Woman and image of mycoplasma
Mycoplasma in women - first symptoms and treatment of infection
This is one of the types of microorganisms that differ from other representatives in their small size. Unlike
pathologies of the elbow joint
Pain in the elbow joint on the inside: causes, symptoms, treatment
From this article you will learn: for what reasons does pain appear in the elbow joint with
Why does the bladder hurt in women: 3 main reasons
Let us recall that the bladder is a hollow organ in which urine that enters through the
Signs of spondyloarthrosis: initial symptoms of osteoarthritis
What joints does the spinal column include? The spinal column forms the receptacle for the spinal cord and also
Man holding his nose
Catarrhal sinusitis - types and best treatment methods
Ethmoiditis in adults is an acute or chronic inflammatory process occurring in the ethmoid mucosa
before and after treatment
What is meteorological cheilitis and how to treat it?
Meteorological cheilitis is a lesion of the tissues and mucous membrane of the lips. Occurs due to the influence of negative
treatment of gonorrhea at home
Treatment methods for gonorrhea, symptoms, routes of infection, prevention
Disease: what is it? You can become infected with gonorrhea through contact with an infected person. Preferential percentage
Increased iron levels in the blood: causes, symptoms and treatment
Increased iron levels in the blood: causes, symptoms and treatment
Home Blood test Biochemical blood test The level of iron in the blood for women is important
Hygroma - what is it? Photo on an arm or leg, treatment and prognosis
Causes of occurrence Among the possible reasons for the appearance of this type of neoplasm are: heredity (occurs in blood
How does current affect the skin?
Darsonval for the face, the principle of using the device and the results before and after treatment
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