Vitamin B6 / Pyridoxine (solution for injection): instructions for use

Vitamin B6 is represented by 3 compounds: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and their phosphate forms. The substance is an essential nutrient that takes part in more than 140 physiological processes, converting carbohydrates, fats, proteins and performing many other functions in the body. This element has a beneficial effect in treating a wide range of problems related to the heart, skin, nervous system, and is also useful for depression, fatigue and many emotional disorders.

Instructions for use

Doctors prescribe taking pyridoxine in tablets or in the form of a solution in cases of vitamin B6 deficiency (hypovitaminosis) or complete absence (vitaminosis). The drug is often prescribed in complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • neurodermatitis (exudative diathesis);
  • toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • chronic dermatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • chorea;
  • microcytic and hypochromic anemia;
  • parkinsonism;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer.


To prevent various diseases, adults are prescribed oral tablets at a dosage of 2-5 mg/day. The daily dose for a child is 2 mg. Therapeutic dosages for adults are higher - from 50 to 100 mg daily, which are divided into several doses. It is recommended to take the tablets after meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. According to the annotation, the average duration of treatment is from 1 to 2 months. If anti-tuberculosis therapy is carried out, then to prevent dysfunction of the nervous system, pyridoxine hydrochloride is prescribed at a dose of 5-10 mg/day.


The injection solution is also used for the treatment and prevention of vitamin B6 deficiency or hypovitaminosis. Additionally, water for injection is used. In pharmacies the drug is sold strictly according to prescription. The solution is administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously. For adults and children, the daily dose is prescribed individually, depending on the severity of the condition. The daily requirement of a child is up to 20 mg. Adults are recommended 100 mg/day, but up to 600 mg/day can be prescribed (convulsive syndrome), for a course of up to 25 days.

Vitamin B6: which foods contain it?

Pyridoxine does not accumulate in our body, which is why we need to constantly replenish its reserves. It is important to understand that vitamin B6 can be obtained not only by taking it directly in tablets or through injections, but also through food.

Products with vitamins

Large amounts of pyridoxine are found in the following foods:

  • Various legumes. You can eat soy, chickpeas, beans
  • Of course, fish. The most accessible species are herring, mackerel, and cod liver.
  • Beef liver
  • Seafood, such as mussels
  • Vegetables and fruits – banana, sweet pepper, potato
  • Egg yolk
  • Nuts
  • Cabbage
  • Dairy

Thiamine preparations in ampoules and their benefits

Thiamine, or vitamin B1, is the fuel for the human central nervous system. A timely course of this vitamin can preserve the vital activity of hundreds of thousands of nerve cells (neurons). And sometimes even restore some of what has already been destroyed.

If there is a deficiency of thiamine (this can be seen in the results of a blood test, to which a neurologist refers the patient before prescribing treatment), then it is worth taking a course of the drug “Thiamin Chloride”. It is inexpensive - a package with 10 ampoules is about fifty rubles. The drug belongs to the list of vital drugs for humans.

After a course of thiamine, the patient’s condition changes: he becomes more cheerful, vitality increases, irritability and anxiety go away. If there were problems with sleep or insomnia, then they become much less pronounced. Thiamine also has a beneficial effect on skin quality in adolescents. In some cases, dermatologists prescribe it for purulent boils, seborrhea, and acne.

Pyridoxine in ampoules during pregnancy

Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers can use the vitamin in ampoule form with extreme caution and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Pyridoxine injections during pregnancy are prescribed if there is an urgent need, and the benefits that the medication brings to the female body outweigh the likely harm to the embryo in the womb.

Most often, vitamin injections are prescribed for severe toxicosis. The drug is also indicated for:

  • placental abruption;
  • high risk of miscarriage;
  • severe pregnancy;
  • strong uterine tone;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia or hypertension in the expectant mother;
  • skeletal muscle spasms;
  • frequent stress during pregnancy.


Use with caution

For gastric and duodenal ulcers, coronary heart disease.

Preparations containing vitamin B6 are prescribed in the following cases:

  • Treatment of pyridoxine deficiency and vitamin deficiency.
  • Treatment of pathologies of the nervous system (neuralgia, neurasthenia).
  • As part of complex therapy for dermatological diseases - seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes zoster, exudative diathesis, neurodermatitis.
  • Treatment of sideroblastic anemia.
  • To relieve symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women together with other drugs.
  • Treatment of leukopenia.
  • Elimination of manifestations of sea and air sickness.
  • Complex treatment of atherosclerosis.
  • Preventive treatment for diabetes mellitus.

Vitamin B6 should be prescribed taking into account contraindications to its use:

  • Hypersensitivity of the body to the components contained in the dosage form.
  • Children's age (for tablets).

Pyridoxine should be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor for the following diseases:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - when taking vitamin B6, the likelihood of an increase in the acidity of gastric juice increases.
  • Severe liver pathologies.
  • IHD (coronary heart disease).

The drug is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, as it can pass into breast milk and reduce its quantity. The effect of pyridoxine in such situations has not been studied.

While taking vitamin B6, it is possible to develop a hypersensitivity reaction, increased secretion of gastric juice and an increase in its acidity, pain in the epigastric region, a feeling of numbness and pressure in the extremities - a feeling that thick stockings were put on the legs, and a decrease in lactation.

Contraindicated if they have individual hypersensitivity to one or more components included in its composition.

It is not recommended to take Vit. B6 in the presence of excessive sensitivity.

Indications restrictions and contraindications

Every doctor knows what the benefits and harms of pyridoxine are. The main indication for prescribing a pyridoxine solution is a clinically pronounced deficiency of vitamin B6 in the body. The causes of hypovitaminosis can be poor nutrition, fasting, adherence to strict diets, increased need, chronic diseases (enteritis, gastritis, ulcers, Crohn's disease), helminthic infestation, malabsorption syndrome, uncontrolled use of medications.

Pyridoxine is used if a person, along with laboratory-confirmed B6 deficiency, has the following symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • fatigue during work;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • hot temper;
  • aggressiveness;
  • depression;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • deterioration of thinking;
  • decline in children's performance at school;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • cramps at night;
  • nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dryness and inflammation of the facial skin (dermatitis);
  • seizures in the corners of the mouth;
  • cracks in the lip area;
  • swelling and redness of the tongue (glossitis);
  • signs of conjunctivitis (tearing, redness, fear of bright light);
  • symptoms of polyneuritis (impaired sensitivity in the form of tingling, burning);
  • signs of anemia;
  • pale skin;
  • hair changes (loss of shine, hair loss, fragility);
  • dullness and brittleness of nails;
  • frequent infectious (viral) diseases.

Using the solution to prevent hypovitaminosis B6 is not advisable. Tablets and complex preparations (multivitamins in the form of dietary supplements) are suitable for this. A contraindication to the prescription of pyridoxine solution is intolerance. Vitamin B6 should be administered with caution in case of stomach and duodenal ulcers, severe liver failure and coronary heart disease.

During pregnancy

Pyridoxine does not harm the female body and fetus, so it can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation according to strict indications.

For children

The vitamin can be used for children 6 years of age and older with symptoms of hypovitaminosis. For a child, the daily dosage is 20 mg. With the development of convulsive syndrome, the dosage is 10-100 mg/day. The injections are given within 2 weeks (the course of treatment for adults is a month).

Side effects

Allergic reactions, hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, numbness, a feeling of constriction in the limbs - a symptom of “stockings” and “gloves”, decreased lactation (sometimes this is used as a therapeutic effect); rarely - convulsions (occur only with rapid administration).

Strengthens the effect of diuretics; weakens the activity of levodopa.

Combines well with cardiac glycosides (pyridoxine helps increase the synthesis of contractile proteins in the myocardium), with glutamic acid and asparkam (increases resistance to hypoxia).

Pharmaceutically incompatible with vitamins B1 and B12, in powder with ascorbic and nicotinic acids.

Taking vitamin B6 and diuretics together enhances the effect of the latter. Pyridoxine can weaken the effect of levodopa. The effect of pyridoxine is weakened by estrogen-based oral contraceptives, as well as nicotine hydrazide, cycloserine and penicillamine.

Mutual enhancement of effects is observed when taken together with cardiac glycosides (vitamin B6 increases the secretion of contractile proteins in the heart muscle), as well as with Asparkam (potassium and magnesium asparginate) and glutamic acid.

When treated with isoniazid and other drugs against tuberculosis, pyridoxine helps prevent toxic effects and also reduces the harmful effects of drugs on the liver.

May cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions. Pyridoxine significantly increases gastric secretion.

Concomitant use with penicillamine, cycloserine, and isoniazid reduces the effectiveness of pyridoxine. The pharmaceutical incompatibility of vitamin B6 with B1 and B12 has been proven. The drug significantly reduces the antiparkinsonian activity of levodopa.

Combined use with hormonal contraceptives can increase the level in the blood plasma. Use with phenobarbital and phenytoin may reduce the plasma concentrations of these components.

If you combine Pyridoxine hydrochloride with a number of drugs, the following reactions may be detected:

  • Diuretics: the effect of their use increases
  • Penicillamine, cycloserine, and isonicotine hydrazide: the therapeutic effect of pyridoxine hydrochloride is significantly reduced
  • Levodopa: its effect on the body is reduced or neutralized
  • Phenytoin, as well as phenobarbital: their level in the blood decreases
  • COCs: Pyridoxine hydrochloride levels increase.

During the course of treatment, allergic manifestations may develop, as well as increased production of hydrochloric acid.

Contraindications for use. Side effects and overdose

The following undesirable effects may occur: allergic reactions, numbness in the legs, cramps, excessive drowsiness and other symptoms.

As with all water-soluble elements, if the body obtains this substance from food, an overdose of the vitamin is unlikely. When using drugs or dietary supplements, excess substances can lead to skin lesions and neuropathy. To prevent this, you should follow a strict dosage of medications consumed.

The consequences of an overdose can negatively affect the health of people suffering from kidney failure. Excess can lead to increased sensitivity to sunlight, skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and anxiety. Hypervitaminosis B6 can cause nerve damage and numbness in the limbs.

Although the toxicity of vitamin B6 is low, excess vitamin B6 can occur if supplements in excess of the daily value (200 mg per day) are used. The toxic effect of this substance is manifested by a tingling sensation in the limbs, insufficient muscle coordination, decreased sensitivity to cold, and even degeneration of nervous tissue. If such signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of a drug based on pyridoxine is increased sensitivity to it.

if it is impossible to obtain pyridoxine from food, you can take pharmaceutical preparations of vitamin B6

Using vitamin B6 in the form of ampoules

In medical use, vitamin B6 in ampoules is used mainly in cases where its use in tablet form is impossible. This happens, for example, when the patient is unable to swallow, or his gastrointestinal tract does not function normally. In these situations, the drug pyridoxine in the form of a solution is administered to a person intravenously or intramuscularly, and as a result, its absorption is in no way determined by the functioning and state of the gastrointestinal tract. The price of vitamin B6 in ampoules interests many.

To put it simply, it is an option that replaces pills with it, and it is used in the most severe cases. There is rarely a truly urgent need for injections of vitamin B6; most often they are used by doctors during hospital treatment of patients. Pyridoxine, administered intramuscularly or intravenously, acts on the body in the same way as if it enters a normally functioning digestive tract, which means that if it is possible to use it in tablet form, then injecting it is irrational. There are a lot of reviews about vitamin B6 in ampoules.

Methods of introducing a vitamin solution into the body

Pyridoxine solution can be administered into the body in three ways:

  • intramuscularly;
  • intravenously;
  • under the skin.

With an intravenous injection, the drug begins to act quickly. Therefore, the drug is injected into a vein during acute stages of pathologies. To prevent hypovitaminosis and in the treatment of chronic diseases, intramuscular administration of the drug is practiced. If a person knows how to give injections, then he can inject the vitamin subcutaneously into himself at home.

Intramuscular injections are given only in the thigh or buttock. A subcutaneous injection is given in the forearm. It is prohibited to administer a medicinal solution into a vein yourself; this can only be done by a medical specialist.

Pharmacological properties

B6 is synthesized by plants and intestinal microflora from intermediate products of glycolysis (3-phosphoglycerol, dioxyacetone phosphate, pyruvic acid). The vitamin is phosphorylated in the liver and then oxidized to pyridoxal phosphate.

B6 is synthesized by plants and intestinal microflora from intermediate products of glycolysis (3-phosphoglycerol, dioxyacetone phosphate, pyruvic acid).


The vitamin plays an important role in the intermediate metabolism of amino acids, affects the absorption of higher fatty acids, and prevents the development of fatty infiltration. It reduces the activity of hyaluronidase, stabilizes the permeability of capillary walls, prevents the formation of histamine edema, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and activates the formation of amines.

In the process of decarboxylation of AMK, bioactive amines are formed: tyramine, histamine, serotonin, tryptamine.


Vitamin B6 is easily absorbed from the intestine and is phosphorylated in the mucous membrane. Its phosphorylated derivatives - pyridoxaminophosphate and pyridoxal phosphate - are part of coenzymes. Pyridoxal phosphate binds to plasma proteins by 90%. The largest amount of vitamin is concentrated in the liver, muscle and nervous tissues. Crosses the placental barrier and is excreted by the kidneys.

The role of vitamin B6 for the human body

Vital biochemical processes in key organs and systems of our body cannot occur without pyridoxine. It acts in various roles - coenzyme, stimulant, regulator, transporter, trigger for the synthesis of important elements.

Vitamin B6 has many functions:

  • ensure adequate functioning of the nervous system;
  • activate the metabolism of proteins, lipids, glucose, amino acids;
  • absorb magnesium ions;
  • promote the production of protective antibodies, T cells;
  • regulate glucose levels, production of enzymes, hormones;
  • remove excess fluid, prevent swelling;
  • normalize hematopoiesis, the production of blood cells;
  • maintain the health of the liver, blood vessels, heart;
  • help cellular nutrition, deliver energy to the cellular level.

Vitamin B6 is directly responsible for the feeling of satisfaction, joy, and well-being, since it affects the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine - the hormones of happiness. Pyridoxine supports normal mental activity, memory, and emotional behavior.

Pharmacological properties

According to the instructions for use of Pyridoxine, the main active component of the medicine is vitamin B6. It takes an active part in metabolic processes and is part of a large number of enzymatic intracellular systems (in phosphorylated form). This element is necessary to maintain the functional state of the central nervous system structures and is involved in the metabolism of many essential amino acids (tryptophan, methionine, glutamic acid, cysteine). In addition, vitamin B6 has a direct effect on the metabolism of histamine (a mediator of allergic reactions, which is produced by eosinophils and mast cells) and a number of lipids (normalizes lipid metabolism).

After oral administration, the drug "Pyridoxine" is quickly and completely absorbed into the general bloodstream from the lumen of the small intestine. It is evenly distributed with a predominant accumulation in nervous and muscle tissue. The substance is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier into the central nervous system, through the placenta during pregnancy and breast milk during lactation. Vitamin B6 is metabolized in the liver, its breakdown products are excreted by the kidneys in the urine.

The solution for intramuscular administration immediately enters the bloodstream and begins to act within 10 minutes.

special instructions

During pregnancy

Pyridoxine is important for maintaining the normal functioning of the female body, so pregnant women are recommended to use it as indicated. This medicine is especially often prescribed to those who are preparing to conceive, because a deficiency of this substance in the body of a woman carrying a fetus can cause a miscarriage.

For children

Allowed for use in pediatrics. The dosage and route of administration depend on the type of disease.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

During treatment with drugs containing pyridoxine, driving and performing other types of work that require increased concentration are allowed.

this active substance is capable of maintaining the beauty of skin and hair, which makes it popular in cosmetology

Interaction of pyridoxine and other substances

Excessive addiction to alcoholic beverages, nicotine, taking hormonal contraceptives and antidepressants leads to inhibition of vitamin b6. Treatment with medications such as Cuprenil, Penicillamine, as well as anti-tuberculosis therapy causes a deficiency of vitamin B6 in the body.

Excessive addiction to alcoholic beverages, nicotine, taking hormonal contraceptives and antidepressants leads to inhibition of vitamin b6.

B6 (injection solution) cannot be combined with vitamin b1 and b12, as they inactivate each other. This substance, in turn, neutralizes the effect of medications used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. If you take vitamin B6 along with diuretics, their effect is potentiated.

The combination of this vitamin with Phenytoin and Phenobarbital reduces their concentration in the blood.


B6 stimulates the liver, activates mental performance, has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, and detoxifying effects. The vitamin activates alcohol dehydrogenase, as a result of which alcohol is broken down faster in the liver. Vitamin B6 helps cope with hangovers. It is most convenient to take it in liquid form (1 ampoule per 50 ml of water).

What is the name of vitamin B6?

We usually know all vitamins under certain letters, for example, vitamin A, B, C. However, in fact, each vitamin has its own scientific name.

  • In fact, vitamin B6 is not one vitamin, but a whole group of them, which consists of 3 compounds: pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. It is these 3 compounds that form the vitamin B6 we all know.
  • Despite the fact that this vitamin contains several components, it is usually called pyridoxine.


  • Pyridoxine is colorless crystals that can be easily dissolved in water and alcohol, however, it cannot be dissolved in ether and solvents that contain fats.
  • This vitamin is very easily destroyed due to exposure to light, however, it does not react at all to oxygen and high temperatures.

Pyridoxine in cosmetology

One of the most important benefits of this component is that it is able to keep human skin in good condition. Helps fight eczema, dandruff, acne and prevents dry skin. Products with vitamin B6 in ampoules are also used to strengthen hair.

Pyridoxine is a vitamin that is often used to care for oily and combination skin; it is effective in preventing acne, allergic reactions, and chronic inflammatory processes. Affects collagen synthesis and thus helps slow down skin aging processes. Promotes burning of fat cells, often used in the fight against cellulite.

Cosmetics based on this element help fight cellulite. Pyridoxine is also used for hair, which helps accelerate hair growth and prevents hair loss. Hair preparations in ampoules are used in cosmetic recipes for dry and brittle hair.

Using pyridoxine solution for hair care

With a vitamin deficiency in the body, the hair becomes dry and brittle, and the ends split. The hair growth is poor, baldness begins, the scalp becomes oily and covered with dandruff. Therefore, pyridoxine solution is often used in cosmetology for hair care.

The vitamin solution can be added to shampoos and conditioners. But more often hair masks are made based on the drug. The solution is applied to the hair, the head is wrapped in plastic wrap, then with a terry towel. In case of baldness, it is recommended to do such masks every other day, and in case of deterioration in the appearance of the hair - twice a week.

With regular use of masks:

  • hair receives enough moisture;
  • dandruff goes away;
  • the process of baldness stops;
  • shine, strength and volume return to hair;
  • hair grows faster.

Use of riboflavin in ampoules

Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is a leader among its peers in terms of beneficial properties. This drug has the following indications for use:

  • keratitis, iritis, conjunctivitis;
  • purulent furunculosis, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • intoxication due to alcohol abuse;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • myopia, astigmatism;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Patients are often surprised by the fact that riboflavin is prescribed for liver diseases. In fact, this vitamin has a very beneficial effect on the cells of this organ, preventing fatty degeneration.

Of all the other B vitamins for children, riboflavin is the most beneficial. It is optimal to use it in injection form, since this substance is not completely absorbed from capsules and tablets. Regardless of age, you need to use at least one ampoule per day, which is equivalent to 50 mg of riboflavin.

B vitamins can cause allergic reactions in a child. Therefore, before starting use, you should consult your doctor and determine the optimal duration of use and dosage.

Using Vitamin B6 for Weight Loss: Recipe

Let us immediately note the fact that pyridoxine is not a means for weight loss, however, it can act as an auxiliary substance.

  • Many people have problems with excess weight. The reason for this is an unhealthy lifestyle, a lot of delicious food and insufficient physical activity. As a result, we often get problems with metabolic processes in the body.
  • Vitamin B6 helps improve metabolism.
  • Pyridoxine takes part in fat metabolism.

B6 for weight loss

  • Taking vitamin B6 along with a proper diet and moderate exercise will give you the desired results.
  • To prevent your body from experiencing a lack of this substance, eat foods that contain it, for example, beef liver, seafood, and legumes.
  • You can also take a course of vitamin B6; for this, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will tell you the right dosage.

Composition and dosage forms

The medication is produced in two forms - tablets and solutions for intramuscular injection.

Pyridoxine tablets are round in shape and white in color. On one side they have a dividing strip visible. The main active substance of this drug is pyridoxine hydrochloride, the content of which in one tablet is 10 mg. In addition, the composition contains auxiliary elements, which include:

  • dextrose monohydrate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • calcium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • talc.

The tablets are packaged in glass bottles of 50 pieces. The cardboard package contains one bottle and instructions for using the drug.

Solution for intramuscular injection "Pyridoxine" contains the same active substance, is available in ampoules of 1 ml, 10 or 5 pieces in blister packs, 1 or 2 in a cardboard box.

Pharmacy drugs

The products are available in the form of tablets or injection solution and are used under medical supervision. The most common:

  • Pyridoxine-Vial;
  • Pyridoxine-Darnitsa;
  • Pyridoxine and analogs.

Pyridoxine in ampoules

The solution is used for subcutaneous, intravenous or intramuscular administration. The method of application depends on the purpose of the product.

Vitamin tablets

B6 preparations in tablets are used for hypovitaminosis and to improve health.

Vitamin B6 injections

Dosages are selected depending on the type of disease. The drugs are effective in the complex treatment of a number of pathologies.

Composition and release form

The drug Pyridoxine: 1 ampoule with 1 ml of solution contains 0.01 or 0.05 g of pyridoxine hydrochloride. In a cardboard package - 10 pcs.

Conditions of sale, storage and expiration date

Pyridoxine hydrochloride:

  • sold without a prescription;
  • stored in a cool, dark place;
  • has a shelf life of 3 years.

The drug Pyridoxine:

  • sold without a prescription;
  • stored in a cool, dry place;
  • Shelf life: 3 years.

The drug should be taken according to the instructions, without exceeding the established dosage


In terms of biological action, the presented medicine has quite a lot of analogues:

  • Medobiotin;
  • Biotredin;
  • Vitaxon;
  • Gamalate B6;
  • Hepasteril-A;
  • Gepadif;
  • Diclovit;
  • Combilipen;
  • Compligam B;
  • Combi gamma;
  • Magnicum;
  • Neurol;
  • Neurobex;
  • Nuvit;
  • Sedavit;
  • Fitoval;
  • Energin.

Magnicum is an analogue of the drug Pyridoxine.


Vitamin B6 is found in medicinal plants and also in food products.

The product's nameVitamin B6 content, mg%
Dry brewer's yeast5
Pine nut122
Sea ​​buckthorn0,8
Sprouted wheat grains0,7
Rice grains0,65
Chicken egg yolk0,46
White mushroom0,40
Lean herring0,30
Low-fat kefir0,05
Cream 25%0,08
Sour cream 30%0,07
Egg powder0,17
Green onions0,06
Whole milk0,06

During heat treatment of products or their long-term storage, the loss of vitamin B6 can be 15-80%.

Vitamin B6 is found in medicinal plants and also in food products.

Recommended daily intake of pyridoxine

Thanks to research, the norm of physiological need for vitamin B6 for childhood and adulthood has been determined. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the dose of pyridoxine, also differentiated by gender, is divided into normal (in mg per day) and upper, equal to 25 mg/day.

In childhood, the optimal dose of the substance is:

  • newborns up to six months - 0.5;
  • from six months to a year - 0.6;
  • from one to two years - 0.9;
  • from three to 6 years - 1.2;
  • from 7 to 10 years - 1.5.

For adolescence:

  • girls from 11 to 18 years old - 1.6;
  • boys from 11 to 13 years old - 1.7;
  • boys from 14 to 18 years old - 2.

For adults:

  • males over 19 years old - 2;
  • female - 2;
  • pregnant women - 2.3;
  • breastfeeding - 2.5.

According to the Ministry of Health, two-thirds of Russians experience a chronic shortage of pyridoxine.

Drug interactions

When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account interactions with other medications:

  1. When used simultaneously, it potentiates the effect of diuretics.
  2. When used simultaneously with levodopa, the effects of levodopa are reduced or completely inhibited.
  3. When used simultaneously with hormonal contraceptives, it is possible to increase the concentration of pyridoxine in the blood plasma.
  4. When used simultaneously with isonicotin hydrazide, penicillamine, cycloserine, the effectiveness of pyridoxine may be reduced.
  5. When used simultaneously with phenytoin and phenobarbital, a decrease in plasma concentrations of phenytoin and phenobarbital is possible.
  6. The physiological function of vitamins B1 and B6 is to potentiate each other’s action, manifested in a positive effect on the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems.

Signs of deficiency, deficiency of Vitamin B6 and consequences

Our body always quickly signals to us that something is wrong with it, however, due to our ignorance and inattention to our own health, we often do not pay any attention to these signals.

Why is it so important to understand in time that the body does not have enough pyridoxine? Because the consequences of a deficiency of this vitamin are very unpleasant and serious.

So, first, the symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency:

  • Most often, a deficiency of this substance in the human body is manifested by various skin ailments. Dermatitis and seborrhea are the most common diseases in this case. The skin of the body may become covered with red spots, and the lesions can be anywhere on the body
  • Slightly less often, a lack of pyridoxine manifests itself as stomatitis, angulitis (seizures)
  • The nervous system, as a rule, also malfunctions, resulting in depression, aggression, irritability, and nervousness. At the same time, a person often feels a constant danger to himself, activity decreases significantly
  • The functioning of the stomach is also disrupted. In this case, vitamin deficiency manifests itself as vomiting, nausea and lack of appetite.
  • Brain performance decreases, a person may become lost in time, space, and memory deteriorates significantly
  • Visual function may also suffer - blurred vision
  • There is a disruption in blood flow, which affects blood pressure
  • The protective function of the body is significantly reduced, that is, immunity deteriorates.
  • Lack of vitamin B6 leads to polyneuritis of the extremities
  • Joints can also suffer from a deficiency of this substance in the body.
  • In children, a deficiency of the substance most often manifests itself as convulsions, growth retardation and excessive excitability.

If there is a lack of vitamin, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted
. The consequences are as follows:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Joint problems
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Nervous system problems

Despite the fact that the consequences of vitamin B6 deficiency are very serious, it must be said that it is quite rare, since large amounts of pyridoxine are found in the foods most accessible to us.

The benefits of B vitamins

First, let’s figure out the benefits of injections B1, B6, B2 and B12, what effect these elements have on the body:

  • Vitamin B1 is a substance involved in the formation of fats and carbohydrates in the human body. It helps with carbohydrate metabolism and is involved in protein transamination and deamination. Its positive actions include optimizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improving the motor and secretory functions of the stomach, and normalizing heart function. B1 also has a positive effect on the reflex function of the body.
  • Vitamin B2. When choosing which vitamins are best to inject, we must not forget about the benefits of B2, which is involved in normalizing the functioning of the brain and the central nervous system as a whole. The action of the element is aimed at helping in the synthesis of important hormones and optimizing the functioning of the adrenal glands. It is also useful for the organs of vision.
  • Vitamin B6. A course of such an element is a chance to normalize the functioning of digestion, heart, and central nervous system. Many people ask whether it is possible to inject vitamins B6 and B12 at the same time. The answer is yes. When prescribing medications, doctors often combine the substances mentioned to make the dosage regimen more effective. Regarding the benefits of B6, there are a number of other points worth noting. It is responsible for maintaining sodium and potassium levels, helps maintain normal hormone balance, renews cells and participates in metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin B12. We must not forget about B12, which does not allow stress hormones to “run wild” in the body. It is also involved in the synthesis of amino acids, DNA and RNA. Its action is aimed at renewing nerve cells, helping platelet maturation, and lowering cholesterol levels. The element is especially important for women during pregnancy, because it helps cells divide. On average, it is recommended to inject four times the daily dose.

Due to the presence of B12 reserves in the liver, the likelihood of deficiency is low, but with prolonged deficiency, negative consequences may occur.

If you periodically take a course of vitamins B1, B6 and B12, then many dangerous moments can be avoided.

Benefits of vitamin for the human body

Pyridoxine performs many important functions in the human body:

  • regulates protein absorption;
  • stimulates liver function;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves the absorption of fatty acids;
  • reduces the production of oxalic acid and reduces the likelihood of kidney stones;
  • stimulates the supply of nutrients to the brain, strengthens memory;
  • reduces the effects of stress;
  • improves the absorption of folic acid;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing dermatological diseases;
  • stimulates the saturation of nerve fibers with nutrients;
  • weakens spasms and convulsions;
  • activates the synthesis of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and other hormones;
  • reduces the risk of heart attack, ischemia, atherosclerosis, thrombosis;
  • improves the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • normalizes blood clotting, lowers blood pressure;
  • reduces the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms of menstruation;
  • reduces swelling associated with chronic heart pathologies;
  • optimizes the content of minerals in tissues and blood;
  • normalizes the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • supports vision in diabetes;
  • optimizes estrogen content, reduces the risk of tumors of the female genital organs.

Instructions for use of vitamin B6 in ampoules

Release form: solution for injection (subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous) administration. It is placed in 1 ml ampoules. 1 ampoule contains 50 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride. The excipient is distilled water.

How to inject vitamin B6

The solution is injected intramuscularly (into the buttock or anterior thigh), subcutaneously (into the shoulder) or slowly intravenously (into the cubital vein). It must be remembered that intramuscular and subcutaneous injections of B6 are painful. Vitamin injections can be given independently (if you have the skills) or with the help of a specialist (medical staff). If intramuscular injections of vitamin B6 are made, then the following rules must be followed:

  1. Read the instructions carefully.
  2. Check the expiration date of the ampoules with the solution, their integrity and the condition of the substance (normally, the solution should be homogeneous, without flakes or sediment).
  3. Prepare your workplace. To carry out the manipulation you will need a sterile syringe with a needle, cotton balls, a file for opening the ampoule, gloves, 70% alcohol, vitamin B6 in ampoules.
  4. Reassure the patient before injection. This is especially true for kids.
  5. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water.
  6. Wipe dry with a clean towel.
  7. Wear gloves.
  8. Open the package with the syringe, remove the cap from the needle.
  9. Wipe the ampoule with alcohol and open it.
  10. Immerse the needle in the ampoule and draw up the solution (the vitamin should not remain in the ampoule).
  11. Release the air from the syringe.
  12. Expose the skin at the injection site. The person must lie down.
  13. Treat the skin with an antiseptic and insert the needle 3/4 deep into the muscle at a right angle. The injection is given in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock or upper thigh. Vitamin B6 preparations are administered slowly.

Daily vitamin requirements for different groups of people

For adult men and women aged 30-50 years, the daily intake of B6 is 2 mg. In old age, the norm increases to 2.2 mg. For children 7-15 years old, this figure is 1.5 mg. Boys and girls aged 15-18 years need 1.6-2 mg of vitamin daily. The body of children under 3 months should receive 0.4 mg of this substance every day, at 4-6 months 0.5 mg of the vitamin is required, at 7-11 months - 0.6 mg, at 1-3 years - 0.9 mg , at 4-7 years old - 1.2 mg, at 8-11 years old - 1.5 mg.

Overdose and side effects

No cases of vitamin B6 overdose have been identified. Any vitamins and vitamin complexes may exhibit undesirable effects. The following side effects are possible when pyridoxine is administered:

  • skin rashes;
  • hives;
  • increased secretion of hydrochloric acid (can cause exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers).

Absorption and excretion from the body

If you take pyridoxine orally in tablet form, absorption occurs in the stomach and small intestine. After the substance is absorbed into the systemic circulation, it is transformed in the liver. Biologically active metabolites are formed there - pyridoxaminophosphate and pyridoxal phosphate. The vitamin is distributed in the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord, muscles and liver. Excretion occurs through the kidneys and urine. When pyridoxine is administered intravenously, about 2% is excreted in the bile.

Indications for use. Vitamin B6 deficiency in the body

It has been scientifically proven that the substance can eliminate the negative effects of stress and lack of sleep, so preparations with B6 are prescribed to people suffering from chronic fatigue, excessive physical exertion and people often exposed to psychological stress. Pyridoxine is useful for depression, fatigue, various diseases of the heart, skin, nervous system and many other pathologies.

Vitamin B6 is involved in the treatment of a number of emotional disorders. A deficiency of this vitamin can negatively affect the formation of certain hormones, resulting in hormonal imbalance and worsening emotional well-being.

The active substance is useful in the treatment of many diseases, such as anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy, insomnia. The action of the vitamin helps normalize weight, reduce pain, reduce the risk of developing cancer and control blood sugar levels.

Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B6 is extremely rare, but the dosage of this substance should be increased when treating a number of diseases. A higher intake of vitamin B6 should be ensured for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, etc.

Vitamin deficiency can cause a number of pathological processes in the functioning of the nervous system and metabolic processes of the body

Vitamin B6 deficiency

The lack of this substance causes disturbances in protein metabolism in the body, infiltration of fatty liver tissue and degenerative changes in the nervous system. Vitamin deficiency may cause the following diseases: anemia, dermatitis, glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), chapped lips, depression, insomnia.

There is an increased risk of vitamin B6 deficiency in people with diseases such as ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, alcoholism, liver cirrhosis, and Crohn's disease. Long-term treatment for more than 6 months with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause a deficiency of this substance.

Smoking, alcohol abuse and frequent fasting contribute to B6 deficiency in the body. Its first signs are weakness, the appearance of acne and dandruff, inflammatory processes on the skin, mucous membranes, irritability and nausea. With a more pronounced deficiency of this vitamin, seizures, migraines, depression, insomnia and impaired concentration may occur.

An unhealthy lifestyle and certain diseases require an increased amount of this substance. Such factors include alcoholism, taking certain medications, intense physical activity, chronic diseases (arthritis, vascular disorders, etc.)

Vitamin B6 deficiency is associated with the functioning of 3 types of tissues: skin, blood and nervous system. With an insufficient amount of this element, diseases such as anemia, skin irritations, as well as the following conditions begin to develop: depression, absent-mindedness, exhaustion, anxiety, etc.

Symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency include fatigue, loss of appetite, dry skin, hair loss, cracked lips, insomnia and oral swelling. In addition, there may be incoordination, irritability, confusion, and muscle weakness in different parts of the body.

Daily vitamin requirements for different groups of people

FloorAgeDaily requirement
Babiesup to 6 months0.1 mg
Babies7-12 months0.3 mg
Children1-3 years0.5 mg
Children4-8 years0.6 mg
children9-13 years1.0 mg
Boys14-18 years old1.3 mg
Girls14-18 years old1.2 mg
Men19-59 years old2.0 mg
Men60-74 years old2.2 mg
Women19-59 years old1.8 mg
Women6-74 years2.0 mg
Nursing and pregnant women2-2.2 mg

With a balanced diet, the required amount of vitamin comes from food

With a balanced diet, the required amount of vitamin pyridoxine comes from food. Since the component plays an important role in protein metabolism, its required dosage can be determined based on the amount of protein in the body.


Structural analogues that contain the active substance pyridoxine are the drugs Pyridoxine Bufus and Pyridoxine Vial. There are similar vitamins or vitamin-like drugs that are similar in pharmacological group:

  1. Medobiotin. Ingredients: pyridoxine hydrochloride, calcium pantothenate, nicotinamide, alpha-tocopherol acetate, riboflavin biotin. Medicines are prescribed for psycho-emotional disorders, disorders of the digestive tract, diseases of the skin, nails, and hair.
  2. Magwit. Ingredients: pyridoxine hydrochloride, magnesium citrate. Indicated for damage to the nervous system, muscle cramps, intestinal spasms and other manifestations of vitamin B6 deficiency.
  3. Magnelis. Ingredients: pyridoxine hydrochloride and magnesium lactate. Prescribed for convulsions, stress, effective for psoriasis, necessary for normalizing intestinal motility.

General characteristics of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 is a collective concept that combines several substances that are similar in chemical structure with common bioactivity:

  • pyridoxine (pyridoxole);
  • pyridoxamine;
  • pyridoxal;
  • their phosphate derivatives.

They are highly soluble in water, do not collapse in the presence of oxygen, but easily disintegrate in light in a neutral or alkaline environment. All forms, except pyridoxine, are characterized by resistance to elevated temperatures.

The vitamin comes from outside with products of both plant and animal origin and is partially produced in the body by the natural intestinal microflora.

What is pyridoxine used for?

B6 is necessary for adults and children. It improves fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Physical and chemical properties

Vitamin B6 is an organic, biologically active substance that appears as crystals. It is highly soluble in water, resistant to alkalis and acids. In solutions, pyridoxine can withstand high temperatures, but is quickly destroyed when exposed to sunlight. The pyridoxine solution itself is clear, colorless or slightly yellowish.

This substance is formed by molecules of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. In order for vitamin B6 to exhibit its beneficial properties, it must be converted into a phosphorylated form in the human body. Pyridoxine undergoes oxidation with potassium permanganate. This produces the aldehyde pyridoxal. By heating vitamin B6 with ammonia, pyridoxamine can be obtained.

Physiological role

This substance has the following meaning for humans:

Supports normal functioning of the nervous system. Due to it, the formation of neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters) necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses occurs. Has an anticonvulsant effect. Participates in amino acid metabolism. With the participation of pyridoxine, the formation of methionine, cysteine ​​and tryptophan occurs. Is a coenzyme. Indirectly affects the processing and metabolism of proteins. Participates in the formation of histamine (a mediator of allergic and inflammatory reactions). Normalizes the tone of the uterus

This is important for pregnant women. Vitamin B6 reduces the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Normalizes fat metabolism. Promotes the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which is important for providing tissues with oxygen. Participates in the formation of certain hormones. Promotes the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Affects the production and action of insulin, which ensures the maintenance of proper blood glucose levels. Reduces total cholesterol levels, reducing the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke and coronary heart disease (heart attack, angina). Has a beneficial effect on the liver. Has a calming effect. Slows down the aging process. Reduces inflammation. Reduces the severity of premenstrual syndrome.

The body needs the vitamin to strengthen the immune system, as well as for nails and hair.

Pyridoxine. What kind of vitamin is this? Physiological role. Why does the body need pyridoxine?

Pyridoxine is a form of vitamin B6; it was discovered in the 1920s. The peculiarity of this element is that its excess does not accumulate in the human body. The component has many benefits and is actively involved in maintaining good human health.

this active substance plays an important role in the functioning of all systems of the human body

The main functions of pyridoxine:

  1. The active substance interacts with a number of enzyme systems in the body. This improves the functioning of the nervous system, prevents the development of arthritis, strengthens the immune system and eliminates many diseases.
  2. Boosting immunity. The vitamin plays an important role in stimulating the human body's immune system and preventing many infections. Thanks to the action of the substance, the human body can resist a number of diseases.
  3. Metabolism. The vitamin takes part in the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, various vitamins, amino acids, etc.
  4. Premenstrual syndrome. During PMS, the amount of pyridoxine in the female body decreases, which leads to mood swings, loss of sexual desire and other problems. Vitamin B6 helps reduce PMS symptoms. Including foods rich in this substance in your diet is the most effective solution during this period.
  5. Heart and kidney diseases. Vitamin B6 helps control the level of fat that accumulates in the blood vessels of the organ, thus protecting a person from a number of heart diseases. In addition, the substance helps prevent the formation of kidney stones, thereby maintaining this important organ in normal condition.

pyridoxine plays an important role in all physiological processes of the body

Physical and chemical properties

Pyridoxine performs a number of important functions in the body:

  1. Participates in the metabolism of tryptophan, the formation of gamma-aminobutyric acid, the conversion of serine to glycine, the synthesis of hemoglobin and other substances.
  2. The vitamin functions as a coenzyme in more than 100 enzymatic reactions associated with the metabolism of amino acids and plays a crucial role in their synthesis.
  3. Plays a key role in the metabolism of neurotransmitters and is involved in the synthesis of vitamin B3.
  4. Increases the level of immunity in the body and supports the formation of antibodies.
  5. The component is necessary for the formation of hormones such as serotonin and other types.
  6. The substance takes part in the process of gluconeogenesis, during which glucose is synthesized from non-carbohydrate compounds.

Pyridoxine is an important component necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body.

Including foods high in substances in the diet helps improve the condition of the nervous system, heart and kidney function, prevents premature aging of neurons and increases the body's resistance to colds and other diseases.

a person gets the necessary vitamin from food

Sources of vitamin B6

These products include: meat, fish (especially tuna), liver, potatoes, bananas, buckwheat. The lack of pyridoxine can be compensated for by regularly consuming red fish, white or red meat, cottage cheese, chicken eggs, legumes and Brussels sprouts. It is recommended to include such foods in your diet 1-2 times a week.

High content of vitamin B6 is found in cereals, brewer's yeast, nuts, carrots, and spinach. The human body receives vitamin B6 from animal products about 40%, plant foods - about 60%. When switching to a vegetarian diet, which excludes foods of animal origin, it is necessary to increase foods rich in vitamin B6 in the diet.

pharmachologic effect

The use of the drug with pyridoxine compensates for the deficiency of vitamin B6.


Vitamin B6 is involved in metabolic processes and is necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Pyridoxine is part of many coenzymes, participates in the metabolism of tryptophan, methionine, cysteine, glutamic and other amino acids, histamine and lipid metabolism.

After pyridoxine hydrochloride is introduced into the body, it undergoes a transformation process in the liver with the formation of active metabolites. They are distributed throughout muscle tissue, nerve fibers and liver cells. They penetrate from mother to fetus through the placenta and into breast milk. Metabolites are excreted primarily by the kidneys and partly with bile.

Signs of excess, overdose of Vitamin B6 and consequences

If you take the drug in the indicated daily doses, then there will be no excess in the body, since the substance does not accumulate in us and is used up very quickly.

  • If an overdose does occur, it often manifests itself in the form of an allergy, that is, itching, redness of the skin
  • If the dose that was introduced into the body is 200-5000 mg, then perhaps the symptoms will manifest themselves in the form of numbness of the limbs, tingling
  • Sometimes an excess of vitamin B6 manifests itself in dizziness and fainting, however, for such a manifestation, taking the vitamin in extremely large doses requires more than one or two days
  • As a rule, all signs and symptoms of a substance overdose disappear immediately after its use is stopped.

Vitamin B in ampoules: names of drugs

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of medications containing B vitamins. Ampules may contain individual elements or combinations thereof. Among the presented assortment there are Russian and foreign medications.

Among the combined Russian preparations containing several vitamins – B1, 6, 12 – the following can be distinguished:

  • Vitagamma;
  • Trigamma;
  • Compligam;
  • Combilipen.

Among the foreign combined agents, the most famous are the following:

  • Milgamma;
  • Neurobion;
  • Neurorubin;
  • Beviplex – B1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12.

Among the single-component medications in ampoules, for which these B vitamins are used will be discussed below, the most popular are:

  • Thiamine – B1;
  • Pantothenic acid – B5;
  • Pyridoxine – B6;
  • Cyanocobalamin – B12.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Insufficient saturation of the body with vitamin B6 causes:

  • Decreased muscle tone and the appearance of apathy and weakness.
  • Deterioration of cognitive abilities and concentration.
  • Disorder of the functioning of the hematopoietic system, up to the occurrence of anemia.
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, cheilosis, stomatitis).
  • Violation of fluid balance and the appearance of swelling.
  • Imbalance of nervous activity (irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue occur).
  • Decreased immunity and body resistance to external factors.
  • Loss of appetite.

Daily requirement for vitamin B6

Click on the image to enlarge it.
Individual levels of pyridoxine have been developed for different countries, which are recommended to be consumed daily. Ranges from 1.1-2.6 mg/day. The maximum amount of vitamin that can be consumed without health consequences is 25.0 mg/day

Despite the fairly wide prevalence of pyridoxine and its derivatives in food products, among 2/3 of the population of the Russian Federation there is an insufficient supply of this vitamin [2].

Dosing when taking B6

To prevent hypovitaminosis B6 during heavy exercise or taking medications, an adult is recommended to take a short course (up to 10 days) of fortified dietary supplements containing 5-10 mg of the vitamin. This is enough to reduce the risk of vitamin deficiency. For children, the prophylactic dosage is selected based on age.

Therapeutic doses for correcting B6 deficiency can be tens of times higher than accepted norms.

Pathological conditionB6 dosage in milligrams/day
Carpal tunnel syndrome (exacerbation)150
Predisposition to cardiovascular pathologies (to control homocysteine ​​levels)3, but higher doses can be prescribed for short courses.
Premenstrual syndrome100
Bronchial asthma (frequent asthma attacks)100
Boosting immunity in the elderly50

The dosage and duration of the treatment course are selected taking into account the condition that has arisen.

Vitamin B6 is prescribed in tablets. For better absorption of the element, it is recommended to drink pyridoxine together with magnesium.

Solgar, Magnesium, with Vitamin B6, 250 Tablets

916 rub.
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Studies have shown that volumes over 100 milligrams are less absorbed with a single dose. If more than 100 mg is prescribed, then the daily dose should be divided into 2-3 times. Drink after meals.

B6 injections are prescribed when it is impossible to take tablets (impaired absorption of vitamins in the intestines, vomiting). A 1 or 5% injection solution is used, in 1 ml ampoules. Injections are given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. The drug is administered into a vein after dilution with saline, but for injections under the skin or into a muscle, dilution of the medication is not required.

The duration of the course of injections is 10-15 procedures. Injections are given daily or every other day, alternating with other vitamin preparations.

Description of drugs

Vitamin B6 is produced in the form of tablets and injection solution. It is also found abroad in the form of drops - it is easier to give this product to small children using a pipette, but there is a risk of exceeding the recommended dosages. For children, products with small dosages are used - the child’s body needs less B6, and therefore ordinary “adult” products can cause an overdose.

Among the drugs in low concentrations are the following:

  • Solgar Vitamin B6, 25 mg;
  • OZONE Pyridoxine hydrochloride, 10 mg;
  • Blagomin B6, 2 mg.

Before taking any drug, be sure to read the instructions for use.

Solgar Vitamin B6 25 mg

Solgar, Vitamin B6, 25 mg, 100 Tablets

378 rub.
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The drug is made in the USA. Contains only B6, without additional substances. Available in tablet form, which can be divided into parts if necessary. Made from natural raw materials, without the use of GMOs.

Reviews indicate a noticeable decrease in anxiety and improved memory. Hyperactive children become more diligent and can concentrate better and longer. Use with caution in case of increased stomach acidity.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride, 10 mg from OZONE

Pyridoxine (Vit B6) tab. 10mg n50

from 29 ₽

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Monocomponent drug produced in the Russian Federation. It is made from synthetic raw materials, and therefore has lower bioavailability than natural vitamin. According to reviews, it improves memory and improves psycho-emotional background. When taken simultaneously with magnesium drugs, it enhances the effect of the latter, producing a pronounced sedative effect.

Blagomin B6, 2 mg

Blagomin vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) caps. 2mg n90

from 105 ₽

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Monocomponent additive, which is produced in the Russian Federation. Contains the optimal daily dosage, and therefore eliminates the need to divide tablets. Available in enteric capsules. Reviews of the drug show that the supplement rarely causes allergic reactions in children, but for adults with severe hypovitaminosis its effect is not enough.

Pyridoxine 50 mg in ampoules

If children urgently need vitamin B6, and it is not possible to take a pill, they are prescribed to take the drug in the form of injections. Injectable drugs can be monocomponent or multicomponent.

NameManufacturerDosage B6, mgAdditional componentsPrice for 1 ampoule, rub
PyridoxineJSC Dalkhimfarm503.2
NeuromultivitisG.L.Pharma GmbH100thiamine, cyanocobalamin36.2
NeurobionMerck KGaA100thiamine, cyanocobalamin91
LarigamaLLC Grotex50thiamine, cyanocobalamin, lidocaine25.3
CombilipenJSC Pharmstandard100thiamine, cyanocobalamin, lidocaine29

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The advisability of administering injections is always discussed with the pediatrician. Self-administration can cause an overdose and cause a hyperreaction on the part of the growing body.

What is Pyridoxine hydrochloride

Long-term infections, poor nutrition, malabsorption syndrome and prolonged stress cause a lack of vitamin B6 in the body. Pyridoxine hydrochloride is a drug that acts to correct this deficiency. Pyridoxine was accidentally discovered in the 20s of the twentieth century. This is an easily soluble transparent substance that does not accumulate in the human body, and once ingested, it is completely eliminated within 5-8 hours.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride belongs to the group of active coenzymes. Externally, this substance looks like transparent crystals, soluble in ethanol and water, having a lot of useful properties. The resulting alcohol or aqueous solution mixes well with essential oils and fats. The substance does not oxidize in air, but is easily decomposed by light. Pyridoxine hydrochloride melts when heated without chemical destruction.

Vitamin B6 and health.

Cardiovascular diseases.

Scientists have found that some B vitamins (folic acid, vitamin B12 and B6) can reduce the risk of developing problems with the heart and blood vessels by reducing homocystine levels.

A study of more than 5,500 adults with established diagnoses of cardiovascular disease found that when supplemented for 5 years with dosages of vitamins: B6 (50 mg/day), B12 (1 mg/day), folic acid (2.5 mg/day), homocestin levels and the risk of stroke are reduced by 25%. This experiment was carried out without isolating a separate effect from b6.

There are also studies that have not found a positive effect or improvement in the condition of patients from the use of drugs with b6.

This area has not been fully studied and requires in-depth experiments.


Some scientists have suggested that the development of certain types of cancer may also depend on a lack of vitamin B6. For example, according to the results of a meta-analysis, people who consumed this substance in large quantities (acceptable limits) had 20% fewer cases of colorectal cancer than those whose levels were at the lowest limits.

However, the small number of studies in this area have failed to demonstrate the beneficial effects of B6 in preventing the onset of cancer or reducing cancer mortality.

Cognitive functions.

Several studies have demonstrated a link between B6 and brain function in older adults. It has been found that with a higher concentration of vitamin b6 in the blood, there are better indicators of cognitive functions such as memory.

In this area, further evidence is also needed. Since all the experiments carried out were not sufficiently complete and long-lasting.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

There is some data indicating a decrease in the negative effects of premenstrual syndrome with B6 supplements. However, they are not of sufficient quality. For example, one study of 1,000 women with PMS found that a vitamin B6 supplement had a more positive effect on PMS than a placebo. The study was not of sufficient duration.

A newer study of 94 women found that 80 mg of pyridoxine given daily over three cycles significantly reduced a range of PMS symptoms, including: mood swings, irritability, forgetfulness, bloating, and anxiety.

This is most likely due to the role of pyridoxine as a cofactor in neurotransmitter biosynthesis.

It also requires additional proven grounds.

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

About half of women experience discomfort in the form of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and 50-80% experience only nausea in the first months of pregnancy. These conditions are not of any threatening nature, and usually disappear after 12-20 weeks from the moment of conception, but these symptoms cause some discomfort in the lives of women.

All research in this area is quite contradictory.

Two randomized, placebo-controlled trials found that 30–75 mg of oral pyridoxine per day significantly reduced nausea in pregnant women. Some studies have failed to draw firm conclusions.

Another study found that a combination of pyridaxine and doxylamine (an antihistamine) reduced nausea and vomiting in pregnant women by 70% and reduced hospitalizations associated with these problems.

Some recommendations include taking 10-25 mg daily three to four times daily to reduce these symptoms. If the situation does not improve, it is recommended to add doxylamine.

In any case, consultation with a doctor is required.

Pyridoxine for hair

Vitamin masks prepared at home are very popular. Pyridoxine for hair is often used for this purpose. It is known that this substance has a positive effect on hair growth and normalizes blood circulation.

To make a mask for medium-length hair, use Pyridoxine-Vial in ampoules - about 4-5 pieces.

You need to mix a spoonful of castor, olive and burdock oils. Heat this mixture in a water bath, add Pyridoxine-Vial solution and any other essential oils that suit your hair type. Mix everything well and apply to hair. You can put on a cap and wait for 30-40 minutes. Then wash your hair and rinse well with cool water. Practice shows that such a product makes hair not only shiny and silky, but healthy and strong.


Pyridoxine hydrochloride or its substitutes can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered from a catalog and purchased inexpensively in an online store. The price of drugs varies depending on the marketing policy of the outlet, manufacturer, and delivery distance. Average cost of Pyridoxine and its analogues in pharmacies in the Moscow region:

Name Manufacturer Price (rubles)
Pyridoxine ampoules 10 pcs. Armenia 25.00
Pyridoxine tablets 50 pcs. Russia 40.00
Magvit capsules 30 pcs. Belarus 200.00
Magnelis tablets 50 pcs. Russia 350.00
Magnelis forte tablets 30 pcs. France 730.00

Multivitamin complexes

B vitamins, acting together, have the maximum effect on the body, so doctors usually recommend taking them in the form of complete vitamin complexes. All vitamin preparations are balanced in composition and have a minimal risk of allergic reactions. Still, it would be a good idea to monitor the child’s condition and well-being in the first days of admission.

Redness or rash that appears in the first three days requires discontinuation of the chosen remedy and selection, together with a doctor, of an even safer option. Taking vitamins should be stopped if the child experiences vomiting or diarrhea. By postponing use for a while, you can continue the treatment course after eliminating all ailments.

READ ALSO: which vitamins are best for a 6-year-old child: tips

In some cases, according to medical indications, intramuscular injections may be prescribed, but even this procedure can be replaced by taking tablets or capsules with group B microelements. Dr. Komarovsky says the following about this: “Vitamins will be perfectly absorbed with their usual use. The injection option is practiced only if the child is not able to swallow the pills on his own.”

Vitamins from the Multi-Tabs series

READ IN DETAIL: instructions for using “Multi-Tabs” for children

  • “Multi-Tabs Intensive” - this complex contains not only B vitamins (B12, B6, B1, B2 and others), but also A, C, D, E. In addition, the microelements included in the composition will provide invaluable benefits to the body: calcium , iodine, selenium, iron, copper, magnesium, chromium, zinc. The minimum age for admission is 12 years. The drug should be taken 1 tablet in the first half of the day after meals.
  • The drug "Multi-Tabs B-complex" includes the following substances: riboflavin, pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), pantothenic acid, folic acid and cyanocobalamin (B12). Suitable for use by children over 12 years of age. Take 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day. It is advisable to take it during or immediately after meals. The minimum duration of therapy is 2 months.
  • For younger children, there is a children's version of the vitamin complex. It's called "Multi-Tabs Baby". The dosage is the same, only it is recommended to crush the tablet before taking it.

READ ALSO: children's vitamins to improve memory and brain function for children

Vitamin preparations "Pikovit"

This series is adapted for young children. All age characteristics of the child are taken into account here.

  • The product “Pikovit syrup” with a large amount of vitamins (A, D, C, PP, B2, B6, B1, B12, BB) is approved for use by children from 1 year.
  • The preparation “Pikovit Omega-3” (more details in the article: instructions for use of “Pikovit” for children over 3 years old) contains all the vitamins contained in the syrup (A, D, C, PP, B2, B6, B1, B12, BB ), plus Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E (see also: what vitamins are there for children’s growth?). It can be taken by children over 3 years of age.
  • "Pikovit complex" is approved for use by children from the age of three. The composition of this drug is rich in vitamins (B2, B6, B1, B12, BB, A, D, C, PP) and minerals. Available in pharmacies in the form of chewable lozenges.
  • The product “Pikovit Plus” has an expanded composition. Elements such as calcium, iodine, zinc and iron are presented here in higher concentrations. Chewable tablets of this type are recommended for children over 5 years of age.
  • In Pikovit Forte multivitamins, all vitamins (A, D, C, PP, B2, B6, B1, B12, BB) and minerals have a double dose. This type of series is intended for schoolchildren (from 7 years old), because it is during this period that children experience a sharp increase in not only mental, but psychological stress. The child finds himself in a stressful environment, and our task is to help and protect him as much as possible. The complex can be used as a prophylactic to exclude autumn and spring vitamin deficiencies.

READ ALSO: vitamins for children over 3 years old

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Popular preparations containing vitamin B6

The synthetic vitamin is available in tablet and injection forms.

Trade names of drugs:

  • Vitamin B6;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride;
  • Piridobene;
  • Pyridoxine-Vial;
  • Pyridoxine-SOLOpharm.

Vitamins B6.
In combination with thiamine and cyanocobalamin, it is included in multivitamins such as Neurobion, Milgamma, Neurorubin, Neuromultivit, Neurovitan, etc. These are imported drugs; their domestic analogues are Vitagamma, Combilipen, Trigamma, Compligam V.

Beviplex and Beviplex N are combination preparations that contain vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, H and PP.

Popular vitamin and mineral complexes with magnesium:

  • Magnelis B6 (Russia);
  • Doppelhertz active Magnesium+B6 (Germany);
  • Magne-B6 (France);
  • Magnikum (Ukraine);
  • Magwit (Poland);
  • Magnemax (Ukraine), etc.

Other complex products: Polyneurin, Angiovit, Pikovit, Biotredin, Pentovit, Sana-Sol, Undevit, Multi-tabs, etc.

You can also replenish pyridoxine reserves with the help of nutritional supplements (B Complex, B-50, Tienshi, etc.).

It is recommended that you seek medical advice before taking any vitamin supplement. Occasional self-administration of over-the-counter oral multivitamins is acceptable for preventive purposes.

List of indications

Pyridoxine hydrochloride is necessary for:

  1. toxicosis in pregnant women;
  2. radiation sickness;
  3. dermatitis, including children's;
  4. diseases of the nervous system;
  5. hepatitis in acute or chronic form;
  6. herpes zoster;
  7. hypochromic microcyter anemia;
  8. neurodermatitis;
  9. postencephalitic parkinsonism;
  10. lack of B6;
  11. exudative diathesis;
  12. ulcers of the stomach and (or) duodenum.

Hair mask with vitamins in ampoules

  1. Herbal-vitamin mask. Thiamine, cyanocobalamin, A, E (1 ampoule each), nettle, chamomile and linden flowers 1 tbsp. l., a little bread crumb made from rye flour. Pour the herbal mixture into 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Separate the infusion from the plants, put the crumb and vitamins into it. Distribute over the strands, wrap your head in polyethylene and a towel for 1 hour.
  2. Pepper-vitamin mask. Combine 1 ampoule of cyanocobalamin (B12) and 2 tbsp. l. pepper tincture, moisten the roots with the mixture and insulate. Leave for no more than 15 minutes, rinse hair thoroughly.
  3. Burdock-vitamin mask. 2 tbsp. l. Warm burdock oil slightly and combine with 1 ampoule of pyridoxine (B6). Rub the mixture into the skin and roots, insulate, and leave for 60 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. You can improve the properties of the mask by adding 1 tsp. honey or lemon juice.

What is vitamin b6 for?

In the human body, pyridoxine (vitamin B6) performs many important functions. With its deficiency, the blood becomes viscous, which leads to the formation of blood clots, increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Also, pyridoxine deficiency reduces the immune system, after which bacterial and viral infections easily develop. Vitamin B6 promotes the production of antibodies that protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms. Functions performed by pyridoxine:

  • regulates cholesterol levels;
  • improves red blood cell synthesis;
  • if the water balance is disturbed, it has a diuretic effect (diuretic);
  • regulates the balance of potassium, glucose, magnesium, sodium;
  • contribute to the normal functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • regulates stomach acidity;
  • stabilizes the level of progesterone, estrogen, testosterone (male and female sex hormones).

When an appointment is absolutely necessary

There is a category of people for whom taking pyridoxine hydrochloride is necessary in a higher dose. These include:

  • women 2 weeks before the start of menstruation, when the body produces large amounts of estrogen;
  • people taking steroids;
  • women taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • people with obesity, as their metabolism is slow;
  • patients using antidepressants;
  • heavy smokers;
  • those who abuse alcohol;
  • AIDS patients;
  • drug addicts;
  • those who regularly experience physical and mental stress.

B vitamins in ampoules: their effect on the body

B vitamins include 12 elements, each of which has its own beneficial effect on the body.

All vitamins in this group are presented in the table:

Item nameAction provided
B1 – thiamine hydrochlorideResponsible for the regulation of energy metabolism, necessary for the nervous and muscular systems, ensures the proper functioning of the heart, affects the bone marrow
B2 – riboflavinRegulates metabolism, normalizes the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates entering the body, affects the organs of vision and skin
B3 – PPNecessary for metabolism and hormones, promotes the production of fats and proteins, has a good effect on the nervous system
B4 – cholineProvides fat metabolism in the liver, helps improve memory
B5 – pantothenic acidPromotes renewal of mucous membranes, has a positive effect on the skin, renewing it
B6 – pyridoxine hydrochlorideResponsible for the formation of neurotransmitters, maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous system
B7 – biotinImportant for the health of the skin, hair, and nail plates
B8 – inositolProvides the strength of blood vessels, protects them from the formation of blood clots and various pathologies. Positively affects brain function, supports the nervous system normally
B9 – folic acidOrganizes the correct process of cell division, forms nucleic acids
B10 – para-aminobenzoic acidPromotes the absorption of protein entering the body and forms the required amount of red cells in the blood. Has a good effect on the skin
B11 – levocarnitineAffects metabolic processes, supports the body during intense physical activity
B12 – cyanocobalaminOrganizes hematopoietic processes in the bone marrow, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system

Interaction of vitamin B6 with other substances

  1. Alcohol and estrogen drugs reduce the absorption of pyridoxine in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Vitamin B6 is an antidote for hydrazine poisoning, which is used in the production of plastics, rubber, insecticides, and also as a component of rocket fuel. In medicine, hydrazine preparations are used as a cytostatic agent for malignant tumors.
  3. The biological effectiveness of vitamin B6 is reduced by the immunosuppressant penicillamine, anti-tuberculosis drugs cycloserine, isoniazid, ftivazide and tubazid, anticonvulsants and hydrocortisone.
  4. Pyridoxine reduces the therapeutic effectiveness of levodopa

List of used literature:

  1. Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia:,
  2. Methodological recommendations MR “Standards for the consumption of energy and nutrients for the population of the Russian Federation.”
  3. Priscilla J. Masse;Jacqueline Boudreau; Carol S. Trancant; Rodney Wallet; Karen L. Erickson (2012). “Type 1 diabetes disrupts vitamin B6 metabolism in women.” Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism. 37 (1): 167–75. doi:1139/h11-146. PMID 22288928.
  4. Arve Ulvik;Midsun Oivend; Eva R. Pedersen; Simon Eyssen; Ottar Nygaard; Ueland, Per M (2014). "Evidence for Increased Catabolism of Vitamin B-6 in Systemic Inflammation." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 100(1): 250–5. doi:3945/ajcn.114.083196. PMID 24808485.
  5. L. S. Rall; S. N. Meydani (1993). "Vitamin B6 and immune competence." Nutrition reviews. 51 (8): 217–25. PMID 8302491.
  6. Melissa Corken; Judy Porter (2011). “Is vitamin B6 deficiency an insufficient risk in patients receiving hemodialysis? Systematic review: 2000–2010.” Nephrology. 16 (7): 619–25. doi: 1111/j.1440-1797.2011.01479.x. PMID 21609363.

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Overdoses and side effects

An overdose of vitamin B6 in children occurs quite rarely. Pyridoxine is a water-soluble substance, and therefore is quickly excreted from the body through the kidneys. If the daily norm is exceeded multiple times (10-20 times), the child may experience the following symptoms:

  • hives;
  • a feeling of squeezing and “pins and needles” in the limbs;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

If recommended dosages are often exceeded, lactic acid begins to accumulate in the kidneys, liver and muscles, and blood clotting decreases. Therefore, B6 is prescribed with caution for bleeding disorders and hemophilia.

There is no specific treatment for pyridoxine overdose. It is recommended to stop taking the drug, increase the amount of fluid consumed and take an enterosorbent.

Interaction of B6 with drugs.

Some types of medications can affect B6 levels.

  • Cycloserine.

A broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed for tuberculosis. In combination with pyridoxine, it increases urine output along with pyridoxine, which can lead to increased neurotoxicity.

  • Antiepileptic drugs

They increase the rate of B6 catabolism, leading to a decrease in PLP in the blood and hyperhomocysteinemia. High levels of homocestin in people taking these drugs may increase the risk of seizures and stroke, and reduce the ability to control epileptic seizures.

Some studies have shown that the use of peredoxin 200 mg/day for 12-120 days may reduce serum concentrations of phenytoin and phenobarbital, most likely by increasing drug metabolism.

  • Theophylline

Prescribed for shortness of breath and other breathing problems caused by asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema.

Use of this drug reduces plasma levels of PLP, which may contribute to the development of neurological and central nervous system diseases

Indications for use

Hypovitaminosis B6 in children is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of dermatitis of unknown origin;
  • cracks on the lips and corners of the mouth;
  • frequent stomatitis in a child;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • decreased appetite;
  • frequent nausea and vomiting.

The appearance of the above symptoms is not a reason to immediately take B6. Deficiency of B vitamins has similar symptoms, and therefore it is not recommended to prepare your own treatment. Only a pediatrician can prescribe the use of a vitamin, who will indicate the exact dosage, taking into account the characteristics of the diet and the child’s health condition.

Pyridoxine is prescribed as part of complex treatment of the following diseases:

  • anemia of various origins;
  • increased bilirubin levels in newborns;
  • hepatitis;
  • neurological disorders;
  • diabetes.

Acute B6 deficiency in newborns can cause pyridoxine-dependent seizures. They arise due to the immaturity of the nervous system and an insufficient amount of neurotransmitters, in the synthesis of which the vitamin takes part. In such cases, infants are injected with B6 until the deficiency is compensated.

If a child is breastfed and is prescribed pyridoxine, a nursing mother should not take B6 according to the instructions. The vitamin partially passes into milk and inhibits lactation.

Vitamin deficiency and symptoms of vitamin B deficiency

It is extremely necessary to be able to identify vitamin deficiencies. Their deficiency is called the problem of the 21st century. Hypovitaminosis is a fairly common occurrence in children of all ages. Interestingly, vitamin deficiency, in particular B1, can most often be found among those children who prefer buns and pasta in their food.

Reasons that may indicate that the body has a lack of B vitamins:

  • insomnia;
  • deterioration of the skin (dryness, itching, burning) (B2);
  • numbness;
  • increased breathing, palpitations with minor physical exertion;
  • hair loss and dryness;
  • stomatitis;
  • increased irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue, lethargy, passivity (B12);
  • disorders in the digestive system (B9);
  • dermatitis, conjunctivitis (B6);
  • drowsiness, poor vision (B5);
  • loss of appetite (B1, B3);
  • memory impairment, difficulty concentrating (B4).

If the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice. Because only a qualified specialist can determine the cause of the child’s unhealthy condition and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Pyridoxine hydrochloride is a drug that belongs to a group of drugs that affect tissue metabolism in the human body. The active component included in its composition is 2-Methyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-di-(hydroxymethyl) or pyridine hydrochloride. It is a fine-crystalline white powder with a sourish-bitter taste and no odor. Excipients of the drug include:

  • talc;
  • calcium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Dextrose monohydrate (glucose).

pharmachologic effect

Pyridoxine normalizes the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, participates in the metabolism of aminocarboxylic acids: glutamic acid, tryptophan, methionine and others. Vitamin B6 promotes normal lipid metabolism. The use of Pyridoxine will help launch the body's metabolic processes by converting the active substance into pyridoxal-6-phosphate. This compound is a coenzyme substance that activates enzymes necessary for the normal metabolism of amino acids and lipids.

  • Angiovitis - composition of vitamins, instructions for use, indications, side effects, analogues and price
  • Magnelis B6 - instructions for use for treatment and prevention
  • Neurobion - instructions for the drug

Vitamin B6 during pregnancy

A pregnant woman definitely needs increased amounts of vitamins and minerals. After all, now she must provide them not only for herself, but also for the rapidly developing body of the baby. Adequate consumption of pyridoxine ensures the full course of all metabolic processes, the normal development of the child’s nervous system and his mental abilities in the future. Pyridoxine also contributes to the normal functioning of the hematopoietic system in the fetus.

Doctors additionally note that vitamin B6 increases maternal immunity, prevents the development of toxicosis in pregnant women, relieves nausea and prevents vomiting. Often, pyridoxine in combination with magnesium is prescribed to prevent increased uterine tone.

Diseases of the digestive or nervous system, pain and muscle cramps, fatigue and constant weakness, frequent mood swings - all these symptoms may indicate a lack of pyridoxine in the body of the expectant mother.

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