Risk factor for dental hypoplasia – diseases of the thyroid or parathyroid glands
Enamel hypoplasia: diagnosis, treatment, prevention in pediatric dentistry
Enamel hypoplasia is the underdevelopment of the enamel layer of teeth. This situation occurs for various reasons and
Adhesions in the pelvis. Symptoms and treatment, suppositories, drugs, folk remedies
Adhesions in the pelvis. Symptoms and treatment, suppositories, drugs, folk remedies
Adhesions in the pelvis: what are they? Symptoms of adhesions in the pelvis, as well as the treatment process
Test to determine the degree of dehydration of the body
Dehydration: study the symptoms and declare a fight
Dehydration is a process that occurs due to a large loss of fluid by the body, the volume of which is several times greater.
Elecampane root - beneficial properties and contraindications, methods of use
Elecampane is a large herbaceous plant, a real gem of folk medicine. People also call it
How does infection occur and where does the human papillomavirus come from?
Papillomas are pathological formations on the human body. Most often they appear as warts
overactive bladder in women treatment reviews
Drug treatment for overactive bladder
Overactive bladder is a pathological condition in which a person suffers from frequent urge
testicular cancer treatment in europe
Testicular cancer in men: symptoms, stages and diagnostic methods
Causes How the disease manifests What complications can occur Types of testicular tumors Stages of tumor development
Causes of damage to the eardrum
The role of eardrum damage symptoms and treatment
Etiology of the disease ICD 10 Rupture of the eardrum is damage to the thin skin that separates
estradiol in women
What is the hormone estradiol, what is it responsible for in women
Estradiol in women is the most active female sex hormone. He can have a significant impact
Treatment of thyroid hyperplasia
Pathology of thyroid enlargement: hyperplasia
Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland is a benign formation that is a consequence of the proliferation of gland tissue. On
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