Gingivitis - inflammation of the gums
What is gingivitis: symptoms and treatment in adults is very important to start on time
Gingivitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums that occurs due to insufficient oral care.
Young woman
Overwork: symptoms and treatment in adults. Types and conditions of recovery
Overfatigue is a condition that appears as a consequence of a prolonged period of vigorous activity.
Diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers
Treatment of erosive processes in the stomach and duodenum consists not only of medications,
treatment of eustachitis photo
Causes, symptoms and treatment of eustachitis (tubo-otitis) at home
06/28/2017 Head and neck diseases | Ears Eustachian tube (auditory tube) - canal 3–4 in length
Prevention of cracks
Cracked heels: home treatment options
Causes of cracked heels. What causes cracked heels? Cracked heels are a common problem
Human papillomavirus
The HPV vaccine - is it effective and is it worth getting? When can you get vaccinated against HPV and why is it necessary?  
The human papillomavirus is considered one of the most dangerous, as it can cause cancer,
Pink spots
Microsporia in humans - causes, manifestations on the skin and scalp, treatment methods
Find out what smooth skin microsporia is. Why, after a kitten appears in the house, after a few
Mustard plasters for dry cough
How to apply mustard plasters for coughs Instructions. For children and adults
The cough reflex is a frequent accompaniment of respiratory infections and colds. He literally
Hydrosalpinx: treatment, causes, symptoms, signs, photos
What is Hydrosalpinx? This question arises in almost all women who have been given such
Toxocara in adults - symptoms and treatment with folk remedies and drugs
What is toxocariasis? Toxocariasis is a rare human infection caused by the larvae of animal parasites known
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