Edema during pregnancy: causes, treatment and prevention

Causes of edema in pregnant women

Noticeable swelling is common to almost all pregnant women in the third trimester. Before you start fighting them, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. In some cases, it is possible to get rid of fluid stagnation without the help of diuretics for edema during pregnancy:

  1. Significantly greater need for water than before pregnancy. To form amniotic fluid, you need a lot of fluid, which increases blood volume. As a result, the body tries to reduce its viscosity: with the help of hormones, it provokes a feeling of thirst, and the pregnant woman begins to drink more fluid. The excess inevitably concentrates in the soft tissues. This is the most common cause of edema, which does not pose any danger to the health of either the mother or the fetus.
  2. If before pregnancy a woman suffered from varicose veins, then with a high degree of confidence we can say that she will suffer from swelling of the legs in the third trimester. Drugs for edema during pregnancy, which are caused by varicose veins - “Troxevasin”, “Troxerutin”, “Lioton”.
  3. Often women do not even suspect that they have chronic kidney disease. This is pyelonephritis, sand and stones in this organ and bladder. During pregnancy, these diagnoses inevitably pop up, as the body experiences high stress. With such diseases, the kidneys simply cannot cope with the secretion of fluid. Drugs for edema during pregnancy that can be taken in this case are “Canephron”, “Renel”, “Fitolysin”.
  4. Quite often, pregnant women experience gestosis - a disease in which, in addition to excessive fluid retention in the body, there is also an increase in pressure and a high concentration of protein in the urine. This is a complex condition, treatment for it requires comprehensive treatment and can only be prescribed by a therapist or gynecologist, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of pregnancy.

Causes and clinical manifestations

In order to find out how to get rid of edema during pregnancy, you need to determine what causes it. All causative factors for the development of edema can be divided into physiological and pathological.

Etiology and clinical manifestations of physiological edema

Normally, the human body contains about 7 liters. water. During pregnancy, this volume increases by 3-8 liters. due to the formation of the placenta and the excretion of amniotic fluid.

In the third trimester, a restructuring of the water-salt balance occurs, since the functioning of the organs of the endocrine and urinary systems is aimed at the active accumulation of sodium salts, which stimulate the flow of water to the tissues to prevent dehydration. This mechanism answers the question why a pregnant woman’s legs swell.

In addition, the following factors cause swelling in later stages:

  1. Violation of the drinking regime - when more than 2 liters enter the body. water per day, liquid accumulates in the intercellular space.
  2. Errors in the diet for a pregnant woman - consuming foods high in salt provokes water retention in the body.
  3. An increase in the size of the uterus - the development of edema in this case can be caused by a violation of venous outflow due to compression of lymphatic and blood vessels or a decrease in the amount of urine excreted due to pressure on the kidneys.
  4. Effect of progesterone - this hormone has an antidiuretic effect.
  5. Excess body weight - water is retained more in fat cells.
  6. An unbalanced diet, including an insufficient amount of protein foods - a lack of protein leads to increased permeability of the vascular walls.
  7. Congestion – fluid retention in this case is caused by a passive lifestyle or professional activity. Associated with prolonged standing.
  8. Weather conditions - high temperature and humidity cause dilation of the vessels of the lower extremities, which causes the accumulation of water.

Symptoms of physiological edema in a pregnant woman

During a normal pregnancy, almost 80 out of 100 women experience physiological edema.

They are manifested by the following clinical signs:

  1. Weak expression - in 9 months the expectant mother gains 7-12 kg.
  2. Low prevalence - most often found on the legs and arms, without affecting the organs of the chest, abdominal cavities and placenta.
  3. Lack of treatment - the question of how to relieve swelling does not arise after the birth of a child; it goes away on its own without the need for additional therapy.

Etiology and symptoms of pathological edema

The causes of pathological fluid retention in the body are directly related to the severe course of pregnancy, as well as chronic diseases of various organs and systems, such as:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • the presence of varicose veins;
  • diseases of an allergic nature;
  • development of gestosis - late toxicosis.

Swelling due to pathologies of the cardiovascular system

With cardiac edema, fluid retention occurs symmetrically with a gradual upward movement. At first, the ankles of the feet suffer, then as the pregnancy progresses, the process spreads higher up to the face. At the same time, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes loose. If the pastiness does not subside overnight or is severe, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist unscheduled.

Renal edema

With pathological changes in the kidneys, a pregnant woman experiences severe swelling of the face (first of all, they appear on the eyelids), and over a long period of time they evenly spread to the surface of the entire body. If you do not pay attention to changes in a timely manner, hidden (internal) fluid retention develops. If swelling on the face appears in the morning, you should consult a therapist, and if a pregnant woman has chronic kidney disease, consult a urologist.

Swelling with varicose veins

During pregnancy, the course of varicose veins becomes more complicated due to overflow and deformation of the veins due to the increased volume and speed of blood flow. Edema with varicose veins differs from other types of pathology in the following manifestations:

  • often occurs early;
  • characterized by asymmetry;
  • the skin over the pasty area becomes thinner and loses hair;
  • upon palpation, pain of varying intensity is felt;
  • in the later stages, varicose veins of the external genitalia develop.

Allergies as a cause of edema

An allergic reaction to dust, pollen, certain foods, medications, household chemicals and decorative cosmetics may first occur during pregnancy. Mild manifestations of this disease are dermatitis, hyperemia, itching and flaking of the skin, conjunctivitis, runny nose and cough.

Swelling of the mucous membranes due to allergies is manifested by nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. When such a condition appears, it is necessary to get rid of it as quickly as possible, since it threatens the development of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the fetus. It is enough to eliminate contact with the allergen in order to stop mild manifestations of an allergic reaction. If the expectant mother is an experienced allergy sufferer, she should consult a doctor before taking her regular antihistamine tablets.

Fluid retention as a manifestation of gestosis

Preeclampsia or late toxicosis develops in the third trimester of pregnancy. The reason for its development is damage to the vascular walls, which leads to stimulation of the release of vasoconstrictor substances (vasoconstrictors), which are responsible for the narrowing of arteries of various sizes. This leads to increased blood pressure, impaired renal function and is manifested by edema.

The exact reasons for the development of gestosis have not yet been clarified, but researchers have put forward 5 theories for the development of this pathology:

  1. Hormonal - according to this theory, in the third trimester, the release of hormones from the pituitary gland and adrenal glands into the blood increases significantly, which leads to spasm of the arteries and triggers the mechanism for the development of the disease.
  2. Genetic – suggests that the development of gestosis is due to a hereditary predisposition to this disease.
  3. Cortico-visceral - according to supporters of this theory, changes in the functioning of blood vessels are caused by a disruption of the connection between the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures.
  4. Immunological – suggests that late toxicosis occurs due to an inadequate immune response of the expectant mother’s body to the fetus.
  5. Placental - according to this theory, the placenta secretes substances that cause a narrowing of the lumen of the arteries and thereby triggers the mechanism for the development of the pathological process.

Symptoms of gestosis:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • the presence of protein in the urine;
  • water retention in the body.

Late toxicosis causes the development of oxygen starvation in the fetus due to narrowing of the arteries of the placenta and a decrease in the volume and speed of blood flow. In the initial stages of the disease, the child suffers from minor hypoxia, while the severe form (preeclampsia) causes severe headaches, attacks of nausea and vomiting, mental disorders in the expectant mother and is dangerous due to possible placental abruption and premature birth. In addition, the disease without treatment threatens the development of eclampsia - a convulsive seizure, the duration of which usually does not exceed 2-3 minutes, but it can cause cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, blindness, and fetal death.

Women have a greater risk of developing gestosis:

  • those suffering from chronic diseases;
  • those who become pregnant over the age of 35;
  • with bad habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse, taking drugs;
  • suffering from sexually transmitted diseases;
  • with epilepsy, convulsive syndrome, controlled by medications;
  • with a hereditary tendency to vascular diseases with increased permeability of their walls.

If a pregnant woman's upper and lower extremities swell in the morning, this may be the first sign of gestosis. Therefore, if such manifestations are present, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the deterioration of the condition and help select therapy appropriate to the situation.

Types of edema in pregnant women

There are two main types:

  • hidden edema (in some cases dangerous, they can be recognized by a sharp increase in body weight);
  • obvious swelling is immediately noticeable: most often it appears on the hands, wrists, feet, ankles, and face.

Doctors distinguish three stages of edema during pregnancy:

  • “normal” swelling is characterized by the absence of sudden changes in weight, normal levels of blood sugar and protein in the urine;
  • the “middle” stage requires therapy, most often diuretics are used for this for edema during pregnancy;
  • The “severe” stage most often appears as a result of gestosis - a pathology of pregnancy, which consists of the formation of substances in the placenta that literally “corrode” the vessels, making holes in them through which protein is washed out of the blood and enters the urine.

You will find out below which drugs are most effective during pregnancy and edema.

If your face, legs and arms swell, is it possible to reduce the swelling with medications?

Having identified the occurrence and development of hidden or obvious edema in a timely manner, the gynecologist, depending on the medical history and current condition of the pregnant woman, prescribes treatment. Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of drugs that are effective in combating this dangerous “disease.”

What is prescribed for acute forms

For severe swelling of the legs, face or upper extremities, in addition to general recommendations and adherence to the drinking regime, as well as adjustments to the daily diet, doctors in a hospital setting prescribe:

  • "Courantil";
  • "Canephron";
  • "Phytolysin";
  • "Spironolactone";
  • "Magne B6";
  • "Magneroth".

What remedies are effective?

The most effective of them are “Curantil” and “Canephron”. The compositions of these medications are as natural as possible, which ensures the absolute safety of their use, along with the high speed of action of the active substances.

Medicines that can be used by pregnant women to combat swelling

Self-administration of medications during pregnancy is prohibited. Before using any medication, even the most harmless one, you should consult a doctor. Before prescribing medications for edema during pregnancy, the gynecologist will give a referral for a consultation with a phlebologist, endocrinologist and nephrologist to clarify the causes of the condition. Therapy will depend on the final diagnosis.

Before prescribing medications for edema during pregnancy, doctors will advise the patient to stabilize the water regime and adjust the diet. You should completely avoid salty foods and fast food, as well as carbonated drinks. If after these measures the swelling does not decrease, you will have to use an arsenal of drugs against edema during pregnancy. Treatment is most often easy and significantly improves the well-being of a pregnant woman.

What are the dangers of leg swelling and when to see a doctor?

Minor swelling in the first trimester, which appears in the last stages of pregnancy, does not pose a threat to the mother and fetus, and therefore does not require treatment. But in cases where edema appears during pregnancy and legs hurt, emergency measures are necessary. This is the case when you need to seek professional help. After the examination, the doctor will determine the cause of the swelling and what is happening to the baby and mother.

You should not take this problem lightly, because few people know what its danger is and how edema is dangerous for the mother and her child during pregnancy.

There is a risk of premature birth. Swelling of the legs and a hard belly during pregnancy may indicate swelling of the placental tissue.

Violation of the functions of internal organs, causing edema, can also threaten the child’s life.

"Fitolysin" for edema: instructions for use

Release form: paste or capsules. The drug is unique due to its natural composition:

  • horsetail grass;
  • goldenrod;
  • onion;
  • hernia;
  • parsley fruit extract;
  • birch leaves.

It is conditionally approved for use by pregnant women. This means that if the expected benefit from taking Phytolysin outweighs the predicted problems, then it can be used.

The composition of the drug, which is full of names of natural ingredients and extracts, can be misleading and seem completely safe. This opinion is wrong. Plant components often cause the development of serious allergic reactions, including Quincke's edema. So, if a pregnant woman is planning to use Fitolysin to treat edema, she must notify her doctor about this.

What not to take during pregnancy for edema

Because of the potential danger to pregnant women posed by some drugs that have been successfully used to treat edema in other people, doctors prefer to avoid prescribing drugs that have diuretic properties:

  • "Furosemide";
  • "Hypothiazide";
  • "Theobromine";
  • "Xipamide";
  • "Lasilactone";
  • "Triamterene";
  • "Diakarb."

"Canephron" for pregnant women

Another remedy with a diuretic effect, widely used by herbalists. Given the mild antibacterial effect of Canephron, nephrologists have begun to prescribe it in recent years. The drug has a pronounced healing effect for the kidneys, despite the herbal composition. "Canephron" is the only drug for edema during pregnancy, reviews of which are almost all positive.

Release form: orange pellets. Active ingredients of Canephron:

  • lovage root;
  • rosemary leaf extract;
  • centaury herb.

Indications for use of the drug are cystitis, urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, uric acid diathesis, swelling. Canephron is approved for use during pregnancy, but the duration of use and dosage must be discussed with a nephrologist.

How does swelling of the legs manifest?

The manifestation of edema depends on the reasons that provoked it. During pregnancy, women need to know how to identify swelling in the legs to prevent the development of complications. Because the development of the disease becomes dangerous both for the expectant mother and her child.

Swelling can lead to a slight increase in the volume of the legs. This condition is typical for trimesters 1 and 2. In later stages, the problem may have more pronounced symptoms. But if during pregnancy the legs swell greatly, then many patients panic and do not know what to do. Large swelling can cause the appearance of trophic ulcers and erosions.

"Hofitol" and "Holosas" for edema during pregnancy

If swelling is caused by gestosis or a violation of the outflow of bile, or liver disease, it is worth taking a course of choleretic drugs. Since swelling due to liver dysfunction is a fairly rare occurrence, these drugs are not often prescribed to pregnant women.

Both “Hofitol” and “Holosas” have a mild choleretic effect. The main active ingredient is processed crushed artichoke leaves. As a side effect, patients often experience urticaria, itching, and dermatitis.

"Hofitol" can effectively relieve the symptoms of toxicosis (this issue is relevant for many women during pregnancy): nausea, dizziness, vomiting. So, when taking this medicine, you can kill “two birds with one stone” at once: get rid of the manifestations of toxicosis and reduce swelling of the body.

After consultation with your doctor and in the absence of contraindications, you can use drugs for edema during pregnancy “Hofitol” or “Holosas” as a prophylaxis.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

If edema is caused by pathological changes occurring in the body, the condition of a pregnant woman may constantly worsen. Gradually, the problem will become noticeable not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body. Experts distinguish four stages of edema:

  1. The problem appears in the area of ​​the feet and legs.
  2. Swelling gradually spreads to the hips, lumbar region and lower abdomen.
  3. Then the presence of the problem becomes noticeable and higher. Hands and face may be affected.
  4. General swelling of the body occurs.

If a girl is pregnant, a lot of sodium salts accumulate in the body. They have the property of attracting water. Under their influence, edema is formed, which is classified as physiological. Factors leading to the problem may include:

  • girl eats too much salty food;
  • a pregnant woman gives herself excessive physical activity;
  • the air temperature is too high.

Physiological edema is considered normal. If this phenomenon occurs during pregnancy, it should not cause concern. If you get rid of the provoking factors, the problem will instantly disappear.

Pathological edema differs from physiological edema. They appear due to the presence of diseases. Usually the problem is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • the girl suddenly gains excess weight;
  • swelling gradually spreads to other parts of the body;
  • the girl feels weak;
  • there are difficulties with movement;
  • hypertension is observed;
  • the temperature rises.

It is much more difficult to get rid of such swelling. Only a doctor can determine the type of problem and develop a plan to combat it. If a girl notices increased swelling, she should immediately consult a specialist. Self-treatment can lead to additional health problems.

Taking Eufillin for swelling during pregnancy

One of the causes of swelling in pregnant women is gestosis in pregnant women. This is a serious condition that develops due to vascular spasms due to changes in blood circulation and hormone balance.

With this process, Eufillin is the best drug for edema during pregnancy. The peculiarities of its action are that it dilates blood vessels and helps normalize blood circulation in the body. It also helps prevent blood cells from sticking together and forming blood clots, which is also common during pregnancy.

The release form of "Eufillina" is capsules for oral administration and ampoules with liquid for injection. For pregnant women, the tablet form is preferable, since the injection puts many people in a state of increased anxiety, which is unacceptable during such a crucial period.

Recognition of edema

A pregnant woman herself may notice swelling of the lower extremities if it is severe enough.
Hidden and unnoticeable swelling can only be detected by a doctor. There are several ways to determine whether a pregnant woman has swelling and whether it is increasing.

The simplest signs are the inability to put on shoes in the evening or difficulty removing a wedding ring from your finger. Helps to see fluid retention and sock marks on the ankle, fluctuations in ankle circumference of more than 1 cm per day.

The presence of edema, including internal edema, is indicated by rapid or uneven weight gain: more than 300 - 400 grams per week.

To more accurately determine the balance between the liquid drunk and excreted, it is recommended to keep a drinking diary. The “drunk” column takes into account all liquid consumed per day, including drinks, soups, fruits and vegetables. One medium fruit is equal to 50 grams of water.

During the day, you need to collect all urine excreted in one container, and then determine its volume.

Then the amount of fluid drunk in milliliters must be multiplied by 0.75 and thus obtain the normal volume of fluid excreted in milliliters. If in fact it is less, there is swelling.

Antispasmodics for swelling

The main purpose of antispasmodics is not to get rid of fluid accumulation in the tissues of the body. They relax muscle fibers, thereby reducing the tone of the uterus and preventing the development of pain. The most popular antispasmodics in gynecology are “No-shpa” and its cheap analogue called “Drotaverine”.

Antispasmodics help quite effectively with swelling of the legs, feet, and ankles. Swelling in the lower extremities is often associated with varicose veins. Antispasmodics reduce tension in the leg muscles, which helps accelerate blood circulation. So, this class of drugs has an indirect effect on reducing the severity of leg swelling.

How to cope with edema during pregnancy using folk remedies

A pregnant woman can try to minimize swelling at home by using effective folk methods, adjusting her diet, and performing simple exercises.

Foot baths: how to relieve swelling

The most common home remedies for eliminating fluid retention in the legs include:

  • foot baths (dissolve sea salt, mustard, chamomile or lemon balm in water at a temperature of 30 - 35 degrees in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of active substance per liter of liquid);
  • cold and hot shower.

How to relieve facial swelling

To eliminate “swelling” of a pregnant woman’s face, it is recommended to wipe the skin with ice daily, and also regularly do the following:

  • cucumber mask;
  • potato and honey mask;
  • compress on the face with a decoction of calendula and green tea.

How to reduce swelling in the lower abdomen

Daily consumption will help reduce dangerous swelling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy:

  • berry fruit drinks;
  • fresh vegetable juices;
  • herbal infusions, in particular parsley, rose hips, hawthorn, chamomile.

Gels and ointments that reduce the severity of swelling

If swelling of the legs and feet during pregnancy is caused by varicose veins, then it is not necessary to take tablets. Ointments and gels will ease the condition, which accelerate blood circulation, prevent the formation of blood clots and resolve the accumulation of fluid under the skin:

  • "Troxevasin" is sold in the form of ointment and gel, they contain different percentages of the active substance. The main component is trolamine, it prevents blood stagnation and disperses fluid in the subcutaneous fat.
  • "Troxerutin" is a cheap analogue of "Troxevasin". Contains the same active ingredient, but in lower concentration. This is why the cost is lower than that of its analogue.

What is edema

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women is a natural physiological condition. This is due to hormonal changes that occur in her body. This pathology represents a high concentration of water in the tissues. It manifests itself in the form of an increase in the volume of different parts of the body, but mainly the lower extremities. Because the increased volume of the uterus puts pressure on the vessels of this part of the body. Sometimes swelling appears only on one leg. This happens when the pelvic vein is compressed on the left or right side.

Pathology is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a dangerous symptom. Developing pastosity in the mother can cause fetal hypoxia. Therefore, removing fluid from the body is the main task for every patient.

Dry crushed herbs and teas for swelling, which can be purchased at the pharmacy

What medications for edema for pregnant women contain only herbs and nothing more? Here is a list of medicinal teas and drinks that have a diuretic effect due to exclusively herbal ingredients:

  • "Fitonephrol" has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects;
  • "Hibiscus" is not only a diuretic, it can normalize blood pressure;
  • "Oolong" is a fermented tea that has pronounced diuretic properties.

Pregnant women should not be discouraged by the fact that such herbal teas have a completely natural composition. Plant components often cause the development of an individual allergic reaction.

How does swelling affect a child, what are the dangers?

Modern gynecologists perceive swelling in a pregnant woman, accompanied by significant weight gain, increased blood pressure, as well as deviations in the TAM and BC, as a phenomenon that poses a serious threat to the child in the womb. The influence of such a condition can be expressed in:

  • disruption of normal blood circulation in the placenta or the development of placental insufficiency, inevitably leading to hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • provoking excessive activity of the baby, leading to the umbilical cord entwining his neck or abdomen, which poses a potential danger for subsequent births.

Diet to prevent swelling during pregnancy

Before taking medications for edema during pregnancy (3rd trimester), you should always adjust your diet within one to two weeks. Often this is enough to get rid of fluid accumulation in the subcutaneous fat.

Here are these simple rules:

  • Try to almost completely eliminate salt from your diet. Salt only liquid dishes and side dishes. Avoid chips, salted nuts, crackers, salted fish and snacks completely.
  • Normalize your drinking regime: drink at least one and a half liters of clean water, but no more than two.
  • Try to limit your intake of coffee and black flavored tea.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks completely.
  • Minimize the consumption of mayonnaise and other spicy, fatty, sugary sauces.
  • Try to eat fatty meats (pork, beef tenderloins) as little as possible.


In order to find out how to get rid of edema, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence and the degree of manifestation. In addition to visually determining the pathological accumulation of fluid in the body, gynecologists and therapists use the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Palpation - when pressing with a finger, a hole remains on the skin and the longer it does not disappear, the more severely the tissue swells.
  2. McClure-Aldrich test (blister) - allows you to determine the degree of disruption of the outflow of water. It is performed on the middle 1/3 of the inner surface of the forearm. 0.2 ml of saline solution is injected intradermally; the resulting papular elevation normally resolves in 60-70 minutes. The rapid disappearance of the papule indicates the development of edema, the severity of which is judged by the rate of resorption of the sample.
  3. A general urine test is performed to exclude the appearance of protein compounds.
  4. Blood pressure control – if blood pressure levels frequently rise to 140/100 or higher, a pregnant woman needs medical supervision.
  5. The determination of daily urination is carried out in case of severe edema to clarify their cause.

Helpful: Why do my legs cramp in the morning?

Recommended Foods

If even minor swelling appears, you should follow a special diet. The main goal is to eliminate foods that cause fluid retention in the body.

Such food products include:

  • watermelon, apples, grapes, melon;
  • freshly squeezed juices from pumpkin, beets, celery, parsley, cranberries, citrus fruits;
  • pineapples;
  • spinach;
  • cucumbers and carrots (including juice from them);
  • green salad;
  • radish;
  • ginger (only tea recommended).

In addition, there is a product that is strictly prohibited - table salt. Excess sodium chloride and calcium, magnesium and potassium salts lead to disruption of metabolic processes, water retention in the body of a pregnant woman and disturbances in the functioning of the heart.



Swelling during pregnancy is called pastiness and in most cases appears on the legs and face of a woman after the thirtieth week of gestation.

Important! Edema in the early stages of pregnancy in most cases is a sign of a pathological process and requires medical examination.

Swelling of the legs in later stages is considered normal in the following cases:

  • localized exclusively on the feet and legs;
  • appear in the evening;
  • disappear after sleep and rest in a supine position;
  • are not accompanied by symptoms of deteriorating health (headache, protein in urine, high blood pressure).

Most often, swelling that occurs for physiological reasons is associated with the growth of the uterus and difficulty in the outflow of urine, an increase in the volume of fluid consumed, and the overweight of the expectant mother.

Swelling is not the only unpleasant symptom that occurs during pregnancy. In the article “How to deal with nausea during pregnancy” you can read about safe ways to eliminate toxicosis.

Manifestations of pasty limbs are not dangerous to health, however, if they are present, doctors especially carefully monitor the woman’s condition so as not to miss the onset of the development of gestosis.

Worth knowing! Preeclampsia is a disease that occurs exclusively during pregnancy and is characterized by swelling of all tissues, including the placenta, uterus, liver and even the brain. This condition is extremely dangerous for both the woman and the fetus.

Puffiness concept

Edema is an excess accumulation of fluid inside the body. Edema can be pathological and physiological, and can be hidden or obvious.

According to statistics, about 80% of pregnant women face a similar problem in the second trimester of pregnancy. Usually, swelling does not harm the mother and fetus in any way, but if a woman swells due to late toxicosis, then this condition is extremely dangerous for her and requires urgent treatment.

During pregnancy, the volume of fluids circulating throughout the mother's body increases noticeably. The twofold increase in the amount of fluid is explained by the formation of amniotic fluid, the formation of a placenta riddled with many vessels, the appearance of the baby’s circulatory system, etc. Severe swelling in the second trimester is an alarming symptom and requires mandatory diagnosis. Most often, it is gestosis that is manifested by severe swelling of pregnant women, but there are many other explanations for this condition.

Pathological and physiological edema

To know how to deal with edema, you need to accurately understand the nature of hyperedema. In general, fluid accumulation can occur for pathological or physiological reasons. Physiological swelling is completely natural. Humans are approximately 80% water. During gestation, patients normally gain 10-12 kg, with half of this weight coming from fluids.

Need to donate blood

The sodium content in mommy’s body is rapidly increasing, which helps retain fluids. And as the uterine body and fetus grow, pressure on the ureter and vena cava increases, which disrupts the normal outflow of fluid. This is why swelling in pregnant women in later stages is such a common occurrence.

There is no need to panic if the puffiness of the legs on the feet and legs is minor and occurs in the late afternoon and goes away in the morning. In the 2-3 trimester, mothers may even experience swelling of the genitals (labia), which is also normal.

The cause of pathological edema can be heart and kidney problems, gestosis, etc. A huge load is placed on the renal structures of pregnant women. Such swelling may occur against the background of the development or exacerbation of renal pathologies. They are typically localized on the patient's face, and less often occur on the hands. A characteristic laboratory sign is the presence of protein compounds in urine.

Fluid accumulations of cardiac etiology are associated with an increase in blood volumes by almost 50%. Because of this, the load on the cardiac structures that cause blood to circulate increases. For such swelling, a lower location is typical. If the patient spends a lot of time on her feet, then excess fluid will accumulate on her ankles and feet. If she lies down more, her back or stomach will become swollen. Characteristic accompanying signs are: palpitations, cyanosis of mucous tissues and shortness of breath.

Internal fluid accumulations are extremely dangerous for pregnant women. Typically, with this form, the uterine body, abdominal wall and placental structures become edematous. A puffy placenta is quite capable of compressing the umbilical vascular canals, which will provoke fetoplacental insufficiency. Preeclampsia is also considered dangerous. This condition is considered the main factor in maternal mortality and almost 7 times increases the risk of death of a newborn in the first 7 days after birth. Severe hyperedema in the 2-3 trimester is considered a classic sign of gestosis.

How to recognize

35 weeks of pregnancy is a borderline state. Many children born at this time were absolutely healthy and did not need oxygen support. However, this period can not be called the easiest for a pregnant woman. Almost every expectant mother is faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling of the legs, which can last for several weeks.

  • You need to pay attention to unexpected discomfort in your feet or difficulty putting on shoes.
  • If some part of the body unexpectedly gains weight, for example, the right leg has increased in size, then this indicates pastous edema.
  • You can identify the symptom by applying light pressure to the problematic part of the body. A white imprint will appear in this area and will not disappear immediately. Most often, swelling is observed during the day. This is due to the fact that a woman spends most of her time in an upright position and the bulk of the fluid is localized in the lower part of the body (for example, in the legs, feet, ankles). In the morning, there is a more even distribution of fluid in the body in the body, so it is very difficult to diagnose symptoms during this period.
  • A doctor can diagnose the problem through a visual examination. However, in some cases, additional examination may be required (urine output analysis, leg circumference measurements, blister test). It is believed that this is a natural phenomenon, but we should not forget that in a neglected state it can pose a threat to both mother and child.

Stages of development of swelling

Depending on the severity of the pregnant woman’s condition and the parts of the body that are affected by tissue swelling, there are 4 stages of edema.

1stThe feet begin to swell, and the lower leg may also swell.
2ndSwelling of the legs increases in volume, spreading to the thighs, and swelling of the abdomen, mainly its lower part, and the lumbar area also appears.
3rdThe problem rises higher in the body, swelling of the hands and not only the shoulder and forearm is already noticeable, but even the fingers are swollen. This stage is characterized by the development of facial edema, it becomes puffy, the eyelids swell and swelling appears under the eyes.
4thThe entire body swells.

Hands swell during pregnancy, what to do?

  • Hand swelling is the second stage of general swelling. Fluid accumulations are noted on the fingers and wrists
  • A woman can notice them only at the moment when the rings begin to put pressure, removing them becomes difficult or even impossible
  • Swollen hands become less sensitive and obedient, which can cause the expectant mother to suffer

Swelling in a pregnant woman's hands may make it difficult to remove the ring.

IMPORTANT: It has been noticed that swelling of the hands more often appears in women for whom they serve as a “working tool” - those who sew, knit, work at the computer, write a lot, etc.

To get rid of swelling in the hands, in addition to general medications and folk remedies, a woman is recommended to do special gymnastics for her fingers and wrists.

How to get rid of edema at home in late pregnancy

Treatment of swelling during pregnancy at home is possible only in cases where they are caused by:

  • compression of the pelvic veins by an enlarged uterus;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • dropsy (initial stage of OPG-preeclampsia).

In this case, a woman should carefully follow all recommendations received from her doctor. In agreement with him, traditional methods of treatment can also be used:

  1. Foot baths with sea salt . Pour 2-3 liters of warm water into a basin (temperature no higher than 37 °C) and dissolve 4 tablespoons of sea salt in it. Baths are good for relieving swelling and tired legs. The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  2. Decoctions of herbs with a sedative effect (motherwort, valerian). They normalize the activity of the central nervous system, relieve the negative effects of stress, and help normalize night sleep.
  3. Rosehip infusion . Contains substances that reduce the permeability of vascular walls, due to which it has an anti-edematous effect.

It is not recommended to use diuretic medicinal plants during pregnancy, as they can cause disturbances in water and electrolyte balance.

Diuretics during pregnancy: which drugs are preferable for edema?

When dealing with a pregnant patient, the doctor is primarily interested in ensuring that her treatment is as gentle as possible and at the same time brings the desired result. To do this, the specialist selects mainly natural diuretic drugs that do not have a large list of contraindications and side effects.

In most cases, therapy for swelling due to gestosis begins with the use of natural diuretics: Canephron, Euphyllin, Fitolysin. For example, an expectant mother can take Canephron in the 1st trimester of pregnancy without fear for the health of her baby, since the drug is completely harmless. There are some nuances in treatment with other drugs: for example, Eufillin cannot be taken before meals (there will be complications from the gastrointestinal tract), and Phytolysin is completely incompatible with alcohol.

Complications and prognosis

Complications and prognosis for swelling in late pregnancy are determined by the cause of their appearance. So, when the pelvic veins are compressed by an enlarged uterus, the prognosis is favorable. Varicose veins can be complicated by the occurrence of trophic ulcers.

The progression of OPG gestosis can cause a number of serious complications:

  • development of HELLP syndrome;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • placental abruption;
  • death of the fetus and/or pregnant woman;
  • pulmonary and/or cerebral edema;
  • hemorrhage in the brain and internal organs (kidneys, pancreas, intestines, adrenal glands, intestines);
  • acute renal failure;
  • acute heart failure;
  • retinal disinsertion.

Diuretics contraindicated during pregnancy

It would be completely wrong to ignore diuretics that are prohibited during gestation. Let's list the main ones:

  • Triamterene - introduces dissonance into the work of the still fragile cardiovascular system of the fetus; in case of high blood pressure in the mother, it increases it even more;
  • Diacarb - exhibits a weak diuretic effect, while affecting the nervous system of the fetus in a negative way;
  • Diuver - due to its action, a woman’s body loses a lot of valuable microelements, and the functionality of the heart and kidneys may suffer;
  • Theobromine - causes tachycardia in the fetus;
  • Dichlorothiazide is a drug with a pronounced diuretic effect that retains calcium in the body. In this regard, there are frequent cases of allergies, weakness and dizziness in patients. The drug is prescribed to expectant mothers in the 3rd trimester in desperate situations under the constant supervision of a cardiologist;
  • Furosemide is an effective remedy, however, it is rarely prescribed to pregnant women (in later stages), trying to choose safer analogues. The active substances of the medicine, together with excess fluid, take away microelements from the woman that are beneficial for her and the child.


The most effective way to combat edema is prevention. Following simple recommendations during pregnancy can prevent severe swelling of the legs. Pregnant women should rest more often, but do not forget about physical activity. After an active working day, you can get rid of swelling by raising your legs up. Walking and daily exercises stimulate blood circulation.


Preparation for pregnancy is considered an effective preventive measure for the disease. Exercising, giving up bad habits, and eating healthy will strengthen the body and prepare it for pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy, if any negative symptoms appear, you should seek professional help. Timely treatment will quickly get rid of the problem.

Drug therapy

If conventional methods of eliminating edema do not help, complex drug therapy may be prescribed, which includes drugs from various pharmacological groups. Special ointments and gels for edema, drugs with a diuretic effect, as well as sedatives and antispasmodics may be prescribed. In any case, the prescription of medications should be done exclusively by a doctor, but we will provide a description of the most commonly prescribed medications.

A drugDescription
Tablets Canephron, Cyston, Eufillin, Fitolysin pastePlant-based preparations that have a complex effect. They help normalize kidney function and effectively relieve swelling caused by the malfunction of these paired organs. Since these medications have a large list of side effects, they can only be used with the permission of a doctor. They gently remove fluid from the body and have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Lipoic acid, vitamin E, magnesium supplementsThese drugs improve the general condition of the pregnant woman, normalize placental blood flow, and can even relieve hidden swelling.
No-ShpaHelps relieve vascular spasms.
Heparin ointment, Varicobooster, Troxevasin ointment, Lyoton, Venitan, horse chestnut-based creamsProducts for external use that normalize blood flow, improve the elasticity of vascular walls and increase their tone, helping to eliminate swelling.
Magnesia dropperThis method of drug administration is prescribed in a hospital setting if gestosis is suspected. With this measure, swelling will be eliminated, blood pressure will stabilize, blood vessels and muscles will relax. This remedy is used in cases where diuretics are contraindicated.
Droppers of drugs based on pentoxifyllineSuch treatment is also carried out only in a hospital setting to normalize blood microcirculation.
Saline solution, sea salt solutionRinsing the nasal cavity with these products will help cope with swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy. During this period, you cannot use conventional vasoconstrictor drugs, but you also cannot ignore nasal congestion, as this can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus.


Causes of swelling of the legs

There are two types of edema during pregnancy - physiological and pathological.

Physiological swelling is normal. They are not large and appear on the legs, less often on the face. Excess fluid leaves the mother’s body on its own shortly after delivery and does not entail any complications.

Causes of physiological swelling in the legs:

  • summer heat and stuffiness, sudden changes in weather;
  • prolonged physical activity - standing, walking;
  • flat feet from an early age;
  • habit of wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes, as well as high-heeled shoes;
  • the habit of sitting for a long time on soft or low sofas and armchairs;
  • crossing your legs while sitting or resting;
  • regular errors in diet, poor nutrition - eating large amounts of too salty or too spicy food;
  • excess weight;
  • increased volume of the uterus in late pregnancy, with polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies (it puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, thereby disrupting blood flow in the legs);
  • physical inactivity (low physical mobility).

Pathological edema is a deviation from the norm with a chain of malfunctions in the body and a triad of symptoms, such as:

  • hypertension - an increase in blood pressure to high numbers (diastolic pressure exceeds 140 mm Hg). Occurs due to vascular damage and arterial spasm.
  • proteinuria - detection of protein in the urine. Occurs due to disruption of the kidneys, in particular their excretory function (because of this, they begin to leak proteins into the blood in large quantities)

Pregnant women are most susceptible to pathological edema:

  • over 30 years of age;
  • giving birth for the first time;
  • pregnant with twins or triplets;
  • with the presence of chronic diseases;
  • with a hereditary predisposition;
  • those under prolonged psycho-emotional stress;
  • smoking and abusing alcohol, toxic, narcotic or pharmaceutical drugs;
  • eating unbalanced and incorrectly;
  • leading a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.

Also a serious deviation from the norm is swelling of one of the legs. For example, if you notice that your right leg is larger than your left, this is a reason for an urgent visit to a medical facility. At the same time, do not forget that the condition is dangerous when the left leg swells during pregnancy, and not just the right one.

Swelling of the legs in late pregnancy: what to do

Therapy for swelling in pregnant women should be aimed at the underlying pathology that caused its appearance.

Compression of the pelvic veins

For swelling of the legs associated with compression of the pelvic veins by the enlarged uterus, no treatment is required. To eliminate this phenomenon it is enough:

  1. Maintain a regime of alternating work and rest.
  2. Lead an active lifestyle (swimming, walking, Pilates, yoga), provided there are no contraindications.
  3. Adhere to the principles of healthy eating.

Several times a day, it is recommended that a pregnant woman take a horizontal position with her legs elevated for 15-20 minutes.

Varicose veins

For varicose veins of the lower extremities, the doctor may recommend wearing compression stockings, topical use of Heparin ointment or Lyoton gel.

Heart and kidney diseases

Treatment of edema caused by heart or kidney diseases is carried out jointly by a doctor of the appropriate profile and a gynecologist. If the heart defect is decompensated, the issue of terminating the pregnancy is decided. However, in most cases, natural childbirth is contraindicated.

Diuretics are prescribed to pregnant women with caution, only for strict indications and in short courses.


Patients with OPG-gestosis are hospitalized in the pregnancy pathology department (for preeclampsia and eclampsia - in the intensive care unit).

Therapeutic measures are aimed at normalizing:

  • hemostasis;
  • water and electrolyte balance;
  • permeability of vascular walls
  • blood pressure;
  • metabolic processes;
  • blood rheology;
  • functions of the central nervous system.

If, despite the therapy, the patient’s condition does not improve or she develops an attack of eclampsia, then urgent delivery is necessary.

What diuretic drugs should not be used during pregnancy?

All synthetic drugs can have an impact on the well-being of the expectant mother and on the child’s development processes.

The third trimester is considered the most dangerous period; it is at this time that swelling is most pronounced and requires immediate action.

Considering that by this moment the child’s organs, systems and limbs have already formed, medications can still be prescribed with caution, however, there are a number of drugs that are strictly contraindicated for use in pregnant women:

  • Hypothiazide - affects vision and hearing, and may cause stomach upset.
  • Dichlorothiazide - can cause heart rhythm disturbances, promotes the leaching of calcium and magnesium from the body, and provokes allergies and weakness.
  • Xipamide (Aquaphor) - washes away potassium, sodium, magnesium, increases blood clotting, and causes headaches.
  • Ethacrynic acid – provokes hearing damage in the fetus and impairs blood flow to the uterus.

These diuretics have a negative effect on both the expectant mother and the child; it is highly not recommended to prescribe treatment with such drugs on your own.

Swelling of the face and nose during pregnancy, causes

They say that while expecting a baby, a woman becomes most beautiful. Those expectant mothers who experienced swelling of the face and nose during this period will only laugh at this statement.

Facial swelling in expectant mothers can be caused by hormonal changes.

A pregnant woman's face may become swollen, rounded, puffy due to:

  • disturbances of water-salt balance
  • hormonal changes
  • disturbances in the outflow of lymph and blood
  • preeclampsia

IMPORTANT: The subcutaneous fat layer on the face is quite loose, so swelling on it is usually pronounced

During pregnancy, the nasal mucosa also swells, which causes a woman considerable discomfort. She may develop “pregnancy runny nose.” The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be hormonal changes. This condition is treated symptomatically.


Every woman during pregnancy wonders how to relieve swelling in her legs. You can get rid of the problem yourself, but you just need to know what therapeutic measures need to be taken. Pastosity therapy involves complex treatment. Depending on the causes of the problem, elimination of leg swelling can be done at home or in a hospital, using various therapeutic methods.

We recommend further reading: What is retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy formed in the early stages and how can it be cured?

Drug treatment of edema

During pregnancy, drug treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Therefore, the patient needs to consult a doctor in order to know how to remove swelling of the legs during pregnancy. He will assess the woman’s condition, and then tell her what to do during pregnancy and when her legs swell very much. Any pills and medicine are taken under the strict supervision of a doctor.

In most cases, a cream is used for swelling of the legs during pregnancy: troxevasin, heparin ointment. It increases the elasticity and tone of blood vessels, which helps eliminate pastosity. Instead of ointments, you can use a gel for swelling of the legs during pregnancy. Diuretics can be used: aminophylline, canephron, lipoic acid.

Treatment of edema with folk remedies

An effective way to relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy at home is through traditional medicine. Many doctors practice different methods of treatment with folk remedies, believing that they can eliminate the problem without harming the body.

Cabbage leaves have a good anti-edematous effect. It is applied to the affected area of ​​the body and secured with a bandage. Such a compress for swelling of the legs helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the pathology. The leaves of this plant cool, relieve pain and fatigue.

Another good remedy for swelling during pregnancy is sea salt. It is dissolved in warm water and made into therapeutic foot baths. Regular use of such water procedures during pregnancy will eliminate the need to look for an answer to the question of how to reduce swelling of the legs.

Diet for edema

For many expectant mothers, the question of how to treat swelling of the legs during pregnancy is relevant. The disease negatively affects the patient's quality of life. Nutrition during pregnancy plays an important role. Because it is food that contributes to weight gain and increased stress on the legs. Pregnant women need to be careful about their diet. The diet should be balanced, containing vitamins and other nutrients.

Fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables have a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which will saturate the body with all the necessary substances. A powerful weapon against edema is garlic, which has a positive effect on the circulatory system.

Women who control the amount of salt they consume rarely ask themselves during pregnancy how to get rid of swelling in their legs.

To improve their condition, patients are given fasting days. They can be carried out no more than once a week. But this is enough to get rid of excess liquid. Drinking regime is considered equally important. The optimal amount of fluid for a pregnant woman is 1.5 liters of water per day. This will replenish water reserves and prevent swelling.

Prevention and treatment

Before describing methods for treating edema during pregnancy, we will list ways to prevent their development. If general methods do not help, you need to treat swelling with the help of medications, for the prescription of which you must consult a doctor. Only the attending obstetrician-gynecologist knows all the features of the course of pregnancy and can say exactly what medications a woman can be prescribed and what is strictly prohibited.

General rules

Let us list a number of simple rules, the implementation of which will help avoid swelling. If a woman did not prepare in advance for the possible manifestation of swelling, and it was not possible to prevent it, then these recommendations will help to significantly reduce them and generally alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman:

  • Don’t stand in one place for a long time, try to move more. When working while standing, you need to take breaks more often and sit down periodically, and, conversely, when working constantly sedentary, you need to get up and walk around more often. There is no need to cross your legs while sitting. Use breaks from work to perform basic exercises with your arms and legs;
  • you need to sleep on your left side. This position reduces the load on the veins that carry blood to the lower part of the body. This method is most effective for swelling of the legs. You can also place a small pillow or bolster under your feet in the ankle area to elevate your legs above heart level, thereby reducing pain and allowing fluid to drain;
  • There must be a proper, balanced diet. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, limit salt, sugar, and fatty foods. You should remove processed foods and fast food from the menu; you should not eat canned food, as they contain a lot of salt, vinegar and preservatives. To increase the daily dose of vitamins C and E, with the permission of your doctor, you can take special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women. Consume enough protein in food, since with gestosis there is a lack of it. Cook food in a steamer, bake or boil. With your doctor's permission, do 1 day a week as a fasting day. You can also add to the menu products that naturally contain a large amount of water - parsley, celery, citrus fruits of all types, onions;
  • To avoid swelling, you need to follow a drinking regime. This means that a pregnant woman needs to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. This amount of liquid is enough to remove toxins and waste from the body and reduce salt levels. When you drink enough, fluid stops being retained in the body and it does not swell.

    You need to drink plain clean water, since juices, soda and sweet teas have a high sugar content, and this only aggravates the situation with swelling;

  • Exercise is very important for pregnant women, and you should do only those exercises that have been approved by your doctor. This could be stretching, water aerobics or swimming. Water sports allow you to move actively, while the water puts pressure on the skin and does not allow the vessels to increase in diameter, and the legs do not swell. Walking outside improves blood circulation and also improves your mood;
  • in the absence of contraindications, lymphatic drainage massage of the lower extremities or pressotherapy has a good anti-edematous effect. It should be done by a professional massage therapist, or it can be done independently using special devices with cuffs on the legs. During this manipulation, excess fluid is naturally removed from the body along with waste and toxins, and the skin tightens and becomes smooth and elastic;
  • You need to choose comfortable shoes that fit. Since the feet of pregnant women often increase in size, it is important to change your usual shoes to a larger size in time so as not to impair blood circulation in the extremities. These should be light and comfortable shoes without heels. You can also wear orthopedic shoes and insoles, which relieve pain in the legs, swelling and eliminate back pain;
  • You need to wear loose clothing that does not squeeze your ankles and wrists; in such styles, blood and other fluids circulate better throughout the body. You can wear special compression underwear and hosiery; they do not put pressure on the stomach and promote normal outflow of blood or lymph from the legs;
  • After consultation with a specialist, you can massage the swollen parts of the body using massage oil, while the movements should be soft and directed from bottom to top. You can also make baths for swollen feet with infusions of cypress, chamomile, lavender, or simply with sea salt. A good decongestant effect is provided by herbal teas with dried apricots, cranberries, bear ears, lingonberry leaves, rose hips and horsetail;
  • do not sit for a long time in stuffy rooms or in the heat, especially avoid direct sunlight, exclude steam rooms and saunas;
  • you can take cool foot baths for swelling, the water puts pressure on the tissues, eliminates pain and heaviness in the legs, and the coolness brings relief;
  • During pregnancy, smoking and drinking alcohol are strictly prohibited. The caffeine contained in coffee drinks can also cause swelling, so coffee consumption should be, if not stopped, then at least reduced.

The best method of treatment has always been considered to be the prevention of edema, so in order to avoid edema during pregnancy, you need to follow recommendations on nutrition and physical activity in advance, as well as promptly treat all existing pathologies.


Folk remedies

In the fight against edema not only in the limbs, but also in any other parts of the body, folk remedies are a good help.

Before using them, you must consult your doctor.

Let's consider the most popular traditional medicine recipes that help quickly relieve swelling during pregnancy at home:

  • Oatmeal broth is great for fighting swelling. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tablespoon. grains, pour 1 liter of water over them and place on the stove. After boiling, the decoction is strained and, when cooled, taken 3 r. per day;
  • You can reduce swelling with fresh cranberries. They need to be ground and mixed with honey. Three times a day you need to eat a tablespoon of the drug;
  • Birch, pumpkin or carrot juices will help remove excess fluid from the body;
  • Dried apricot compote has a decongestant effect. To prepare it, dried apricots are poured with boiling water overnight, and in the morning the compote should be drunk within 30 minutes. before meals;
  • A decoction prepared from lingonberry leaves has a slight diuretic effect; this drug also has an anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfectant and immunostimulating effect. To prepare it, you need 2 tablespoons in the teapot. Pour boiling water over dry lingonberry leaves and leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink 3-4 times a day, can be sweetened with honey. This drink is prohibited for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, and hypotensive people should drink it very carefully;
  • many women who suffered from swelling during pregnancy noted a good decongestant result after taking rosehip infusion, although official medicine has not proven the effectiveness of this remedy. Rose hips contain a whole storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, so they will definitely have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of fruit into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. The resulting drug is settled and taken half a cup three times a day before meals. To sweeten the infusion, you can add a little honey.

All of the recipes listed can be used as a remedy for physiological edema or in combination with drug treatment; in any case, before using them by a pregnant woman, you must consult a doctor.


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