why don't my periods come?
How many days can a woman have a delay in her period: what is considered normal and abnormal during a regular cycle?
When menstruation does not come during the next cycle, women most often suspect pregnancy. But
Retinal detachment is a disease characterized by separation of the retina of the eye from the vascular layer
Causes, types, features of diagnosis and treatment of retinal detachment
Retinal detachment is a serious disease, or more precisely, a condition characterized by separation of the retina
Woman at the doctor
Diagnosis and treatment of mastitis in women, men and children
The period after childbirth is one of the most dangerous and difficult for the child and for
Diclofenac ointment: instructions for use, what it helps with, analogues and reviews
"DICLOFENAC": composition The active ingredient is diclofenac. Refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals and is
Children's institutions are the first source of lice infection
How and how to quickly remove lice and nits from a child: tips and tricks
How to get rid of lice: reliable remedies and prevention. Print version (2323 ratings) Rate
Types of vaccinations in children
What ailments should a child be vaccinated against: list and schedule of mandatory vaccinations in Russia
Child's health from A to Z The problem of the feasibility of preventive vaccinations for children is already relevant
Diet for pyelonephritis: menu for a week during remission and exacerbation
Nutrition for pyelonephritis is a specific diet that helps eliminate the inflammatory process in the kidneys, normalizing
How to determine a rib fracture? Symptoms and treatment of rib fracture
How to determine a rib fracture? Symptoms and treatment of rib fracture
In this article we will look at how to determine a rib fracture. This pathology is a violation of the integrity of several
Degrees of burns and assistance in case of injury
A burn is a serious injury caused by exposure to heat, sun, chemicals or electrical current. She
What does fluoroscopy of the esophagus, stomach and intestines show and how is it performed?
To identify pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, various examination methods are used. Ultrasound diagnostics, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, computed tomography,
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