Treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults and children: choosing effective and inexpensive drugs
Home — Disease prevention — Influenza — Symptoms and treatment of influenza Influenza — infectious
Ringworm in a child
Ringworm in a child. Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of lichen in children
Advertisement Ringworm in children is a skin disease caused by contact with a carrier of the infection,
What to drink when poisoning - medications, teas, decoctions and infusions with recipes
Food poisoning may not be recognized immediately. Initially, poisoning of the body causes strange weakness and apathy
Tongue goes numb: causes, associated symptoms, treatment
Numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips Numbness of the tip of the tongue begins with a slight tingling sensation that
How to treat pemphigus: are traditional methods effective for this disease?
Pemphigus is a fairly rare dermatological disease that affects people of different age categories. However
Cystoscopy of the bladder in men and women: indications, preparation for the study
For the timely detection of diseases of the bladder and urethra, cystoscopy and
Cancer of the oral mucosa
Oral cancer: causes, signs, diagnosis, how to treat
Free consultation on treatment in Moscow. Call or fill out the form below: Mucosal cancer
Anatomy of the pelvis in men
Pain in the lower abdomen in men: localization, causes, symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment options
Women often present with pain in the lower abdomen, but similar symptoms occur among men as well.
doctor listening to patient
Drug treatment of bronchitis in adults: groups and forms of drugs
Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, characterized by damage to the mucous membranes and bronchial tree. Often illness
treatment of oral leukoplakia
What is oral leukoplakia and why is it dangerous?
February 15, 2019 Last revised: December 18, 2019 Oral diseases Oral leukoplakia
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