baths

Such water procedures eliminate alarming symptoms, but do not completely cure hemorrhoids. This is a good opportunity to improve your well-being and avoid surgical removal of pathogenic anal nodes. Baths can be warm or cold. In the first case, the end result is to relieve inflammation and speed up the process of tissue regeneration; in the second, to get rid of acute pain and reduce the amount of bleeding. Decoctions with the following herbs are used as a medicinal composition: chamomile, calendula, sage, yarrow.


Moderate physical activity stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs and promotes long-term remission for hemorrhoids. Photos of simple exercises can always be found on medical websites, or you can ask a proctologist with a specific question. Here are the elements that help quickly get rid of an attack of hemorrhoids:

  • Kegel exercises;
  • high jumps in place;
  • pumping the press from different positions;
  • moving across the floor on the buttocks;
  • running up stairs;
  • deep squats;
  • headstand.
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Nutritional Features

In order for the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids to go like clockwork, it is recommended to supplement medicinal and alternative methods with an active lifestyle and correction of the daily diet. In the latter case, you will have to forever give up fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods, and give preference to foods with coarse fiber and natural antioxidants in their composition. Here are the allowed food ingredients:

  • bran;
  • whole grains;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • prunes, dried apricots;
  • greenery.

Prohibited foods:

  • eggs;
  • meat products;
  • bakery products;
  • pasta;
  • rice.

What is the danger?

The cause of hemorrhoids is dysfunction of large veins located in the pelvic area . Obstructed blood circulation and increased blood viscosity cause local thrombosis, vascular walls are deformed, and nodes appear that tend to grow.

The process is aggravated by chronic constipation. Enlarging nodes block the passage of compressed feces, the vascular walls and the inner surface of the rectum are damaged, and small, painful, long-healing abrasions and wounds appear.

If left untreated, small nodes turn into large lumps. Sometimes they remain inside the rectum, greatly narrowing its lumen and complicating the separation of feces.

The larger the nodes, the more painful it is to defecate; in severe cases, patients cannot empty their bowels without a cleansing enema. As the disease progresses, hemorrhoids become noticeable, they approach the anus and fall out when the muscles tense.

First, this happens during bowel movements; the fallen nodes can be tucked inside. But with an increase in their size and a weakening of the tone of the intestinal walls, the nodes fall out at the slightest stress : sudden movement, coughing, lifting a small load.

Protruding bumps rub against the laundry, their surface is constantly irritated. Frequent bleeding and anal fissures occur.

At this stage, urgent treatment is required using comprehensive measures, otherwise the most serious complications are possible: purulent fistulas, tissue necrosis, anemia. We hope that you understand the danger of hemorrhoids.

Treatment of cones, therefore, must occur without fail and as soon as possible. Today, many people come to doctors with a problem - hemorrhoids, a lump has come out, what to do? And this is exactly what we will talk about below.

Our website provides the following useful information about hemorrhoids:

  • Detailed description of the various stages: first, second, third, fourth;
  • Features of the internal course of the disease and external manifestations;
  • A list of medications, suppositories and ointments that are used in the treatment of this disease can be found here.

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Also read about prostate diseases: adenoma, calcifications, stones, fibrosis, abscess, tuberculosis, cyst and why scars form.

Minimally invasive techniques

If it is not possible to treat foci of pathology with conservative methods, as a worthy alternative, the proctologist recommends using minimally invasive techniques with a sustainable therapeutic effect and a short rehabilitation period. This type of procedure is carried out in a hospital and does not require prior preparation or hospitalization of the patient. Here are the methods we are talking about:

  1. Ligation of cones using latex rings. The doctor uses special rings to tighten the base of the hemorrhoid, thereby bleeding it out. After a few days to a week, the pathogenic node dries up and disappears on its own.
  2. Cryodestruction. In this case, the pathogenic nodule is treated with liquid nitrogen: exposure to cold stops bleeding and promotes drying of the painful anal nodes.
  3. Sclerosis. A chemical adhesive solution is used that destroys the structure of the hemorrhoid and stops its blood supply.
  4. Laser removal. The pathogenic nodule disappears under the influence of a strong flow of heat, which promotes the coagulation of veins and capillaries. As a result, a slight temporary scar remains.
  5. Desarterization. The procedure consists of constricting the arterial vessels, bleeding the hemorrhoids that are to be treated.


If the patient continues to apply prescribed medications to the hemorrhoid for several weeks, and the desired effect is still not observed, the doctor takes a radical solution to the health problem that has arisen. The pathogenic node is removed using surgical methods - an operation is performed. The procedure is traumatic, and the rehabilitation period is 6 or more weeks; constant medical supervision and medication are required. It is advisable to treat hemorrhoids in this way only in complicated clinical situations.

How to remove hemorrhoids with folk remedies

Hemorrhoids can be treated using alternative medicine methods if the disease is at an early stage of development. In this case, you can achieve complete recovery, and in other clinical pictures - temporarily achieve relief. So:

  1. You need to hard boil 10 eggs, remove the yolks, and mash with a fork. Heat 200 g of butter in a water bath, add chopped yolks, mix the composition thoroughly. Pour into candle-shaped molds and freeze. Use rectally before catfish.
  2. It is necessary to grind 10 g of belladonna to a powder state and grind it with 500 g of preheated pork fat. Separately, melt 4 tbsp in a water bath. l. beeswax, add all the ingredients to it, pour into molds, put in the freezer.

Hardening of hemorrhoids

Another way to remove a hemorrhoid lump is called sclerosis of the nodes. Otherwise, this technique is called sclerotherapy. The essence of the method is the introduction of a special composition - a sclerosant; it causes an inflammatory process in the deformed vein, after which the walls of the vessel stick together. This makes it possible to deprive the lump of blood supply, causing the problem area to simply die.

Benefits of sclerotherapy:

  • The result is obvious after the first session;
  • During the technique, proven safe drugs are used;
  • No anesthesia is needed - the operation is virtually painless;
  • This technique does not leave any scars, and the injection sites heal very quickly;
  • This technique can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient goes home. There will be no pain, just minor temporary discomfort. Literally on the same day a person can do his usual activities.

In this way, you can completely get rid of hemorrhoids in two or three sessions. Sclerotherapy is prescribed for grade 2 hemorrhoidal disease, sometimes grade 3. Sclerosis is also possible in the early stages of the disease, when the nodes are noticed by the doctor during an examination and they have not yet fallen out.

Preventing Bumps

Hemorrhoids are an insidious disease that progresses more often in women and has a genetic predisposition. To avoid the first attack with subsequent relapses, here are effective preventive measures for patients at risk every day:

  • move more, lead an active lifestyle;
  • exercise;
  • after each bowel movement, rinse the anus with cold water;
  • control stool, treat constipation and diarrhea in a timely manner;
  • eliminate excessive physical activity;
  • control nutrition;
  • timely treat all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet therapy (diet)

To ensure maximum effectiveness of pathology therapy, it is necessary to adhere to a diet. With its help, constipation is eliminated, against the background of which complications are often observed.

What can you eat

Patients are recommended to eat foods that contain large amounts of fiber. In this case, women are recommended to consume vegetables and fruits:

To eliminate complications of pathology, constant consumption of fermented milk products is recommended:

Patients are advised to strictly adhere to the drinking regime. In addition to tea, coffee and other drinks, it is recommended to drink 1.5 liters of water daily.

What is prohibited to eat

To avoid constipation, you should avoid certain foods. Women are not recommended to consume flour products:

  • pasta;
  • white bread;
  • buns;
  • hard-boiled eggs.

Drinking alcoholic beverages during the treatment of hemorrhoids is strictly prohibited. The patient's diet should not consist of boiled lean meat and steep broths.

Starch and gelatin are strictly prohibited.

That is why patients need to give up jelly, jelly, and jellied meat. The consumption of certain vegetables and fruits is prohibited:

Hemorrhoids belong to the category of complex diseases that are characterized by a chronic course. The choice of a specific medicine is carried out in accordance with the individual characteristics of the woman and the stage of development of the pathology.

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