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Etiology, causes, treatment of pancreatic lipomatosis
General information When normal healthy cells die, the organ begins to
Abdominal ultrasound
Celiac disease - what is it in children, and how can you help your baby?
Interesting facts about celiac disease - this disease has been known for several millennia: exactly since then,
Gastroenteritis in adults: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Gastroenteritis is a lesion of the epithelial membrane (catarrh) of the stomach and duodenum, predominantly of an acute nature.
The girl has pain in the right hypochondrium
Gallbladder polyp: types and dangers, treatment methods
Polyps in the gallbladder are benign neoplasms that can greatly ruin your well-being and even
Rectal suppositories
Treatment of external hemorrhoids in women, how to cure quickly?
With hemorrhoids, patients are bothered by severe pain, which manifests itself due to the increase in hemorrhoid cones. How it hurts
What is scatological examination of stool in children?
Preparation and collection of analysis Stool examination is used not only for diagnosing diseases, but
The girl has a stomach ache
Gastric and duodenal ulcers: signs and treatment methods
Types of complications Under favorable circumstances, the ulcer can heal on its own with the formation of a scar in place
occurrence of cancer
Esophageal cancer - symptoms, treatment, causes, diagnosis and prevention
When it comes to a disease such as esophageal cancer, the epidemiology of its spread is quite extensive. This
Stomach ulcer causes
Effective advice for peptic ulcers from a gastroenterologist
The structure of modern medicine is highly developed. The variety of medicines and open access in pharmacies is considered clear
Hypomotor dyskinesia of the colon - what is it?
In gastroenterology, the term intestinal dyskinesia defines a symptomatic complex of disorders of the digestive organ that occurs as a result of a violation
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